Pi_314B and his problem with the PF Staff

  • Thread starter Pi_314B
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around a disagreement between the participant and the moderators of a science-based forum. The participant believes that the moderators have a "bully mentality" and quash any thinking about new or unknown ideas. They also mention a previous forum dedicated to personal ideas which was shut down due to an influx of cranks. The moderators defend their actions and state that they are dedicated to making the forum a better place for serious free thinkers. The participant also expresses a desire for open discussions in the philosophy section of the forum.
  • #1
Tom Mattson said:
But the thing is, you don't have a theory that has been verified to 10+ decimal places to back up your claim, do you?

Well I do, it's called QED.
For starters - I'm not making any claim. Just stating the possibilities, of which one of them you choose to completely ignore. I have no problem with this. Speculate as much as you will, but at least allow others to do the same.
My personal opinion is that a vast majority of the moderators at this site need to chill a little. It's almost like a bully mentality. Here is a line that says it all (Most users ever online was 1264, 05-13-2004 at 09:26 PM.). That is about the time the moderators started throwing their weight around. Is it a better place now? I'm sure most mods would say yes!

I beg to differ. Mostly because the moderators quash any thinking about things yet unknown. The constant brow beating at even the attempt has any free thinker off to greener pastures. I personally would like to read what others have to say, not what I know you have to say. I'd rather read a quack than an elephant that never forgets, because the elephant has already tooted it's horn.
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  • #2
Mostly because the moderators quash any thinking about things yet unknown.

No, just the unscientific thinking. :-p

I'd rather read a quack than an elephant that never forgets, because the elephant has already tooted it's horn.

If you're looking for quacks, then why visit a forum dedicated to science?
  • #3
Pi_314B said:
For starters - I'm not making any claim.

Yes, you are. You said:

"This is speculation on your part.",

followed by what you think is a viable alternative. Declarative sentences such as those are rightfully construed as claims.

Just stating the possibilities, of which one of them you choose to completely ignore. I have no problem with this. Speculate as much as you will, but at least allow others to do the same.

You have no idea of what you are talking about, with respect to both the science and myself. Light is observed to carry energy, and energy is observed to be conserved. Every scientific experiment ever designed to test that principle has borne it out as true. An excited atomic energy state plus a photon going to a deexcited atomic energy state plus a photon would violate a principle that has long been known to be accurate.

So in short I refuse to regard your alternative as a viable explanation not because I regard my speculations as better than yours, but because I am not speculating, and I know that you are wrong.

My personal opinion is that a vast majority of the moderators at this site need to chill a little. It's almost like a bully mentality.

We don't bully anyone. We have policies, and we enforce them. If you don't like the policies, then you can find another place to post. It's as simple as that.

Here is a line that says it all (Most users ever online was 1264, 05-13-2004 at 09:26 PM.). That is about the time the moderators started throwing their weight around.

Again, you have no idea of what you are talking about. We experienced a spike in viewership at that time because of the topic on the Nicholas Berg beheadding (May 8, 2005). The viewership spike was noted here:

A new record!

And PF has always been a strongly moderated site. We didn't just start in May of last year. That's one of the reasons we are appreciated so much by the many people who come here and are serious about science.

Is it a better place now? I'm sure most mods would say yes!

Of course it's a better place now. Every action we take is designed to make PF a better place, and we are confident that we have been successful.

I beg to differ. Mostly because the moderators quash any thinking about things yet unknown.

Have you not noticed that we recently opened up an entire new forum for just that very thing?

The constant brow beating at even the attempt has any free thinker off to greener pastures. I personally would like to read what others have to say, not what I know you have to say. I'd rather read a quack than an elephant that never forgets, because the elephant has already tooted it's horn.

You of course realize that you are free to vote with your feet and leave, right?
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  • #4
I split this off from https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=83978.

Have a ball. :rolleyes:
  • #5
Hurkyl said:
No, just the unscientific thinking. :-p

By your judgement

If you're looking for quacks, then why visit a forum dedicated to science?
This site is dedicated to past science, with not even a sliver of space given to the potential for anything new. In other words - For the most part this site has nothing to say that hasn't already been said.
I tend to visit just the philosophy section mostly because the moderators stand down and keep an arms length from it, and as a result the discussions are open. Do you intend to lay waste to that too?
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  • #6
For the love of god, would you please be kind enough to get at least some of your facts straight?

Pi_314B said:
This site is dedicated to past science, with not even a sliver of space given to the potential for anything new.

We had a https://www.physicsforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=12 forum where people could toss around their personal ideas. It went south over the years, becoming a haven for cranks. So we retired that forum and went to great lengths to draft policies for a new, moderated forum where serious free thinkers could present their ideas in a forum with a better signal-to-noise ratio.

My basic point is that you are wrong. PF has always had a place for new ideas, and we have just made a significant improvement in the way in which we are doing it.

