Angular momentum uncertainty principle and the particle on a ring

In summary, the angular momentum uncertainty principle describes the inherent limitations in simultaneously measuring the angular momentum and the angular position of a quantum particle, such as one constrained to move on a ring. This principle indicates that the more precisely we know the angular momentum of the particle, the less precisely we can know its angular position, and vice versa. For a particle on a ring, its angular momentum is quantized, leading to discrete energy levels. This situation exemplifies the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics, where uncertainty plays a critical role in the behavior of particles.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
How can I think about the uncertainty principle for angular momentum components and the particle on a ring problem, since L and Lz are parallel in this case?
By considering a particle on a ring, the eigenfunctions of ##H## are also eigenfunctions of ##L_\text{z}##:

$$\psi(\phi) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{im\phi}$$

with ##m = 0,\pm 1,\pm 2,\cdots##. In polar coordinates, the corresponding operators are

$$H = -\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2I}\frac{d^{2}}{d\phi^{2}}$$ $$L_\text{z} = -i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial \phi}$$

The Robertson version of uncertainty principle, valid in a statistical sense, tell us

$$\Delta L_{x}\Delta L_\text{y} \geq \frac{1}{2}\left | \int \psi^{*}[L_{x},L_{y}]\psi d\tau\right | $$ where usually ##[L_{x},L_{y}] = i\hbar L_{z}##. The operators for ##L_{x}## and ##L_{y}## are

$$L_{x} = i\hbar \left ( sin(\phi)\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta} + cot(\theta)sin(\phi)\frac{\partial}{\partial\phi}\right )$$

$$L_{y} = -i\hbar \left ( cos(\phi)\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta} - cot(\theta)sin(\phi)\frac{\partial}{\partial\phi}\right )$$

Since the ring plane is located on xy plane, i.e ##\theta = \pi/2##, we obtain

$$L_{x}\psi = L_{y}\psi = 0$$

This make sense, since the particle is rotating around z-axis. Then, ##[L_{x},L_{y}]\psi = 0##? Thus, in this specific case, doesn't the relation ##[L_{x},L_{y}] = i\hbar L_{z}## hold? The interpretation of uncertainty principle is valid for a complete set of eigenfunctions of two operators, but can exist some eigenfunctions of ##L_{z}## which are eigenfunctions of ##L_{x}## and ##L_{y}## (I only know the ##Y_{0}^{0}## case until now). Does it means that ##[L_{x},L_{y}] = i\hbar L_{z}## should be use with care? Why? Is it valid only when ##[L_{x},L_{y}]\psi \neq 0## ? Even expanding the ##L_{z}## eigenfunctions in spherical harmonic, I can't obtain a satisfactory answer. Angular momentum is a vector quantity. Could you help me?
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  • #2
If the particle is confined to a ring in the ##x y## plane, what physical meaning do the operators ##L_x## and ##L_y## have? Nothing can rotate about the ##x## or ##y## axis.
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
If the particle is confined to a ring in the ##x y## plane, what physical meaning do the operators ##L_x## and ##L_y## have? Nothing can rotate about the ##x## or ##y## axis.
@PeterDonis, classically, when a particle is rotating about z-axis, the x,y components of angular momentum are zero, since L is a vector quantity and there is no rotation around such axes. But, in Quantum mechanics, there is an uncertainty relation which cannot allow this in principle (except when we have ##Y_{0}^{0}##). But, in the case above, the uncertainty relations seems to be in contradition, no?
  • #4
physical_chemist said:
@PeterDonis, classically, when a particle is rotating about z-axis, the x,y components of angular momentum are zero, since L is a vector quantity and there is no rotation around such axes.
In three dimensions, yes. But you have constrained the problem by confining the particle to a ring in the ##xy## plane. That means the problem is no longer three dimensional and what you are calling "the x,y components of angular momentum" are no longer even physically meaningful, since you have made it physically impossible for anything to rotate except in the ##xy## plane. Or, to put it another way, in two spatial dimensions, which is what you've confined this problem to, there is only one angular momentum component, the one you are calling ##L_z##.

physical_chemist said:
But, in Quantum mechanics, there is an uncertainty relation which cannot allow this in principle (except when we have ##Y_{0}^{0}##). But, n the case above, the uncertainty relations seems to be in contradition, no?
No, because everything I said above about the problem being confined to two spatial dimensions is still true when we pass over from classical physics to quantum mechanics. There is still only one angular momentum component. It's now an operator instead of a number, but it's still just one operator, so the question of uncertainty relations for angular momentum operators doesn't even arise.
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FAQ: Angular momentum uncertainty principle and the particle on a ring

What is the angular momentum uncertainty principle?

The angular momentum uncertainty principle is a quantum mechanical concept that states there is a fundamental limit to the precision with which the angular momentum components of a particle can be known simultaneously. Specifically, the uncertainty in one component of the angular momentum and the uncertainty in another component must satisfy a specific inequality, reflecting the inherent quantum mechanical constraints.

How does the uncertainty principle apply to a particle on a ring?

For a particle constrained to move on a ring, the uncertainty principle manifests in the relationship between the angular position (θ) and the angular momentum (L). The more precisely the angular position is known, the less precisely the angular momentum can be known, and vice versa. This is analogous to the position-momentum uncertainty principle for linear motion.

What is the mathematical expression for the angular momentum uncertainty principle?

The mathematical expression for the angular momentum uncertainty principle is given by the inequality ΔL_x * ΔL_y ≥ ħ/2 |⟨L_z⟩|, where ΔL_x and ΔL_y are the uncertainties in the x and y components of the angular momentum, ħ is the reduced Planck constant, and ⟨L_z⟩ is the expectation value of the z-component of the angular momentum.

What are the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a particle on a ring?

For a particle on a ring, the eigenvalues of the angular momentum operator L_z are quantized and given by L_z = mħ, where m is an integer (m = 0, ±1, ±2, ...). The corresponding eigenfunctions are the angular wavefunctions ψ_m(θ) = (1/√(2π)) e^(imθ), which represent the allowed quantum states of the particle on the ring.

How does the quantization of angular momentum affect the energy levels of a particle on a ring?

The quantization of angular momentum leads to discrete energy levels for a particle on a ring. The energy levels are given by E_m = (ħ²m²)/(2I), where I is the moment of inertia of the particle about the ring. This quantization implies that the particle can only occupy specific energy states, corresponding to different values of the angular momentum quantum number m.

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