Proofs on the rationality of pi

  • Thread starter lvlastermind
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    Pi Proofs
In summary, the conversation discusses the rationality of pi and its historical origins. People share information about different websites that talk about the irrationality of pi and its discovery by Archimedes. There is also mention of the Chinese approximating pi and the use of rational approximations throughout history. The conversation also touches on the use of the letter "pi" and the proof of irrationality of numbers. Overall, there is a fascination with the concept of pi and its significance in mathematics.
  • #1
Im looking for some proofs on the rationality of pi. I also want to know what some people think about it.
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  • #3
does anyone know who actually discovered the "theory" known as pi? do you know how he got to it? i watched a tv program about it and i must say, it is rather interesting!
  • #4
how is pi a theory? i thought it was a number.
  • #5
well, it is referenced by some as first showing up around 1650 bc in egypt.
this was though, that they didnt have irrational numbers, so they just estimated. they used 3 first and it wasnt accurate enough.

but it could be argued that the relationship between a circles diamater and circumference has existed since the invention of the circle, which predates humans, as there are a good many plants that use circles, therefore nobody actually invented it.

and since its not a theory but a naturally occurring relationship, the proof is in the pudding, or rather, its proved by definition... it exists, that's the proof.

youd think they might have actually told you something about it on that tv program
  • #6

it is thought that pythagoras "knew" about pi..he certaily knew that not all numbers which were naturally occurring were rational...for "religious" reasons this information was surpressed.
there is a nice proof of the irrationality of pi the the great book by spivak titled simply "calculus"
but its is amazing that no matter how much math you learn you still find pi to turn up in strange seems to be more than just a parameter that characterizes euclidean space

BTW the phrase is "the proof of the pudding is in the eating"
there was ever any proof in pudding all by itself. :wink:
  • #7
It was, of course, Archimedes who gave the first accurate approximations of pi.
  • #8
I think the Chinese approximated Pi long before any western people. They said it was 355/113. (see the 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5? nice pattern) I don't think it can be dated though since the Chinese typically destroy everything from their past.
  • #9
Archimedes gave the first accurate account of just about everything.
  • #10
fourier jr said:
I think the Chinese approximated Pi long before any western people. They said it was 355/113. (see the 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5? nice pattern) I don't think it can be dated though since the Chinese typically destroy everything from their past.

I have heard of this before also
  • #11
it is actually clever how archimedes found pi to = 3.14. and for his time, that is an accomplishment all in itself. not only did he find out what pi is = to, he also comtemplated the law of bouyancy? after getting into a tub of water and getting back out.
  • #12
but pi isn't 3.14 is it 1+1=1?
  • #13
nobody has ever found pi to be equal to anything but pi, and if they used a numerical representation in any rational form they were just estimating. it wasnt even until like 17th century until it was found to a higher degree of accuracy.

rational approximations were used (22/7, 256/81, 25/8, 355/113...) for a long time, id say about 3500 years minimum. in fact, we still use rational approximations, but we generally have accepted the value of pi as an irrational number.

the paper definition of a ratio between the circumference and diameter has been dated to before 1650 BC, and although archimedies made the first decimal approximation the definition was already on paper. so the exact value had already been defined. in 1650, thus, archimedes could not have found the exact value of pi. rational estimations had also already been made for use in egypt. beginning with pi=3, then to 22/7. that was before archimedes, and 22/7 is as close to pi as 3.14.

there is also some evidence that babylonians used the 25/8 figure for the ratio, but had never defined the ratio to be its own value. that was like 2000 BC! so the first approximation was like almost 2 millenia before archimedes.

the origin of the use of the letter "pi" to represent this ratio didnt start until nearly two millenia after archimedes. so i don't see what he has to do with it, excluding his excellent geometric estimation that teacher still tell us to use if our calculators don't have a pi button, 22/7.

the proof that irrational numbers existed was what pythagoras objected to allowing to become public. and indeed, the student who proved it during class was killed some months after in a suspicious fishing accident. here's a little proof on irrationality

heres a good one

more use between 1700-1800 gained pi the rep that it has today, one of the most, if not the most, usefull trancendental number.

FAQ: Proofs on the rationality of pi

1. What is the definition of rationality when it comes to pi?

Rationality in mathematics refers to a number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. For example, 3/4 is a rational number because it can be written as a fraction, while pi (π) is an irrational number because it cannot be expressed as a ratio.

2. How is pi calculated and how many digits have been calculated so far?

Pi is calculated by dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter. This calculation has been done using various methods and technologies, resulting in over 31 trillion digits being calculated so far. However, for most practical purposes, only a few digits after the decimal are needed.

3. What is the significance of proving the rationality of pi?

Proving the rationality of pi would mean that it can be expressed as a finite number or fraction, which would simplify many mathematical calculations and make them more accurate. It would also provide a deeper understanding of the concept of pi and its relationship to other mathematical principles.

4. What are some of the methods used to prove the rationality of pi?

There have been many attempts to prove the rationality of pi throughout history, including geometric methods, infinite series, and continued fractions. However, all of these attempts have failed to prove that pi is rational, leading to the conclusion that it is an irrational number.

5. Can the rationality of pi ever be definitively proven?

As of now, there is no known method or proof that can definitively prove the rationality of pi. It is considered one of the greatest unsolved problems in mathematics, and many mathematicians believe that it may never be proven due to the infinitely complex nature of the number.