In other words - For the most part this site has nothing to say that hasn't already been said.

Forgetting for a moment the fact that you are dead wrong about that, let me ask you this: Do you know all of the things that have already been said that are discussed here? Have you learned all of physics, mathematics, and engineering? No?

Well if you haven't heard it, then it's new to you!

I tend to visit just the philosophy section mostly because the moderators stand down and keep an arms length from it, and as a result the discussions are open.

We have policies regarding the Philosophy section, too. Nonsense is not tolerated anywhere on the site.

Do you intend to lay waste to that too?

My take on this: You have an extremely warped idea of what PF is, what it should be, and what our goals are. I think you should give serious consideration to the possibility that PF is just not for you. Either that, or just accept PF for what it is and seek for what you are really looking for elsewhere. There are certainly sites out there that have the kind of unrestrained speculation that you seem to want.
  • #7
Pi_314B said:
This site is dedicated to past science, with not even a sliver of space given to the potential for anything new. In other words - For the most part this site has nothing to say that hasn't already been said.
I tend to visit just the philosophy section mostly because the moderators stand down and keep an arms length from it, and as a result the discussions are open. Do you intend to lay waste to that too?

Are you having PROBLEMS with trying to find places where you can frolic in SPECULATIVE science? Because if you are, just say so. I would be MORE than happy to recommend you to the MAJORITY of forums on the net dedicated to what you wish to read and do.

On the other hand, go around the net and try, if you can, find open forum sites that emphasize on the VALIDITY and quality of what is being discussed based as closely to what scientists would do. There aren't THAT many! What you want OUTNUMBERS the forum of PF caliber by orders of magnitude! Yet, there are still people like you who simply cannot be satisfied to see even a SMALL number of sites dedicated to such things. Why is that?

And don't give me this crap about "past science". If you are ignorant about the details of what works and can be explained, you won't know what's new even if it comes and bite you on your rear end. Your imagination without knowledge is just ignorance waiting to happen. Furthermore, there are MANY research-front works being discussed in PF. Coupling of high-Tc superconductors, spin-charge separation in 1D transport, fermionic condensates, etc. etc. are ALL new, not in textbooks, and STILL highly active research area. Did you understand that these are not "past science"? Nooooooo...

  • #8
Oh yes, and about this bit:

Pi_314B said:
By your judgement

By my reckoning we have at least 2 physicists with PhD's on the staff, one of whome works at Argonne and the other at CERN. We have mathematicians, biologists, grad students, and teachers on the staff as well.

What you are failing to comprehend is that the Staff members here are actually qualified to make such judgements, which is what makes PF such a special place. That's why people who want to talk about science come here instead of all the crank sites out there, of which there is certainly no shortage.
  • #9

Ya came in like vultures.

Nice touch.
Maybe you're right ( PF isn't for me). I couldn't get a word in edgewise anyway. You've got this moderator thing down to a science. You might even call it a new science. :smile:

By the way - My original point about the photon is correct. Your failure to see the point was probably masked by the need for new meat.

Congradulations! You lost another member for no reason at all, but to elevate yourselves.

Pitiful ..... just pitiful.
  • #10
Pi_314B said:
By the way - My original point about the photon is correct. Your failure to see the point was probably masked by the need for new meat.

:smile: So a simple, "I'm right" is all you've got to offer, eh? Sorry, but we don't play that way here at PF. We have a higher standard than that.

Congradulations! You lost another member for no reason at alll

Don't let the door hit you on the kiester. :smile:

On that note, I think I've been patient enough with this. I can only tolerate so many illogical complaints based on falsehoods in one day, and I think this thread has put me past my limit. This thread is done.

FAQ: Pi_314B and his problem with the PF Staff

1. Who is Pi_314B and what is his problem with the PF Staff?

Pi_314B is a user on the online forum Physics Forums (PF). His problem with the PF Staff arose when his account was suspended for allegedly violating the forum's rules.

2. What is the reason behind Pi_314B's account suspension?

The exact reason for Pi_314B's account suspension has not been disclosed by the PF Staff. However, it is believed that it was due to his posts not following the forum's guidelines, such as promoting personal theories and attacking other users.

3. Has Pi_314B's suspension been lifted?

As of now, no official statement has been made by the PF Staff regarding Pi_314B's suspension. However, some users claim that they have seen him active on the forum again, suggesting that his suspension may have been lifted.

4. Is there any evidence to support Pi_314B's claims against the PF Staff?

No concrete evidence has been presented by Pi_314B to support his claims against the PF Staff. However, there have been discussions and speculations among users regarding the fairness of his suspension and the actions of the PF Staff.

5. What is the current status of Pi_314B's situation with the PF Staff?

As there has been no official statement from the PF Staff, the current status of Pi_314B's situation is uncertain. It is advised that users refrain from making assumptions and wait for a statement from the PF Staff.

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