Probability of a rock striking a windshield in a particular location

In summary, the windshield has a width of 1067mm and a height of 889mm, with a crack that is 305mm in length and 1mm in height. The probability of a rock, with a measurement of 1mmx1mm, hitting the center of the crack along its length is either 1/289,311,715 or 305/948,563, depending on the interpretation of the event. This assumes a uniform distribution of impact points across the entire area of the windshield and the crack's centerline being the only relevant factor. The problem may also vary depending on the shape of the rock being modeled.
  • #1
The windshield of a car has a width of 1067mm and a height of 889mm. The windshield also has a crack with a length of 305mm and a height of 1mm. What is the probability of a rock, with a random trajectory and a measurement of 1mmx1mm, hitting the windshield strikes directly in the center of the crack anywhere along its length?

Am I correct to calculate...?
Possible contact area of the windshield = 948,563mm^2
Possible contact area of the crack = 305mm^2
Probabilty of the rock striking the crack directly in the center of the crack anywhere along its length = 1/948,563(1/305) = 1/289,311,715
...or is it simply 1/948,563 and please explain why the former or the latter is correct
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  • #2
  • #3
CatastrophicF said:
strikes directly in the center of the crack anywhere along its length?

It isn't clear to me whether the event described is the event that the center of the rock hits the center line of the crack or whether the event is that any point on the rock hits the center line of the crack. (I assume the question isn't whether the center of the rock or some point on it hits the single point that is the "center of the crack".)
  • #4
Stephen Tashi said:
It isn't clear to me whether the event described is the event that the center of the rock hits the center line of the crack or whether the event is that any point on the rock hits the center line of the crack. (I assume the question isn't whether the center of the rock or some point on it hits the single point that is the "center of the crack".)

It would be the rock hitting the center line of the crack.
  • #5
CatastrophicF said:
It would be the rock hitting the center line of the crack.

So which alternative is that? - any point on the rock hitting the center line? If so, can't the center of the rock be anywhere in length of 306 mm ? - assuming the crack doesn't extend to the edge of the window.
  • #6
As I read this, it is a homework exercise. A real-world windshield is unlikely to have this kind of aspect ratio, is unlikely to have cracks with a measurable height and one is unlikely to ask about rocks hitting dead-center in a 1 mm air gap that a crack has created.


The windshield is rectangular.
The crack is horizontal (implied by the use of the word "height" to characterize it).
The rock is modeled as a square impact area that is 1 mm horizontal by 1 mm vertical.
The distribution of impact points is uniform across the entire area of the windshield, all the way up to the edges.
This distribution specifies where the center of the rock strikes.
The endpoints of the crack are at least 1/2 mm away from the edges of the windshield.
A "hit" is defined as an event where any point on the rock intersects with any point on the centerline of the crack.

[These assumptions mean that the height of the crack is irrelevant. The edges of the crack do not enter into the question. Only its centerline does]

How far above or below the crack centerline can the rock impact and still be considered a hit? How far to the left or right of the crack can the rock impact and still be considered a hit? What is the area of the region containing impact points that will be considered hits? What is the total area of the windshield?

How do things change if the rock is modeled as a circle rather than as a square? How much does this affect the final result?
  • #7
jbriggs444 said:
As I read this, it is a homework exercise.

I agree. It's the type of problem where you must think about how pedagog's think rather than think about reality. The answer given by lurflurf suits me. I'm just wondering why the problem bothered to give the dimensions of the rock if it only cares about where the center of the rock hit. If it only cared about the center line of the crack being hit by some point on the rock, why did it bother to give a width for the crack? (Maybe part B of the question is to solve the problem for a 2mm x 2mm wide rock and a 3mm wide crack! )

FAQ: Probability of a rock striking a windshield in a particular location

What is the probability of a rock striking a windshield in a particular location?

The probability of a rock striking a windshield in a particular location depends on various factors such as the location's geographical features, weather conditions, and the frequency of rocks falling in that area. It is not possible to give an exact probability without considering these factors.

How can the probability of a rock striking a windshield be calculated?

The probability of a rock striking a windshield can be calculated by dividing the number of times rocks have struck windshields in a particular location by the total number of observations. However, this calculation may not accurately reflect the actual probability if the sample size is small.

What are the common causes of rocks striking windshields in a particular location?

The common causes of rocks striking windshields in a particular location include natural factors such as erosion, landslides, and falling rocks from cliffs or mountains. Human activities like construction, mining, and road maintenance can also contribute to the likelihood of rocks striking windshields in a specific area.

Can the probability of a rock striking a windshield be reduced?

Yes, the probability of a rock striking a windshield can be reduced by taking precautionary measures such as avoiding driving in areas where rockslides are common, maintaining a safe distance from construction sites, and driving at a safe speed to reduce the impact of a potential collision.

Is there a way to predict when a rock might strike a windshield in a particular location?

No, there is no way to accurately predict when a rock might strike a windshield in a particular location. However, monitoring weather conditions, geological surveys, and staying informed about ongoing construction or maintenance activities in the area can help individuals make informed decisions about driving in a specific location.
