How Do You Apply Orthonormality and Completeness in Quantum Finite Square Wells?

In summary: This is correct. The completeness condition states that the sum of the eigenvalues of a matrix must be nonzero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1. Mixed Spectrum
The finite square well has a mixed spectrum or a mixed set of basis functions. The set of
eigenfunctions that corresponds to the bound states are discrete (call this set {ψ_i(x)}) and
the set that corresponds to the scattering states are continuous (call this set {ψ_k(x)}). Thus
the complete set of basis functions are {ψ_i(x), ψ_k(x)}. Write down for this set of basis

a) the orthonormal condition;
b) the completeness condition;
c) the expansion for an arbitrary wavefunction ψ(x) in terms of the basis functions; and
d) the expressions for the expansion coefficients in part c).

Homework Equations

An orthonormal basis may be formed from a linear combination of basis vectors.

We can write vectors as expansions of orthonormal basis so that

[tex] |a>=\sum_{n}^{i=1}a_i|i> [/tex]

[tex] <a|b>=\sum_{n}^{i,j=1}a_i^*b_j<i|j>=\sum_{n}{i}a_i^*b_i [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I am having trouble starting this problem. In (a), do I simply normalize the wavefunctions given?
Physics news on
  • #2
Do you know what "orthonormal" means? What is the condition for two vectors two be orthonormal? Write that down and you will know how to proceed.
Just beware that one of the basis wave functions has a continuous and the other a discrete index.
  • #3
I found the following for part (a) and (b). How do I apply them to the basis function of [tex] \left \{ \psi_i(x),\psi_k(x)\right \} [/tex]? Are the basis functions that the below equations apply to the things on the left hand side of the equations?


[tex] (\psi_i,\psi_j)=\int dx \psi_i^*(x) \psi_j(x)=\delta_{ij} [/tex]

[tex] (\psi_k,\psi_{k'})=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} dx \psi_k^*(x) \psi_{k'}(x)=\delta(k-k') [/tex]


[tex] \sum_{i}\psi^*_i(x')\psi_i(x)=\delta(x-x') [/tex]

[tex] \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dk \psi^*_k(x)'\psi_k(x)=\delta(x-x') [/tex]
  • #4
The 2 othonormality conditions in post 3 are correct. For completeness, think how the unit operator acts in a (rigged) Hilbert space of functions.
  • #5
Thank you for the reply but I don't think I fully understand what a rigged Hilbert Space is. Is it just a transformation from x to exp(ikx)?

Can you please also check my attemps at part c and d?

c.) [tex] \psi(x)=\sum_{i}^{n}c_i \psi_i + \int \phi(k) \psi_k(x)dk [/tex]

d.) [tex] let \hspace{1pc} f(k)=\sum_{i}^{n} c_i \psi_i(k) [/tex]
[tex] \int \psi_{i'}^*f(k)dk=\int \psi_i^* \sum c_i \psi_i(k)dk=c_{i'} [/tex]
[tex] c_{i'}=(\psi_{i'},\psi)=\int \psi_{i'}^*(x) \psi(x)dx [/tex]
[tex] \psi(x) = \sum_{i}^{n}\int \psi_{i'}^*(x) \psi(x)dx \psi_i + \int \phi(k) \psi_k(x)dk [/tex]

Is there a way of writing this in delta function form:

[tex] \psi(x)= \int \psi(x') \delta(x-x')dx [/tex]

FAQ: How Do You Apply Orthonormality and Completeness in Quantum Finite Square Wells?

What is a quantum finite square well?

A quantum finite square well is a theoretical model used to describe the behavior of a particle confined to a finite region of space, such as a box or well. This model takes into account the principles of quantum mechanics and can be used to analyze the energy levels, wave functions, and probabilities of finding a particle within the well.

How does a particle behave inside a quantum finite square well?

Within the well, the particle's behavior is described by a wave function, which represents the probability of finding the particle at a specific location. The particle can only have certain discrete energy levels within the well, and its behavior is affected by the potential barrier of the walls of the well.

What is the significance of the width and depth of a quantum finite square well?

The width and depth of the well determine the energy levels and behavior of the particle within the well. A wider and deeper well will have more discrete energy levels and a larger region where the particle can be found. Conversely, a narrow and shallow well will have fewer energy levels and a smaller region where the particle can exist.

What is the difference between a bound state and a free state in a quantum finite square well?

A bound state is when the particle is confined within the well and has discrete energy levels. In contrast, a free state is when the particle has enough energy to escape the well and can exist outside of it. The energy of the particle in a bound state is negative, while the energy of a free state is positive.

How does a change in the potential barrier affect the energy levels in a quantum finite square well?

A higher potential barrier will result in fewer energy levels and a smaller region where the particle can be found, while a lower potential barrier will result in more energy levels and a larger region where the particle can be found. A change in the potential barrier can also impact the probability of finding the particle at different locations within the well.
