Quantum Chemistry Eigenfunction

In summary, Hamiltonian:-E=\frac{h^2}{8m}*(\frac{n_{x}}{a}+\frac{n_{y}}{b}+\frac{n_{z}}{c})Psi: \sqrt{\frac{8}{abc}}*sin(\frac{n_{x}*pi*x}{a})*sin(\frac{n_{y}*pi*y}{b})*sin(\frac{n_{z}*pi*z}{c})Eigenvalue problem:-Hψ will be equal to a constant and this constant, E, is the eigenvalue.
  • #1
1. Consider a particle of mass m in a cubic (3-dimensional) box with V(x,y,z) = 0 for 0 < x < L, 0 < y < L, and 0 < z < L and V(x,y,z) = ∞elsewhere. Is 1/[itex]\sqrt{2}[/itex] * (ψ(1,1,5)+ψ(3,3,3)) an eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian for this system? If so, what is the eigenvalue? Explain your reasoning
2. Hamiltonian: E= [itex]\frac{h^2}{8m}[/itex]*([itex]\frac{n_{x}}{a}[/itex]+[itex]\frac{n_{y}}{b}[/itex]+[itex]\frac{n_{z}}{c}[/itex])

Psi: [itex]\sqrt{\frac{8}{abc}}[/itex]*sin([itex]\frac{n_{x}*pi*x}{a}[/itex])*sin([itex]\frac{n_{y}*pi*y}{b}[/itex])*sin([itex]\frac{n_{z}*pi*z}{c}[/itex])
3. So I tried solving for the two Psis added together and divided by the constant. But I don't see how they are in any way related to the Hamiltonian and how I could factor a constant out to obtain the Hamiltonian. I am right stumped.
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  • #2
[itex]\textbf{H}\psi = E\psi[/itex]

This is the eigenvalue problem that you are solving. If psi is an eigenfunction of H, Hψ will be equal to a constant and this constant, E, is the eigenvalue. For a particle in a three-dimensional box, H = -hbar2∇ and E you already stated. So, solve Hψ and confirm that it is equal to Eψ.

H is a linear operator, so if two functions are eigenfunctions, then any linear combination of them will also be. You can show this by applying H to the linear combination just as you did for the individual functions. However, ψ(1,1,5) and ψ(3,3,3) are constants, not functions, so I'm not really sure what is being asked here.
  • #3
djh101 said:
However, ψ(1,1,5) and ψ(3,3,3) are constants, not functions, so I'm not really sure what is being asked here.

It is probably supposed to be ψ1,1,5(x,y,z) and ψ3,3,3(x,y,z). That is the only way I think the question could make any sense.
  • #4
Redbelly98 said:
It is probably supposed to be ψ1,1,5(x,y,z) and ψ3,3,3(x,y,z). That is the only way I think the question could make any sense.
The numbers correspond to the n values. (aka ψ1,1,5 = nx = 1, ny = 1, nz=5) What I am confused about is how to solve this equation if I am given the boundries in terms of L and not in terms of an actual unit of length, should I just assume that L=1?
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  • #5
Length is arbitrary. Using L instead of an actual number just means that your solution will be more general. So instead of sin(n*pi*x), which you would get form a box of length 1, your function would be sin(n*pi*x/L), so that when x = L you have sin(n*pi) = 0 and the boundary conditions are still met.

In the case of a three dimensional box, you have three lengths (a,b,c), one for each side, although in this case, a = b = c = L.
  • #6
But if sin(n*pi)=0, then wouldn't the whole psi function = 0? In that case it wouldn't be an eigenvalue, unless its a trivial solution.

Do you think its only giving Psi to list the quantum numbers and I just need to solve for E and then list the result in terms of an eigenvalue?
  • #7
Well psi isn't going to be equal to sin(n*pi) across the whole box- remember, the actual function is sin(n*pi*x/L), so this will only be the cause when x = L (i.e. at the boundary).

Psi is given so that you can apply the Hamiltonian to it. If it is an eigenfunction, that this will give you the same value as if you had multiplied Psi by E. Similarly, if Psi1 + Psi2 is an eigenfunction, applying the Hamiltonian to (Psi1 + Psi2) will give you the same value as E(Psi1 + Psi2).
  • #8
So I ended up getting the function: -50*sin(Pi*x)*Pi^6*sin(Pi*y)*sin(5*Pi*z)-1458*sin(3*Pi*x)*Pi^6*sin(3*Pi*y)*sin(3*Pi*z) after applying the Hamiltonian to the Psi functions, but the two Psi terms now have different coefficients. Does that mean that Psi1 + Psi 2 is not an Eigenfunction?
  • #9
It looks like you might be multiplying the derivatives instead of adding. Remember,∇2 = d/dx2 + d/dy2 + d/dz2, so taking the derivative twice with respect to each coordinate and adding should give you the same coefficients as E (although in E, the values should actually all be squared).

Sorry to have to leave, but I really need to get some sleep. Do you have a book that might cover this? Levine goes over this exact problem (three dimensional box) in section 3.5.
  • #10
Its okay, I already handed it in. I messed up though. It turns out I just needed to find out that the two energy functions were degenerate and that means they are an eigenfunction of the hamiltonian.

FAQ: Quantum Chemistry Eigenfunction

1. What is a quantum chemistry eigenfunction?

A quantum chemistry eigenfunction is a mathematical function that describes the probability of finding an electron at a specific energy level in an atom or molecule. It is a key concept in quantum mechanics and is used to calculate the energy levels and properties of molecules.

2. How is a quantum chemistry eigenfunction different from a molecular orbital?

A quantum chemistry eigenfunction is a mathematical function that describes the behavior of an electron in an atom or molecule, while a molecular orbital is a combination of these eigenfunctions that represents the overall electron density in a molecule. In other words, molecular orbitals are composed of multiple eigenfunctions, and they describe the distribution of electrons in a molecule, whereas eigenfunctions describe the behavior of individual electrons.

3. What is the significance of eigenfunctions in quantum chemistry?

Eigenfunctions are crucial in quantum chemistry because they are used to calculate the energy levels and properties of molecules. They also provide insight into the behavior of electrons in atoms and molecules, which is essential for understanding chemical bonding and reactions.

4. How are eigenfunctions related to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. In quantum chemistry, an eigenfunction represents the wavefunction of an electron, which contains information about its position and momentum. This means that eigenfunctions are subject to the uncertainty principle and can only provide a probabilistic description of the electron's behavior.

5. Can eigenfunctions be visualized?

No, eigenfunctions cannot be directly visualized as they are mathematical functions. However, their squared magnitude, known as the probability density, can be plotted to give an idea of the electron's distribution in space. These plots are commonly referred to as atomic or molecular orbitals.

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