Is the Position and Momentum Operator Proof Correct?

In summary, the position x and momentum p operators are hermitian because <\psi_{n}|A|\psi_{n}>=<A^+\psi_{n}|\psi_{n}>=<\psi_{n}|A\psi_{n}> => A^+=A, and using integration by parts, the inner product for these operators can be written as <\phi|x\psi>=<x\phi|\psi>, proving their hermiticity.
  • #1
Ene Dene
Proove that position x and momentum p operators are hermitian.
Now, more generaly the proof that operator of some opservable must be hermitian would go something like this:
Where A operator of some opservable, [tex]\psi_{n}[/tex] eigenfunction of that operator and [tex]a_{n}[/tex] are the eingenvalues of that operator, which are real because that is what we messure.

Since [tex]a_{n}[/tex] is real. And then:

[tex]<A^+\psi_{n}|\psi_{n}>=<\psi_{n}|A\psi_{n}> => <A\psi_{n}|\psi_{n}>=<\psi_{n}|A\psi_{n}> => A^+=A[/tex]

But how do I apply this to concrete problem, for example on operator [tex]p_{x}=-ih\frac{d}{dx}[/tex] (I used h for h/2Pi). Would this be a good analogy:
But since [tex]p_{x}[/tex] is real:


Thus operator of p is hermitian.
Is this correct?
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  • #2
If you want to prove, that eigenvalues of Hermitian operator are real, then you should do something like you have done now. But if you instead want to prove that some given operator is Hermitian, then you should not use eigenstates in your calculation. Operator A being Hermitian means that for two arbitrary physical states [itex]\psi[/itex] and [itex]\phi[/itex] an equation

\langle A\psi |\phi\rangle = \langle \psi| A\phi\rangle

is true. You are not allowed to assume that these states would be eigenstates.

If the operator is defined in position representation in terms of derivative operators, like the momentum operator is, this proof can be carried out using integration by parts. First write down the inner product in the position representation as an integral, and see what you can do.
  • #3
I understand what you're saying but I haven't been able to proove it.
  • #4
Work out the inner product.
I'll do the x one for you, try the p yourself (it's harder, because you have to find a way to throw the derivative over to the other side ).

I'll work in "real" space:
[tex]\langle x\phi | \psi \rangle = \int x^* \phi^*(x) \psi(x) \, \mathrm{d}x [/tex]
but since in this base the x-operator just multiplies by x, and x* = x as the position is real,
[tex]\cdots = \int \phi^*(x) x^* \psi(x) \, \mathrm{d}x = \int \phi^*(x) x \psi(x) \, \mathrm{d}x = \langle \phi | x \psi \rangle.[/tex]

I know, it looks trivial, but as I said, the momentum is harder. Try it (hint: partial integration)
  • #5
I did it, thanks. Now that I have seen your example it was not hard for momentum.

FAQ: Is the Position and Momentum Operator Proof Correct?

1. What does it mean for a matrix to be hermitian?

A matrix is hermitian if it is equal to its own conjugate transpose. In other words, the matrix must be equal to its complex conjugate reflected across the main diagonal. If all of the elements of a matrix are real, then it is hermitian if it is equal to its own transpose.

2. How can I prove that a matrix is hermitian?

To prove that a matrix is hermitian, you must show that it is equal to its own conjugate transpose. This can be done by taking the conjugate of each element in the matrix and then transposing the matrix. If the resulting matrix is equal to the original matrix, then it is hermitian.

3. What is the significance of a matrix being hermitian?

Hermitian matrices have several important properties. They are always square, and their eigenvalues are always real. They are also diagonalizable, meaning they can be expressed as a product of a diagonal matrix and a unitary matrix. Additionally, hermitian matrices are used in quantum mechanics to represent observable physical quantities.

4. Can a non-square matrix be hermitian?

No, a non-square matrix cannot be hermitian. Hermitian matrices must be square in order for the conjugate transpose operation to be valid. A non-square matrix does not have a conjugate transpose.

5. How are hermitian matrices related to symmetric matrices?

Hermitian matrices are a generalization of symmetric matrices. A symmetric matrix is a special case of a hermitian matrix in which all of the elements are real. In other words, a symmetric matrix is a hermitian matrix with no complex elements. Therefore, all symmetric matrices are also hermitian, but not all hermitian matrices are symmetric.
