Probability a sample mean will fall in a range

In summary, a random sample of size n = 81 is taken from an infinite population with mean μ = 128 and standard deviation σ = 6.3. With a sample mean X, the probability of it falling between 126.6 and 129.4 is 0.9544, assuming the population distribution is Gaussian or normal. This is determined using the z statistic and normal tables, as the sample size is large enough to make this a reasonable approximation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A random sample of size n = 81 is taken from an infinite population with the mean μ = 128 and the standard deviation σ = 6.3. With what probability can we assert that the value we obtain for the sample mean X will fall between 126.6 and 129.4?

The Attempt at a Solution

z = (x-μ)/(σ/sqrt(n))
so we have
z = (126.6-128)/(6.3/9) = -2 and z = (129.4-128)/(6.3/9) = 2
so the probability it will fall in the range is
F(2) - F(-2) = .9772 - .0228 = .9544

is this correct?
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  • #2
This depends on the actual distribution in the population. You can only do what you did if this distribution is assumed to be Gaussian.
  • #3
Gaussian means "normal" right? I am confused a bit about that. In my book they seem to use "z" for the test statistic and use "t" when the population is known to be normal. From what I can tell they are the same thing except that with z you use the standard normal table and with t you use a different table with a certain amount of degrees of freedom. I don't think I fully get it.
  • #4
toothpaste666 said:
Gaussian means "normal" right? I am confused a bit about that. In my book they seem to use "z" for the test statistic and use "t" when the population is known to be normal. From what I can tell they are the same thing except that with z you use the standard normal table and with t you use a different table with a certain amount of degrees of freedom. I don't think I fully get it.

I do not actually believe you; I think you are mis-reading your book (although, to be honest, I am making this judgement sight-unseen). Typically, for an independent random sample from an underlying normal (=Gaussian) distribution with mean ##\mu## and variance ##\sigma^2##: (1) we use ##z## and normal tables when we KNOW the value of ##\sigma##; but (2) use ##t## and t-tables when we do not know ##\sigma##, but have estimated it from the sample data itself.

In case (2), we estimate
[tex] \text{estimator of }\: \sigma^2 = \frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - \bar{x})^2 [/tex]
where the sample values are ##x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n## and ##\bar{x} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n x_i ## is the sample mean. In that case the jargon is that there are ##n-1## "degrees of freedom".

In the limit as ##n \to \infty## the t-distribution with (n-1) degrees of freedom becomes the standard normal, so using ##z## is like having infinitely many degrees of freedom.
  • #5
so for either of the two statistics to work, the distribution must be normal?
  • #6
toothpaste666 said:
so for either of the two statistics to work, the distribution must be normal?

Theoretically, yes, but for a large sample-size, using the "normal" results give a "reasonably accurate" approximation. This is based on the so-called Central Limit Theorem; see, eg.,
or .

For a "reasonable" non-normal underlying distribution, a sample size of n = 81 is likely large enough that normal-based estimates will be informative, if not absolutely accurate.
  • #7
ahh ok what my book actually says is use z for samples of n>30 with σ known and if σ is not known replace σ with s and if the sample is n<30 And the population is normal use t. so since my sample is large enough, my solution to this problem should be close enough?
  • #8
toothpaste666 said:
ahh ok what my book actually says is use z for samples of n>30 with σ known and if σ is not known replace σ with s and if the sample is n<30 And the population is normal use t. so since my sample is large enough, my solution to this problem should be close enough?

Asked and answered.
  • #9
thank you

FAQ: Probability a sample mean will fall in a range

What is the definition of "probability a sample mean will fall in a range"?

The probability of a sample mean falling in a range refers to the likelihood or chance that the average value of a sample will fall within a specific range of values. It is typically represented as a decimal or percentage between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating no chance and 1 indicating certainty.

How is the probability of a sample mean calculated?

The probability of a sample mean is calculated using the formula for the standard error of the mean, which takes into account the sample size, standard deviation, and the desired range of values. This formula is used to estimate the probability that a sample mean will fall within a certain distance from the true population mean.

What is the significance of the probability of a sample mean falling in a range?

The probability of a sample mean falling in a range is important because it allows us to make predictions and draw conclusions about a larger population based on a smaller sample. It also helps us to determine the reliability and accuracy of our sample data and to assess the likelihood of obtaining similar results in future studies.

Can the probability of a sample mean falling in a range be 100%?

Technically, the probability of a sample mean falling in a range can never be 100%, as there is always a small chance of error or deviation from the true population mean. However, as the sample size increases, the probability of the sample mean falling within a specific range approaches 100%.

How can the probability of a sample mean falling in a range be used in decision making?

The probability of a sample mean falling in a range can be used in decision making by providing a measure of confidence in the results of a study or experiment. If the probability is high, it suggests that the sample data is representative of the population and can be used to make informed decisions. However, if the probability is low, it may indicate that the sample data is not reliable and further investigation is needed.

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