How Do You Calculate the Probability of a Sum in n Dice Rolls?

In summary: I do not want to simply brainstorm solutions leading to a sum of r, unless it is easy to generalize from there to n dice (which, from my consideration of n=2 and n=3, doesn't seem like the case - I need a more general way of thinking about it).The more general way is above, and going through specifics does generalize eventually - it's just not so obvious. Perhaps revisit combinatorics?If you want to revisit combinatorics, I recommend looking for a more general guide or using a search engine like Google to find a solution. Same way you calculate any probability - the number of ways it can happen divided by the total number of things that can happen.
  • #1
How does one calculate the probability of a sum of r in the dice rolls of n dice? Can a probability distribution be written for something like this, to calculate the probability of a sum greater than r, greater than or equal to r, equal to r, less than or equal to r, less than r, etc.?

I do not want to simply brainstorm solutions leading to a sum of r, unless it is easy to generalize from there to n dice (which, from my consideration of n=2 and n=3, doesn't seem like the case - I need a more general way of thinking about it).
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  • #2
How does one calculate the probability of a sum of r in the dice rolls of n dice?
Same way you calculate any probability - the number of ways it can happen divided by the total number of things that can happen.

Can a probability distribution be written for something like this, to calculate the probability of a sum greater than r, greater than or equal to r, equal to r, less than or equal to r, less than r, etc.?

I do not want to simply brainstorm solutions leading to a sum of r, unless it is easy to generalize from there to n dice (which, from my consideration of n=2 and n=3, doesn't seem like the case - I need a more general way of thinking about it).
The more general way is above, and going through specifics does generalize eventually - it's just not so obvious. Perhaps revisit combinatorics?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Same way you calculate any probability - the number of ways it can happen divided by the total number of things that can happen.


The more general way is above, and going through specifics does generalize eventually - it's just not so obvious. Perhaps revisit combinatorics?

What should I use to revisit combinatorics properly? I've read the Schaum's Outline but it doesn't seem to cover problems of this standard.
  • #4
Schaum probably has enough information to get you going - you only need the basic concepts: the bit before "combination" and "permutation" notation is defined.
OR you can just and see how others have done it...
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  • #5
There is a general method related to the combinatorics of the problem. Consider the product:

[itex] (x + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + x^5 + x^6)^3 [/itex]

If you multiply it out and combine like terms then, for example, the coefficient of x^4 gives the number of sequences of 3 die rolls that produces a sum of 4.

This method is an example of using "generating functions" in combinatorics The term "generating function" has differnt meanings in different branches of math, so to search for the topic on the web, you should use a more specific search that the keywords "generating function". There are many examples on the web of using this type of generating function as a step in solving problems like "How many ways can you pay a dollar debt if you have 3 quarters, 5 dimes, and 6 nickels".

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Probability of a Sum in n Dice Rolls?

What is probability after rolling two dice?

The probability after rolling two dice is the likelihood of a specific outcome occurring. This can be calculated by dividing the number of desired outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes.

What is the probability of rolling a specific number on two dice?

The probability of rolling a specific number on two dice is 1/36, or approximately 2.78%. This is because there are 36 possible outcomes when rolling two dice, and only one of those outcomes will result in the specific number being rolled.

How do you calculate the probability of rolling a specific total on two dice?

The probability of rolling a specific total on two dice can be calculated by dividing the number of desired outcomes (combination of numbers that add up to the total) by the total number of possible outcomes, which is 36.

What is the probability of rolling a higher number on the second dice if the first dice rolls a specific number?

The probability of rolling a higher number on the second dice if the first dice rolls a specific number is 5/11, or approximately 45.45%. This is because out of the 11 possible outcomes when the first dice rolls a specific number, 5 of those outcomes will result in a higher number on the second dice.

What is the probability of rolling a total higher than a specific number on two dice?

The probability of rolling a total higher than a specific number on two dice is 15/36, or approximately 41.67%. This is because out of the 36 possible outcomes, 15 of them will result in a total higher than the specific number.
