Solving the Pyramid Theorem: Explaining Eudoxus' Method

In summary: I don't understand what that is.In summary, my math teacher handed this out today without explaining, and told us to try and solve it. He gave us the formula to solve the volume of a pyramid (1/3 x area of base x height) and told us to explain WHY it was like that. I already figured out how to explain the surface area of the tetrahedron (he told us to figure out the surface area, without the base, and volume for a square based pyramid first, and then just multiply by two), but I'm a bit stuck on the volume part. He figured this one would stump us since, although we understand how to find a triangle's area, (b x h)/2, we
  • #1
My math teacher handed this out today without explaining, and told us to try and solve it. He gave us the formula to solve the volume of a pyramid (1/3 x area of base x height) and told us to explain WHY it was like that. I already figured out how to explain the surface area of the tetrahedron (he told us to figure out the surface area, without the base, and volume for a square based pyramid first, and then just multiply by two), but I'm a bit stuck on the volume part. He figured this one would stump us since, although we understand how to find a triangle's area, (b x h)/2, we wouldn't understand a pyramid. He also said we should follow the way of Eudoxus who claimed: a pyramid can be approximated to a collection of slabs of reducing size. For example, a square-based pyramid is comparable to pile of square based cuboids. By increasing the number of slabs and reducing their heights, the approximation would improve.

The theorem is v=(Abase x h)/3, where "h" is the perpendicular height.

The proof, or what I think it is, is:
Consider any pyramid, perpendicular height "h" and with area of base "A"

I believe, you then split the pyramid into n layers. Let n be the unknown number of layers and k be the layer you are measuring. So, by similarity the kth layer will have a base with dimension k/n as a fraction of the original base, right? Then the area of the base would be (k/n)squared x A.

The area of the base of each layer will be (1/n)squared x A, (2/n)squared x A,..., (n/n)squared x A.

That's about all I have so far.

I'm not quite sure how that works out; my friend taught me it, so I don't totally understand it. Like what does it mean "by similarity the kth layer will have a base with dimension k/n as a fraction of the original base"?
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  • #2
.hacker//Kazu said:
I'm not quite sure how that works out; my friend taught me it, so I don't totally understand it. Like what does it mean "by similarity the kth layer will have a base with dimension k/n as a fraction of the original base"?
Consider a triangle for simplicity; the idea is the same.

Draw a triangle. Choose one side to be the base. Halfway between the base and the opposite vertex, draw a line parallel to the base. How long is the line segment on that line that lies inside the triangle? What if I drew this line one third of the way between the base and the opposite vertex?

On an unrelated note -- if you have exceptionally good spatial visualization skills, (or the right objects to play with), you can actually pack three congruent tetrahedra inside a cube.
  • #3
I do not understand what the point of drawing the triangle with the line is. I wouldn't know how long the line segment is though because the pyramid is to have unknown values.

I can visualize what you mean by the three congruent tetrahedra in a cube though.
  • #4
.hacker//Kazu said:
I believe, you then split the pyramid into n layers. Let n be the unknown number of layers and k be the layer you are measuring. So, by similarity the kth layer will have a base with dimension k/n as a fraction of the original base, right? Then the area of the base would be (k/n)squared x A.

The area of the base of each layer will be (1/n)squared x A, (2/n)squared x A,..., (n/n)squared x A.

That's about all I have so far.

Now, find the volume of each layer and sum up the volumes. What happens when n is very large (think infinity)?
  • #5
Umm, you then consider each layer as a prism? So, each will be h/n units tall and the volume of the kth slab would, (h/n) x (k/n)squared x A?
  • #6
Actually, each layer is a parallelepiped. And yes, the volume would be h/n x (k/n)2 x A.
  • #7
A parallelepiped?! What's that?

