Prove that the gradient is zero at a local minimum.

In summary, this person is trying to solve a homework problem and is having trouble understanding what the different symbols mean.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose F: Rn --> R has first order partial derivatives and that x in Rn is a local minimizer of F, that is, there exists an r>0 such that
f(x+h) [tex]\geq[/tex] f(x) if dist(x, x+h) < r. Prove that
[tex]\nabla[/tex] f(x)=0.

Homework Equations

We want to show that fxi(x) =0 for i = 1,...,n
So we want to show that [tex]\lim_{t\to 0}\frac{f(x + t e_i) - f(x)}{t} = 0[/tex]

Where [tex]e_i[/tex] is the ith standard basis element.

The Attempt at a Solution

We know f(x+h) [tex]\geq[/tex] f(x) if ||(x+h) - x|| <r, that is, if ||h|| < r.
Consider |t| < r. Then ||t ei|| = |t| < r.

So then f(x) [tex]\leq[/tex] f(x + t ei) for all t such that |t| < r, and f(x+t ei) - f(x) [tex]\geq[/tex] 0.

But I don't know where to go from here...insight?
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  • #2
There may be a better way of doing this. In particular, let [itex] \hat x \in\mathbb R^n [/itex] be your minimum. Define the function [itex] g: \mathbb R\to \mathbb R [/itex] by [itex] g(t) = F(\hat x+te_i ) [/itex].

What can you say about the minima of g? How does this help you?
  • #3
Well, the minima of g would occur where
g'(t) = \frac{dF}{dt}(\hat{x} + t e_i) = 0 [/tex] I suppose, but I'm not sure how to employ that. Can you give me a little more of a hint? I'm not seeing what we can say about the derivative of F with respect to t, I guess.
  • #4
Well, the minimum of F is [itex] \hat x [/itex] right? So any other value of x would give [itex] F(x) \geq F(\hat x) [/itex]. In particular, what if we set [itex] x = \hat x + t e_i [/itex]?

If that's still too esoteric, what happens to [itex] g(t) [/itex] when we let [itex] t=0 [/itex]? What happens when [itex] t \neq 0 [/itex]?
  • #5
Hmm...your post disappeared?
  • #6
My tex code got screwed up and then I had to step away from the computer so I deleted it. Anyway:

g(0) = f([tex]\hat{x}[/tex])
g(t) = f([tex]\hat{x} + t e_i[/tex]) where [tex] t \neq 0 [/tex]
So [tex] g(t) \geq g(0) [/tex] for all t.

But how is this different from what I originally had, which is that [tex] f(x + te_i) \geq f(x) [/tex]? I'm sorry I'm having so much trouble putting together your hint.
  • #7
It's okay.

The point here is that g has a minimum at 0. So in particular you can show very easily that [itex] \left. \frac d{dt} \right|_{t=0} g(t) = 0 [/tex], since this is only one dimensional right? I'm not sure if you're allowed to assume this, but it's fairly easy to prove and you don't need to use vectors.

Now try finding g'(0) in terms of F.
  • #8
Aha. I think I get it. Is this what you were getting at (note, I have slightly altered the notation):

Assume x is a local minimum of f.

Define [tex] g(h) = f(x + h e_i) [/tex] considering small values of h (so that |h| < r)
Note that g(0) = f(x). So,
[tex] g(0) \leq g(h) \forall |h| < r [/tex]
That is, g has a local minimum at h = 0.
Since g is a function in one variable, we know that g'(0) = 0 since g has a local min at 0.

Then, [tex]
g'(h) = \lim_{t \to 0}\frac{g(h+t) - g(h)}{t} \\
g'(h) = \lim_{t\to 0} \frac{f(x+(h+t) e_i) - f(x+h e_i)}{t} [/tex]

Since we know g'(0) = 0, plugging in h = 0 we get:
[tex] 0 = \lim_{t\to0}\frac{f(x + t e_i) - f(x)}{t} [/tex], which is what we wanted to show.


(p.s. Thank you so much for your helpful hints.)

FAQ: Prove that the gradient is zero at a local minimum.

1. What is a local minimum?

A local minimum is a point on a graph where the value of the function is smaller than the values of all the surrounding points. It is the lowest point in a specific area, but not necessarily the lowest point on the entire graph.

2. How do you prove that the gradient is zero at a local minimum?

In order to prove that the gradient is zero at a local minimum, you must take the derivative of the function and set it equal to zero. This will give you the critical points, which are the potential local minima. Then, you must use the second derivative test to confirm that the critical points are indeed local minima.

3. Why is a zero gradient important at a local minimum?

A zero gradient at a local minimum indicates that the slope of the function is flat, meaning that the function is neither increasing nor decreasing. This is important because it signifies that the function has reached its lowest point, and any movement in either direction would result in an increase in the function's value.

4. Can there be more than one local minimum on a graph?

Yes, there can be multiple local minima on a graph. This occurs when there are multiple "dips" or valleys in the graph, each with a lowest point that is lower than the surrounding points.

5. What is the relationship between a zero gradient and a local minimum?

A zero gradient is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a local minimum. In other words, if the gradient is zero at a point, it is a potential local minimum, but it may not necessarily be the lowest point on the graph. The second derivative test must be used to confirm that it is a local minimum.
