How to Prove the Statement [x-1][x+1]+1 = ([x])^2 for the Floor Function

  • Thread starter dgamma3
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In summary, the conversation discusses how to prove the statement [x-1][x+1]+1 = ([x])^2 for various cases of x. The first case is when x is an integer, which can be solved by applying the definition of the floor function and algebraic manipulations. The second and third cases involve writing x as a sum of an integer and a rational number and applying additional conditions to solve the equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Ok, So I've tried to prove this statement unsuccessfully.
how would you guys do it? (assume [] means floor)

[x-1][x+1]+1 = ([x])^2
Physics news on
  • #2
Let x= a+ r for some integer a and r between 0 and 1. [x-1]= a-1, [x+ 1]= a+1, and [x]= a.
  • #3
I'll assume were working with [itex]x \in \mathbb{R}[/itex].

Just to be clear of the definition of the floor function, it is the function [itex]\left\lfloor \right\rfloor : \mathbb{R} \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}[/itex], with the mapping [itex]x \in \mathbb{R} \longmapsto \mathrm{max} \left\{ y \in \mathbb{Z} : y \leq x \right\}[/itex], i.e. the floor of a real number is the maximum integer in that set.

Notice that you have a few cases, from different numbers giving different results for the floor function:
  1. [itex]x[/itex] being an integer
  2. [itex]x[/itex] not being an integer, but greater than zero
  3. [itex]x[/itex] not being an integer, but less than zero

The first case requires only a correct application of the definition of the floor function and some algebraic manipulations; just start with the left-hand side of the equation and work your way to the right-hand side (same for the other two cases), or the other way.

The second and third cases are more difficult. As already suggested, write [itex]x[/itex] in the way [itex]x = \alpha + \beta[/itex], where [itex]\alpha \in \mathbb{Z}[/itex], [itex]\beta \in \mathbb{Q} - \mathbb{Z}[/itex], i.e. [itex]\beta[/itex] to be a rational number that is not an integer. For the second case, what additional conditions would and must you apply to [itex]\alpha[/itex] and [itex]\beta[/itex]? Similarly for the third case? Hint: [itex]2.7 = 2 + 0.7[/itex].

FAQ: How to Prove the Statement [x-1][x+1]+1 = ([x])^2 for the Floor Function

1. What is a floor function?

A floor function, denoted as ⌊x⌋, is a mathematical function that rounds a given number down to the nearest integer. For example, ⌊3.8⌋ = 3 and ⌊-2.5⌋ = -3.

2. How do you prove a floor function?

To prove a floor function, you need to show that for any given value x, the floor function ⌊x⌋ returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to x. This can be done by using the definition of a floor function and providing examples to demonstrate its properties.

3. What are the properties of a floor function?

The properties of a floor function include:

  • ⌊x⌋ ≤ x, for all values of x
  • ⌊x⌋ is an integer
  • If x is an integer, ⌊x⌋ = x
  • If x is negative, ⌊x⌋ = -(|x| + 1)

4. Can a floor function be used with non-integer values?

Yes, a floor function can be used with both integer and non-integer values. However, it will always return an integer value as its output.

5. How is a floor function different from a ceiling function?

A floor function rounds a number down to the nearest integer, while a ceiling function rounds a number up to the nearest integer. In other words, the floor function produces a number that is equal to or smaller than the original number, while the ceiling function produces a number that is equal to or larger than the original number.
