Quantum Entanglement: What would happen if

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of quantum entanglement and its implications on the measurement of properties such as position, momentum, and spin on entangled particles. It is noted that these measurements can break the entanglement and subsequent measurements have no bearing on each other. However, it is also mentioned that particles can still be entangled with respect to other properties and that measuring one particle can determine the state of the other particle. The conversation also addresses the probabilistic nature of quantum measurements and the difficulty in predicting outcomes. Finally, the example of a stationary molecule of hydrogen gas dissociating into two atoms and their correlated momenta is brought up to illustrate the concept of entanglement.
  • #1
What would happen if one had two entangled particles and performed a position measurement on one and a momentum measurement on the other? If one kept performing these measurements, perhaps first the position measurement on a particle A, then the momentum measurement on particle B, would the momentum measurement create an ambiguous position for particle A whose position would therefore potientially be different upon subsequent measurement? If not, it seems as though one could measure indirectly both the position and momentum of a particle. Someone please help me with this.
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  • #2
You have just rediscovered the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox.
  • #3
If the particle is moving of course its position will change on subsequent measurements, If the particle isn't moving its momentum is ~zero (actually ~h), your measurement of the position will be no more precise than ~h each measurement.
  • #4
And of course, the first measurement process would break the entangled state.
  • #5
So after entangled particles are measured, they cease to be entangled and subsequent measurements have no bearing on each other? Am I understanding you correctly?
  • #6
Bevels said:
So after entangled particles are measured, they cease to be entangled and subsequent measurements have no bearing on each other? Am I understanding you correctly?

Yes, that is correct. A position measurement will break the entanglement on position/momentum. It is interesting to note that particles can be entangled on several bases, and you can break the entanglement on one basis without necessarily breaking it on another. Spin for example.
  • #7
So if I were to measure the position on one particle and the momentum of the other, the measurement of the momentum at that point has no bearing on anything because the particles are no longer entangled?

Why then, if I were to measure say the spin on one particle which was entangled, would I know the spin of the other particle since in my measuring the spin, I would be breaking the entanglement?
  • #8
Bevels said:
So if I were to measure the position on one particle and the momentum of the other, the measurement of the momentum at that point has no bearing on anything because the particles are no longer entangled?
yes, because In measuring the position you execute a nonunitary transformation of the entangled wave-function component governing both particles' position-momentum state. Nonunitary means irreversible (sometimes called "wave-function collapse"), so a further measurement of either property would only apply to each individual particle and not the entangled state.

As DrChinese mentioned, the partlcles may still be entangled with respect to other conjugate properties, time/energy or angular momentum wrt to orthogonal axes, but I guess you'd need a clever way to do the measurement to ensure that.

Why then, if I were to measure say the spin on one particle which was entangled, would I know the spin of the other particle since in my measuring the spin, I would be breaking the entanglement?

When measuring spin of one entangled particle you fix the spin value of the other particle "instantly" (or at FTL speed), this has been experimentally verified dozens of times. So it doesn't matter if they are no longer entangled, both their spin states are determined.
  • #9
Is there a way to alter the spin of one particle once you have measured it? If so, would this in turn alter the spin of the corresponding entangled particle?
  • #10
Bevels said:
Is there a way to alter the spin of one particle once you have measured it? If so, would this in turn alter the spin of the corresponding entangled particle?

yes and, no
  • #11
unusualname said:
yes and, no

what do you mean? Yes to the first and no to the second? or yes and no as in this is a fuzzy area or my question is not specific enough?
  • #12
Bevels said:
Is there a way to alter the spin of one particle once you have measured it? If so, would this in turn alter the spin of the corresponding entangled particle?

Yes, it would. But you cannot change it to a specific value. It will be purely random as far as anyone can tell. That is why an earlier answer said yes and no.
  • #13
Thank you both for all your help. If I wanted to compose a table of cause and effect for quantum entanglement as in 'if I do this to A, that happens to B' in order to help myself better understand it, do you know some good papers by which these realtions are shown or by which I could infer these properities?
  • #14
Bevels said:
Thank you both for all your help. If I wanted to compose a table of cause and effect for quantum entanglement as in 'if I do this to A, that happens to B' in order to help myself better understand it, do you know some good papers by which these realtions are shown or by which I could infer these properities?

Without classical means of confirmation, you do something to 'A', and what happens to 'B' is not predictable.
  • #15
By "yes and, no" (notice the comma) I meant that,

"yes" you can alter the particle's spin after the first measurement, eg by having it interact with a third particle (but you can't predict the outcome, it may be the same afterwards or it may change, as DrC stated)

and, "no" it would not have any effect on the previously entangled partlcle.

sorry if that wasn't clear.

Remember that in QM the outcome of a measurement is a probabilistic result not a deterministic one, at least according to our current model of QM. But by using conservation laws and entangled particles you can know about the unmeasured value of one of the entangled particles by just measuring the other one.
  • #16
Entangled or not entangled

Suppose a staionary molecule of hydrogen gas dissociates into two hydrogen atoms. Aren't the linear momenta of the two atoms moving in the opposite directions correlated in that measuring the momentum of one of the atoms instantaneously tells you the momentum of the other (non-measured) atom.

Isn't this situation the analogous as the measurement of the two correlated photons emitted in opposite directions by an excited Calcium atom (the Alan Aspect experiment).

Yet previous posts on this subject say that once a measurement is made, enanglement is destroyed. I don't see any difference between the two experiments. Measurement of one property: polarization for the photon or momentum for the hydrogen atom, both "disturb "the system and instantly give you information about the non-measured species. Both are entangled systems, aren't they?


FAQ: Quantum Entanglement: What would happen if

1. What would happen if two entangled particles were separated?

When two particles are entangled, they become connected in a way that their properties are correlated regardless of distance. If these particles were separated, they would still continue to affect each other instantaneously, even if they were on opposite ends of the universe. This phenomenon is known as quantum nonlocality.

2. Can you use entanglement for faster-than-light communication?

No, entanglement cannot be used for faster-than-light communication. While entangled particles can affect each other instantaneously, this does not allow for the transfer of information. The properties of entangled particles are random and cannot be manipulated to convey a specific message.

3. How is quantum entanglement different from classical correlations?

In classical correlations, two particles can be correlated through a shared history or physical interaction. However, in quantum entanglement, particles can be correlated without any direct physical interaction or shared history. This means that entangled particles are connected in a way that cannot be explained by classical physics.

4. Can entanglement be used for quantum computing?

Yes, entanglement is a key principle in quantum computing. By harnessing the power of entanglement, quantum computers can perform certain calculations much faster and more efficiently than classical computers. This is due to the ability of entangled particles to represent multiple states simultaneously.

5. Is it possible to entangle more than two particles?

Yes, it is possible to entangle multiple particles. However, the complexity and difficulty of creating and maintaining entanglement increases with the number of particles. Entangling more than two particles also allows for more complex quantum computing operations and has potential applications in areas such as secure communication and quantum teleportation.

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