What courses are you taking next semester?

In summary: I might take it next winter though. In summary, the student plans to take:Math 140C - Multivariate Analysis IMath 162B - Differential Geometry IIMath 199 - Independent Study - Intro to Lie AlgebrasMath 121B - Linear Algebra IIMath 141 - Intro to TopologyMath 112C - PDEs II
  • #1
The semester is nearing its end. Show us your spring schedules!

Scanning Probe Microscopy
Nuclear Solid State Physics
Exotic Nuclei B
Theory of Nucleosynthesis
Theoretical Nuclear physics
Social and Historical Aspects of Physics
Master Thesis: Preparation
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
eXorikos said:
The semester is nearing its end. Show us your spring schedules!

Scanning Probe Microscopy
Nuclear Solid State Physics
Exotic Nuclei B
Theory of Nucleosynthesis
Theoretical Nuclear physics
Social and Historical Aspects of Physics
Master Thesis: Preparation

Geeze what a show off! Impressive schedule. As planned for me:

PY 413- Thermal Physics
PY 314- Spacetime Physics
MA 425- Real Analysis 1
NE 202- Radiation Sources/Interaction/Detection
SOC ?- Some 200 level sociology course

Expecting a pretty varied course load. Especially interested in the nuke class.
  • #3
Sadly no math classes this semester, first time since forever I guess. Still will be learning plenty of math just in a different setting. Anyway

Electromagnetic Fields
Electronics II w/ lab
Signals and Systems
Intro to Digital Systems w/ lab

total of 17 credits
  • #4
Calculus III
Intro to Differential Equations
Physics II w/Lab
Team Leadership & Project Management (IE Course)

Lighter load, but my commute is 3hrs round trip per day...such fun.
  • #5
Physics I + lab (Honors)
Computer Science I + lab
Intro to Proofs
Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Intro to Number Theory
  • #6
Technical Communication 2
Instrumentation for Mechanical Systems
Applied Differential Equations and Vector Calculus
Ethics for Technologists
Theory of Mechanisms*
Fluid Power 2*
Engineering Economics*
Thermal Engineering 2
Machine Design 2
Mechanical Control Systems*
Engineering Design Project

*denotes half term course.

Working towards B.Eng via a 2 year Mechanical Technologists program
  • #7
Vector Calculus
Digital Electronics
Passive Electronic Circuits
Laboratory I
Probability, Statistics, and Numeric Methods
System Modeling and Networks
  • #8
Hmm oh well,

Numerical Methods II
Linear Algebra cont'd
Multivariable Calculus
Mechanics I
Mathematical Modelling/Being an Engineer

Yup, still a freshman.
  • #9
Physical Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry
Process Operations I
Calc III
  • #10
Calculus III
Intro to Differential Equations
Intro to Linear Algebra
World Civ 2
Advanced Writing 1
  • #11
Graduate Real Analysis
Graduate Complex Analysis
Graduate PDE
Quantum Mechanics
Computational Physics
  • #12
Physics major, upper undergrad level courses:
Quantum mechanics I (first semester of the 1 year course)
Thermodynamics I (first semester of 1 year course)
Modern Physics II (molecules and atomic physics)
I might be studying on my own several other courses but that's my schedule.
  • #13
Design and analysis of algorithms
Computer networks
Database Systems
Parallel Programming Techniques
  • #14
Final year courses:

Differential Equations 3
Financial Calculus
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Applied Mathematical Modelling 3

Partial Differential Equations
Statistical Inference
Linear and Generalized Linear Models
Complex Variables and Group Theory
  • #15
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Fourier Analysis
General Chemistry 2 (I'm a slacker, and didn't do this right away)
Junior Seminar (1 credit seminar course, I'm a senior, but I couldn't take it last year)
Capstone research project
  • #16
Jack21222 said:
...General Chemistry 2 (I'm a slacker, and didn't do this right away)

I don't blame you.

