Unraveling the Mystery of Pluto's Orbit and Planetary Motion

  • Thread starter RuroumiKenshin
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In summary, Pluto's weird orbit can be attributed to its location in the Kuiper Belt and possible interactions with other outer planets. Its moon, Charon, was originally considered the planet due to its larger size. Pluto is thought to be an escaped moon of Neptune or a Kuiper Belt object that was captured by the solar system. The moon Triton orbits Neptune in the opposite direction of all other satellites, further supporting the theory that it is a Kuiper Belt object. These deviations from the preferred sense of rotation can be seen in other solar system bodies, such as Neptune's rings and Triton's decaying orbit.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Pluto's weird orbit

Why does pluto orbit the sun the way it does? For that matter, why do all the planets orbit the way they do?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Since all the planets formed at roughly the same time from the same disc of dust (so the theory goes) all of them would necessarily be orbiting in the same direction. Pluto being so far out is most likely to be purturbed by interaction between it and the other outer planets, screwing up the orbit. It also may simply be that its an escaped moon of Neptune.
  • #3
Why isn't charon considred the planet, and pluto its moon? What's the current definition of a planet?
  • #4
Originally posted by MajinVegeta
Why isn't charon considred the planet, and pluto its moon? What's the current definition of a planet?

"Pluto" was discovered in 1930,

When It was first discovered, it due to a search for a planet that was causing a variation in Neptune's orbit.

It was also thought to be larger at that time. (At the resolution available at that time, the images of Pluto and Charon merged to together making what appeared to be one body.)

When, in 1978, the two body nature of "Pluto" was discovered, it was just natural to designate the larger of the two bodies as Pluto, and the smaller as its moon.

Pluto retains the designation of Planet mainly through tradition.
  • #5
Why isn't charon considred the planet, and pluto its moon?
The biggere one is the planet.
  • #6
charon is bigger than pluto.
  • #7
Pluto has a radius of ~ 1,120 km, while Charon has a radius of ~ 593 km. Pluto is bigger than Charon.
  • #8
Pluto may be a body adopted by our solar system, orbiting in the sense of other solar bodies. What if Pluto had approached our system from the opposite direction - would it have been as likely to have been captured, or at all? What of comets, do they all orbit in the same sense as the planets?

How about around a given planet; are there any substantial moons that circle in opposition to each other, or to parent planetary rotation in general? When we send an artificial satellite around a body, does it orbit with, or against the natural satellites present?

In other words, what deviations are there for orbiting or rotating bodies in the Solar system from the preferred sense (Sun's?) of rotation? Neptune seems the odd god out.
  • #9
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Pluto may be a body adopted by our solar system, orbiting in the sense of other solar bodies. What if Pluto had approached our system from the opposite direction - would it have been as likely to have been captured, or at all? What of comets, do they all orbit in the same sense as the planets?
Although there is some possibility that Pluto may be an escaped movement of Neptune, or an object completely foreign to our solar system, I think it far more likely than that it is simply a very large Kuiper Belt object. The Kuiper Belt is an asteroid Belt just outside the orbit of Neptune that appears to mark the end of the planetary system, and the beginning of the Oort cloud, just as the inner asteroid Belt appears to mark the end of the Rocky planets and the beginning of the gas giants.

How about around a given planet; are there any substantial moons that circle in opposition to each other, or to parent planetary rotation in general? When we send an artificial satellite around a body, does it orbit with, or against the natural satellites present?
One of the largest moons in the solar system, Triton, orbits Neptune in the opposite direction from all other satellite and planetary orbits. This gives rise to the conjecture that it, too may be a very large Kuiper Belt object. Only in this case, one that actually has gotten trapped into and orbit. Further evidence is the fact that this orbit is far more elliptical than any of the other satellites in the solar system, and that it is decaying. Eventually, Triton will pass too close to Neptune and get torn apart, adding to Neptune's already complex ring system. Almost makes one wonder if that is where all the material for Neptune's rings originally came from.

In other words, what deviations are there for orbiting or rotating bodies in the Solar system from the preferred sense (Sun's?) of rotation? Neptune seems the odd god out.

FAQ: Unraveling the Mystery of Pluto's Orbit and Planetary Motion

1. What is the orbit of Pluto?

The orbit of Pluto is elliptical, meaning it is shaped like an oval. It is also tilted at an angle of about 17 degrees relative to the plane of the rest of the planets in our solar system.

2. How long does it take Pluto to orbit the sun?

Pluto's orbit around the sun takes approximately 248 Earth years. This means that it takes almost 250 years for Pluto to make one full trip around the sun.

3. Why does Pluto have such an irregular orbit?

Pluto's orbit is influenced by the gravity of other planets in our solar system, particularly Neptune. This gravitational pull causes Pluto's orbit to be more eccentric and inclined compared to the other planets.

4. How was Pluto's orbit and planetary motion first discovered?

Pluto's orbit and planetary motion were first discovered by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh in 1930. He observed a tiny speck of light moving across the sky, which he identified as a new planet.

5. Has Pluto's orbit and planetary motion changed over time?

Yes, Pluto's orbit and planetary motion have changed over time due to the gravitational pull of other planets, particularly Neptune. These changes in orbit are also affected by the tilt of Pluto's axis, which causes its distance from the sun to vary over time.
