Proving a sequence (defined recursively) is monotonically decreasing

In summary: And that is enough to make the induction step work, since you can factor out the a_n and then use the induction hypothesis.I think you mean b(k) = a(k)-3/2, and the next line should be a recurrence relation on the b's, no a terms in sight.Yes, I made a mistake. The correct equation should be b(n+1) = (1/2)*b(n) - 3/4Substituting bn-C for an, we get b(n+1) = (1/2)*(bn-C) - 3/4b(n+1) = (1/2)*bn - (1/2)*C - 3/4
  • #1

Homework Statement

A sequence (an) of real numbers is defined by a(1) = 6, a(n) = (1/4)(2*a(n−1) − 3) for n >= 2. where n is a natural number

show the sequence is monotonically decreasing

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to prove it by induction.
Let P(n) be the predicate that a(n) < a(n-1)[/B]

base case


a(1) = 6
a(2) = (1/4)*(2*6-3) = 9/4
a(2) < a(1) ... base case is true

induction step

assume p(k) to be true

a(k) < a(k-1)

now we try to prove p(k+1) is true using or assumption about p(k)

a(k+1) = (1/4)*(2(k) - 3)


a(k) = 2*a(k+1) - 3

using our assumption

a(k-1) < 2*a(k+1) - 3

I'm not sure where to go from here I can't think of anyway of relating a(k) and a(k+1) with an inequality.
any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Consider the recurrence [itex]b_n = \frac12 b_{n-1}[/itex] with [itex]b_1 > 0[/itex]. Is that sequence monotonic decreasing?

Unfortunately your recurrence [itex]a_n = \frac12 a_{n-1} - \frac34[/itex] has an extra term on the right, but a linear change of variable to [itex]b_n = a_n + C[/itex] for some constant [itex]C[/itex] should remove it.
  • #3
pasmith said:
Consider the recurrence [itex]b_n = \frac12 b_{n-1}[/itex] with [itex]b_1 > 0[/itex]. Is that sequence monotonic decreasing?

Unfortunately your recurrence [itex]a_n = \frac12 a_{n-1} - \frac34[/itex] has an extra term on the right, but a linear change of variable to [itex]b_n = a_n + C[/itex] for some constant [itex]C[/itex] should remove it.

so if we go back to a(k+1) = a(k)/2 - 3/4

let b(n) = a(k) - 3/2

so that a(k+1) = (1/2)*b(n)

b(n) is greater than a(k+1)

a(k)/2 - 3/4 > a(k+1)

so I've got the an inequality in terms of the two terms of the sequence I need


a(k) - 2a(k+1) > 3/2

i.e a(k) > 2a(k+1)

a(k+1) is positive

so a(k) > a(k+1)

would this be correct?
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  • #4
Woolyabyss said:
so if we go back to a(k+1) = a(k)/2 - 3/4

let b(n) = a(k) - 3/2

so that a(k+1) = (1/2)*b(n)
I think you mean b(k) = a(k)-3/2, and the next line should be a recurrence relation on the b's, no a terms in sight.
  • #5
haruspex said:
I think you mean b(k) = a(k)-3/2, and the next line should be a recurrence relation on the b's, no a terms in sight.

I tried getting rid of the a's

b(k) = a(k)-3/2

b(k+1) = a(k+1) - 3/2

b(k+1) = (1/4)(2*a(k) -3) -3/2

b(k+1) = (1/2)*b(n) -3/2

I've got a recurrence relation in b now but I'm not sure where to go from here other than saying

2*b(k+1) = b(n) -3

b(n) - 2*b(k+1) = 3
  • #6
Woolyabyss said:
I tried getting rid of the a's

b(k) = a(k)-3/2

b(k+1) = a(k+1) - 3/2

b(k+1) = (1/4)(2*a(k) -3) -3/2

b(k+1) = (1/2)*b(n) -3/2

I've got a recurrence relation in b now but I'm not sure where to go from here other than saying

2*b(k+1) = b(n) -3

b(n) - 2*b(k+1) = 3
You've chosen the wrong C. Start again, substituting bn-C for an everywhere in the recurrence relation for an (being careful not switch between k and n this time) and post the equation you get for the b sequence (with C still in it).
  • #7
I don't see any good reason to introduce this new "b" sequence. To show that a sequence is increasing, it is enough to show that [itex]a_{n+1}- a_n> 0[/itex].
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FAQ: Proving a sequence (defined recursively) is monotonically decreasing

1. How do you prove a sequence is monotonically decreasing?

To prove a sequence is monotonically decreasing, you must show that each term in the sequence is less than or equal to the previous term. This can be done by using mathematical induction or by directly comparing each consecutive term in the sequence.

2. What is a monotonically decreasing sequence?

A monotonically decreasing sequence is a sequence in which each term is either equal to or less than the previous term. This means that the sequence is always moving downwards and does not increase at any point.

3. What is a recursive sequence?

A recursive sequence is a sequence where each term is defined in terms of the previous term(s). This means that to find a specific term in the sequence, you need to know the previous term(s) in order to calculate it.

4. Why is it important to prove a sequence is monotonically decreasing?

Proving a sequence is monotonically decreasing is important because it ensures that the sequence is following a predictable pattern and will continue to decrease in a consistent manner. This is useful in many mathematical and scientific applications where the behavior of a sequence needs to be understood and predicted.

5. What are some common techniques for proving a sequence is monotonically decreasing?

Some common techniques for proving a sequence is monotonically decreasing include using mathematical induction, directly comparing consecutive terms, or using mathematical properties such as the monotonicity of a function. Additionally, one can also use the definition of a monotonically decreasing sequence to prove its properties.