No offense to the chemistry majors here; it's just not my thing. =]
Last edited:
  • #17
Real Analysis 2
Differential Geometry
Algebraic Topology (grad)
Intermediate Mechanics
Algorithms or Fourier Analysis... basically some engineering course for fun. not sure which yet

I kinda want to take quantum mechanics 2 but my school's retarded and put it at the same timeslot as real analysis 2...
  • #18
Electronics for Science Students
Computational Physics
Modern Physics
Physical Optics
Astrophysics: Galaxies and Cosmology
  • #19
Group Theory
General Topology
Measure Theory

  • #20
Engineering Economy
Advanced Engineering Math 1
Discrete Structures of Computer Science
Physics 2 (Maybe)

Combined total of 20 Credits
  • #21
Electricity & Magnetism (upper div)
Modern Physics
Experimental Methods
Statistics & Probability
16 units, should graduate after Fall 2012
  • #22
Mechanics and Heat Lab
Mechanics of Materials
Electronics and Instrumentation 1
Introduction to MATLAB
Roman Art
  • #23
Gravitational Astrophysics and Cosmology
Electromagnetic Theory II
Intro to Thermal Physics
Quantum Mechanics I
Computer Simulations in Physics
  • #24
Partial Differential Equations
Mechanics II- Dynamics
Intro to Mechanical Design
Technical Communications (the one I already have doesn't count)

I may have more to add to that, but not what you'd expect.
  • #25
Winter Quarter:

Math 140B - Real Analysis II
Math 162A - Differential Geometry I
Math 147 - Complex Analysis
Math 199B - Independent Study - Intro to Lie Group Theory

Then I got to decide to either take:
Math 199B - Prep class for the COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling or
Math 112B - Partial Differential Equations II

I will probably participate in the COMAP contest, whether or not I officially take the prep class for credit. If I decide to take the PDEs II class, it will probably be a really hard quarter for me, so I may decided to take the COMAP class and audit PDEs II, but I am afraid if I audit PDEs, I probably won't take it as seriously as I should (as in, I will prob sacrifice that class first, if work begins to pile up). I also plan to audit Math 206B - Grad Algebra II, I audited the first quarter of Grad Algebra last quarter, but I really feel I got nothing out of it because it was always the first class to be sacrificed when the work load got large (hence my fear of just auditing PDEs II)

Spring will probably look like:
Math 140C - Multivariate Analysis I
Math 162B - Differential Geometry II
Math 199 - Independent Study -Intro to Lie Algebras

And possibly take either
Math 121B - Linear Algebra II or
Math 141 - Intro to Topology or
Math 112C - PDEs II or
a 2 of the three.

Again, tough decisions. I WANTED to take Complex Analysis this winter, but was originally supposed to take Linear Algebra II, but the class was canceled (I preferred Complex, but actually NEEDED Lin Algebra II). So not taking Linear II this winter totally made my Spring complicated.
  • #26
Mechanical Engineering undergrad

Heat Transfer I
Fluid Mechanics II
Theoretical Physics B (mostly electromagnetism)
Lab in Thermal Sciences
Lab in Mechanical Properties
Methodology in Mechanical Engineering Projects
German B1
  • #27
Quantum mechanics 2
Statistical Mechanics.
Solid State Physics.
Computational Physics.
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics.

First may get swapped for Atmospheric physics.
  • #28
Analysis II
Rings and fields
Differential Geometry
Combinatorics ( still deciding on this one )
  • #29
Sheesh, I feel like I am posting my schedule in crayon, compared to the difficulty of some of these courses.

I'm taking:

Calculus III w/ Analytical Geometry
Physics II w/ Calculus
Differential Equations
Organic Chemistry I
Logic and Proof in Mathematics
  • #30
If I decide to kill myself/get substantial self-study done over the break, I'll be taking:

Quantum Mechanics II
Electricity & Magnetism I (upper div)
Intro to General Relativity
Partial Differential Equations
Intro to Abstract Algebra.

If not, then I'll probably replace GR with Modern Physics, Urdu or maybe just stick with 4 classes.
  • #31
Only 7 more credits until I graduate w/MS in mathematics.

-Harmonic Analysis (Independent study, 4 credits)
-Master's thesis (4 credits)

Yeah I know that's 8 credits, which is the minimum I need for the GA position.
  • #32
Condensed Matter
Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics 2
Astrophysics 2
Game Theory (Philosophy)
  • #33
grad topology
knot theory
real analysis 2
numerical analysis
some random history class
  • #34
QM 1
E&M 2
Senior Lab
Computational Physics
  • #35
QuarkCharmer said:
Sheesh, I feel like I am posting my schedule in crayon, compared to the difficulty of some of these courses.

Your crayon still has me surpassed:

Calculus 2 (4hrs)
Speech (3hrs)
Intro to Sociology (3hrs)

Ten hours while working 45 is all I can handle, even with 2 gen-ed classes.

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