So the volume of the pyramid would be approximately:

V= (h/n)(1/n)squared x A + (h/n)(2/n)squared x A +...+(h/n)(n/n)squared x A.
= (Ah/n cubed)(1squared + 2squared +...+ n squared)?
  • #8
Correct. Now simplify and take the limit as n goes to infinity.
  • #9
How do I simplify it? :eek:
  • #10
If I remember correctly, 12 + 22 + ... + n2 = n (n + 1) (2n + 1) / 6. (Google around for "summation formulas".)
  • #11
e(ho0n3 said:
If I remember correctly, 12 + 22 + ... + n2 = n (n + 1) (2n + 1) / 6. (Google around for "summation formulas".)

Erm, my friend said it was:12 + 22 + ... + n2 = 1/6n (n + 1) (2n + 1)

But the problem is I have the formula I just don't know how to explain why the formula is the way it is. I just don't get the 1/6 part.
  • #12
Hurkyl said:
Consider a triangle for simplicity; the idea is the same.

On an unrelated note -- if you have exceptionally good spatial visualization skills, (or the right objects to play with), you can actually pack three congruent tetrahedra inside a cube.

Hurkyl, This got me to thinking since the area of a triangle is 1/2b*h and can be demonstrated by constructing a similar triangle as the original from the left over pieces in the rectangle of dimensions b,h and in an analogous fashion packing three pyramids into a rectanglar solid of dims a,a,h whether by extension such a relation may obtain for higher dimensional spaces of N dims where the enclosed space would be 1/N*a^(n-1)*h.
  • #13
.hacker//Kazu said:
Erm, my friend said it was:12 + 22 + ... + n2 = 1/6n (n + 1) (2n + 1)

That is exactly the same thing I wrote down. There are ways of deriving this formula but it's a bit tricky if you ask me. Anywho, just use it, simplify and take the limit.
  • #14
The problem is, my homework requires me to explain the formulas. I understand the rest, just not why there is a 1/6 in the middle of the equation. My teacher requires that we explain why the formula is the way it is; the rest of my class is stumped too...
  • #15
That's from the derivation of the formula. I'm sure you can find a derivation somewhere after googling a bit.
  • #16
You can prove the formula for the sum of the first n squares by induction.
  • #17
  • #19
As for deriving the formula for the sum of the squares
1/6n (n + 1) (2n + 1), maybe
my post #4 in this thread here helps.
  • #20
Mm, I asked my teacher what induction meant. I think I get the theorem now. Thanks a lot, y'all!
  • #21
But just to make sure, induction is the proof of the nth term and (n+1)th term, right?

FAQ: Solving the Pyramid Theorem: Explaining Eudoxus' Method

1. What is the Pyramid Theorem and who is Eudoxus?

The Pyramid Theorem, also known as Eudoxus' Method, is a mathematical proof that explains the relationship between the volume of a pyramid and the volume of a prism with the same base and height. Eudoxus was an ancient Greek mathematician who is credited with discovering this method.

2. How does Eudoxus' Method work?

Eudoxus' Method involves dividing the pyramid into a series of smaller pyramids and then using the principle of exhaustion to prove that the volume of the larger pyramid is equal to the sum of the volumes of the smaller pyramids. This is done by gradually increasing the number of smaller pyramids and taking the limit as the number approaches infinity.

3. Why is the Pyramid Theorem important?

The Pyramid Theorem is important because it provides a mathematical proof for finding the volume of a pyramid, which has practical applications in fields such as architecture and engineering. It also demonstrates the use of the principle of exhaustion, which is a fundamental concept in calculus.

4. What are some real-world examples of the Pyramid Theorem?

The Pyramid Theorem can be applied to real-world scenarios such as calculating the volume of a pyramid-shaped container, determining the amount of material needed to construct a pyramid-shaped building, or estimating the amount of water in a pyramid-shaped reservoir.

5. Are there any limitations to Eudoxus' Method?

While Eudoxus' Method is a powerful tool for solving the Pyramid Theorem, it does have some limitations. It can only be used for pyramids with a square or rectangular base, and it requires an infinite number of smaller pyramids to be accurate. It also assumes that the pyramid is composed of infinitely thin layers, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios.

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