Find Professional Biology Research

In summary, the person is looking for a professional researcher in the field of biology to conduct preliminary research for a project. They plan to submit their project scope of work to various universities and have them submit grant applications. They clarify that they only need literature review and not lab work. They also mention the importance of finding someone with the right specialization for the project. They later mention that they have found a researcher for their project.
  • #1
Hi. I was looking for somebody who knew about biology and was a professional researcher/would be interested in doing professional research for me (Which wouldn't at this point be done in a lab) Does anyone know the best way I could go about doing this? Could anyone here help me? I could pay quite a bit

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  • #2
Write out your project scope of work and submit it to the biology department of various universities. Let them submit grant applications back to you. Pick the most qualified response.
  • #3
I'm only looking for preliminary research though, not research that would need to be done in a lab or anything
  • #4
Syndra said:
I'm only looking for preliminary research though, not research that would need to be done in a lab or anything
Do you mean someone to do lit searches? If you need someone else to do the lit searches, how do you even know you have something worth paying to have done? Otherwise I'm not understanding what you're asking to find someone to do. You can find people to take on consulting arrangements, but usually that's for the bench work, not literature review, unless you need something like an expert witness for litigation.

What area of research would you need? You'd want to approach someone with the correct specialization -- for example, there's not much point to asking a botanist to help you with a question on animal physiology.
  • #5
Never mind, I found someone but thanks

FAQ: Find Professional Biology Research

1. What is the importance of finding professional biology research?

Finding professional biology research is important because it allows us to access reliable and accurate information in the field of biology. This information can be used to further our understanding of the natural world, develop new technologies and treatments, and make informed decisions about important issues such as conservation and public health.

2. How can I find professional biology research?

There are several ways to find professional biology research. You can start by searching online databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, or ScienceDirect. These databases contain peer-reviewed articles from reputable journals. You can also consult with your local university or college library, which may have access to additional research databases. Additionally, attending conferences and networking with other scientists in your field can also lead to finding professional biology research.

3. What makes a research study considered "professional" in the field of biology?

A professional research study in biology is one that is conducted by trained and experienced researchers and published in a peer-reviewed journal. This means that the study has undergone a rigorous evaluation process by other experts in the field, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information presented.

4. How can I determine the credibility of a professional biology research study?

To determine the credibility of a professional biology research study, you should first check the source of the study. Is it published in a reputable journal? Is the author affiliated with a reputable institution? You should also look at the methodology and results of the study to ensure they are supported by evidence and sound scientific reasoning. It can also be helpful to read reviews or critiques of the study by other experts in the field.

5. Can I use professional biology research for my own research or projects?

Yes, you can use professional biology research for your own research or projects. However, it is important to properly cite the sources and give credit to the original authors. Additionally, you should critically evaluate the research and consider any potential biases or limitations that may affect its applicability to your own work.
