Proving (x^3)=2 using least upper bound

In summary, the homework problem is to prove that there exists a positive real number x such that (x^3)=2. The conversation discusses different approaches, including using the least upper bound property and defining a continuous function f(x) such that f(x)=x^3-2. Ultimately, it is shown that there exists a real number x_0 such that x_0^3=2, fulfilling the homework task.
  • #1
Okay, my homework is "Prove that there exists a positive real number x such that (x^3)=2."
and I have no clue how I can solve it. sigh.

Is there anyone who can me to solve it using least upper bound property??

Thank you !
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  • #2
Define [tex]f(x)[/tex] such that[tex]f(x)=x^3-2[/tex].

f(x) is continuous because it is a polynomial (you can prove this if you like).


By the Intermediate value Theorem, [tex] \exists \ x_0 \in \mathbb{R} \ s.t \ f(x_0)=0[/tex].

Hence [tex]x_0^3-2=0[/tex] so [tex]x_0^3=2[/tex].
  • #3
Another way: Let A= { x| x3< 2}. That set has 2 as an upper bound: 23= 8> 2 and if x> 2, x3> 23> 2. By the LUB property this set has a LUB, say, a. 1.43= 2.744 and 1.453= 3.05 so a is between 1.4 and 1.45. If a2< 2, let d= 2- a3 (so d< 2-1.4= 0.6) and look at a+d/5. (a+ d/5)3= a3+ 3(d/5)a2+ 3(d2/25)a+ d3/125= a3+ d((3/5)a2+ (3/25)da+ d2). Use the bounds on a and d to show that ((3/5)a2+ (3/25)da+ d2)< 1. That tells you that a3 cannot be less than 2. Similarly, assume a3> 2 and show that that leads to a contradiction.

FAQ: Proving (x^3)=2 using least upper bound

1. How do you prove (x^3)=2 using least upper bound?

In order to prove (x^3)=2 using least upper bound, we need to show that there exists a number x such that (x^3) is greater than 2, but any smaller number raised to the third power will be less than or equal to 2. This number x is known as the least upper bound.

2. What is the significance of using the least upper bound in this proof?

The least upper bound is important because it helps us to establish that there is no smaller value of x that will satisfy the equation (x^3)=2. It is the smallest possible value that will make the equation true.

3. Can you explain the concept of a least upper bound in more detail?

The least upper bound, also known as the supremum, is the smallest value that is greater than or equal to all other values in a set. In this proof, we are looking for the smallest value of x that will make the equation (x^3)=2 true.

4. What are the steps involved in proving (x^3)=2 using least upper bound?

The steps involved in this proof include:

  • Assume that there exists a number x such that (x^3)=2
  • Show that x is greater than 1
  • Prove that any number less than x raised to the third power will be less than or equal to 2
  • Conclude that x is the least upper bound, or the smallest possible value that will satisfy the equation

5. How does this proof relate to real-life applications of mathematics?

Proving (x^3)=2 using least upper bound is just one example of how mathematical concepts and proofs can be applied in real-life situations. This specific proof can be used to solve equations and inequalities in various fields such as engineering, economics, and physics. It also demonstrates the importance of understanding and utilizing mathematical concepts in problem-solving and decision-making processes.

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