Probability Interpretation of QM

After doing some research and reading through the responses, I learned that Max Born interpreted psi in Schrodinger's equation as a probability amplitude because probability must be a real, positive value, while the wavefunction can obtain both negative and complex values. This led him to believe that it should be interpreted as an amplitude rather than just a probability. In summary, Max Born's motivation for interpreting psi in this way was rooted in the need for a real, positive value for probability.
  • #1
What is it that motivated Max Born to interpret psi in Schrodinger's equation as a probability amplitude? It seems a very strange thing to do - first of all what made him think that the elementary properties of particles should be of a statistical nature, and second why did he interpret it as a probability amplitude rather than just a probability?
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  • #2
probability must be a real, positive value. The wavefunction can obtain both negative and complex values-> hence the need to interprent it as an amplitude
  • #3
Bobhawke said:
What is it that motivated Max Born to interpret psi in Schrodinger's equation as a probability amplitude? It seems a very strange thing to do - first of all what made him think that the elementary properties of particles should be of a statistical nature, and second why did he interpret it as a probability amplitude rather than just a probability?
I was curious about this myself and so asked basically the same question in this thread:

FAQ: Probability Interpretation of QM

1. What is the probability interpretation of QM?

The probability interpretation of QM, also known as the Copenhagen interpretation, states that the wavefunction in quantum mechanics represents the probability of finding a particle in a certain state and location.

2. How does the probability interpretation differ from other interpretations of QM?

The probability interpretation differs from other interpretations, such as the many-worlds interpretation, by focusing on the measurement process and the role of the observer. It does not view the wavefunction as representing multiple parallel universes, but rather as a mathematical tool for predicting the likelihood of measurement outcomes.

3. Can the probability interpretation be proven?

No, the probability interpretation cannot be proven as it is a philosophical interpretation of quantum mechanics rather than a scientific theory. It is based on the observations and experiments conducted in quantum mechanics, but it cannot be proven as the only correct interpretation.

4. What are the implications of the probability interpretation?

The probability interpretation has significant implications for our understanding of reality and the role of the observer in the universe. It suggests that the act of measurement or observation affects the behavior of particles, and that the concept of a definite, objective reality may not apply at the quantum level.

5. Are there any criticisms of the probability interpretation?

Yes, there are criticisms of the probability interpretation, including the argument that it does not provide a complete explanation of the underlying mechanics of quantum systems. Some also argue that it relies too heavily on the role of the observer and does not offer a fully objective view of reality.

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