Question about a general way to prove E^2 = (cp)^2 + (mc^2)^2

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In summary: I think it would make more sense to start with the principle that (3) holds for all particles, and then see if (1) and (2) hold for photons.For particles with non zero mass m we know that:E = mc2γ (1)P = mvγ (2)with the usual meaning of the symbols.From those two equations is easy to prove the equation:E2 = (cp)2 + (mc2)2 (3)which doesn't contain the factor γ any longer and so it can even be used for
  • #1
For particles with non zero mass m we know that:

E = mc2γ (1)
P = mvγ (2)

with the usual meaning of the symbols.
From those two equations is easy to prove the equation:

E2 = (cp)2 + (mc2)2 (3)

which doesn't contain the factor γ any longer and so it can even be used for particles of speed = c as photons. But is this really correct? We started from equations (1) and (2) which *are not* applicable to v = c particles.

Is there a more general way to prove (3)?

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  • #2
You have to know something about massless particles in order to derive an equation for massless particles.
E=pc, for example, is sufficient - formula (3) follows as a direct consequence for m=0.
E=hf and ##p=\frac{hf}{c}=\frac{h}{\lambda}## can be used, too.
  • #3
lightarrow said:
Is there a more general way to prove (3)?
I think that the most general way to prove it is to show that P=(E,p) forms a four-vector. Then define m=|P| and (3) follows automatically.
  • #4
I would say the best thing to do is to start with (3) and use that to prove (1) and (2).
  • #5
mfb said:
You have to know something about massless particles in order to derive an equation for massless particles.
E=pc, for example, is sufficient - formula (3) follows as a direct consequence for m=0.
Right, but then would it be correct to prove that a photon's mass is zero substituting E = cp in E2 = c2p2 + m2c4?
Since the last equation, strictly speaking, was derived only for m ≠ 0 particles. What do you think?
  • #6
DaleSpam said:
I think that the most general way to prove it is to show that P=(E,p) forms a four-vector. Then define m=|P| and (3) follows automatically.
Good. How I prove that (E,p) is a four-vector?
  • #7
lightarrow said:
Right, but then would it be correct to prove that a photon's mass is zero substituting E = cp in E2 = c2p2 + m2c4?
Since the last equation, strictly speaking, was derived only for m ≠ 0 particles. What do you think?
I think both equations are true, and it's an idle exercise to worry about which one is derived from what. Similarly, in electromagnetism does ∇·B = 0 imply the existence of A, or is it the other way around??
  • #8
Vanadium 50 said:
I would say the best thing to do is to start with (3) and use that to prove (1) and (2).
I know but mine it's not a strictly mathematical problem: I'm trying to follow a "physical path", starting from experimental results and SR.
  • #9
SR, formulated with 4-vectors in a Minkowski space, is what DaleSpam suggested. You get all equations out of this formalism.
  • #10
##p\cdot p = 0## for a photon so ##-E^2 + |\vec{p}|^2 = 0##. For massive particles, ##p\cdot p = -m^2## so ##E^2 = |\vec{p}|^2 + m^2##.
  • #11
As I recall, there's a technique to get the relativistic momentum relationships by considering the kinematics of the collision of billiard balls - i.e. their velocities must transform according to the usual relativistic formulae, and this constraint is sufficient to give an expression for the momentum as a function of velocity. I think Goldstein has this.

Photons aren't billiard balls, but I suspect that by considering a pair of photons producicing a particle pair, you could derive a similar expression. I haven't tried to work out the detials though.

A more direct route than pair production might involve two photons bouncing off a small lightweight mirror, and insisting that the mirror's trajectory isn't modified, as an analogy to the "billiard balls".
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  • #12
lightarrow said:
Good. How I prove that (E,p) is a four-vector?
Simply show that it transforms correctly. I.e. show that ##E'=\gamma (E-p_x v)## and ##p_x'=\gamma (p_x -vE)##
  • #13
DaleSpam said:
lightarrow said:
Good. How I prove that (E,p) is a four-vector?
Simply show that it transforms correctly. I.e. show that ##E'=\gamma (E-p_x v)## and ##p_x'=\gamma (p_x -vE)##
Can I use (1) and (2)? :-p
  • #14
lightarrow said:
For particles with non zero mass m we know that:

E = mc2γ (1)
P = mvγ (2)

with the usual meaning of the symbols.
From those two equations is easy to prove the equation:

E2 = (cp)2 + (mc2)2 (3)

which doesn't contain the factor γ any longer and so it can even be used for particles of speed = c as photons. But is this really correct? We started from equations (1) and (2) which *are not* applicable to v = c particles.

Is there a more general way to prove (3)?

In physics, sometimes when studying particular phenomena (e.g., interactions of massive particles) we get a glimpse (e.g., your (1) and (2) and your (3)-applied-only-to-massive-particles) of the full story. Then, one may be led to consider theoretical-extensions ( (3) to the zero-mass case)... and checking it with experiment.

Now... thinking about it a little more... ( seeking a "physical path" to (3) )...
Here could be another alternative view incorporating (1)-and-(2) and (3).
At face value,
(1) is a plot of E as a function of m and v
(2) is a plot of p as a function of m and v
and you notice that (3) algebraically results from (1) and (2) and the definition [and elimination] of gamma.
Apparently, (1) and (2) don't apply to the v=c case because gamma will be infinite,
which forces m=0 in order to somehow make E and p finite for a typical photon. ( The applicability of (3) as a constraint isn't so obvious.)

So, instead of (1) and (2) consider
pc/E=v/c ( by taking (2)/(1) )
... in rapidity terms, this says (mc^2 sinhQ)/(mc^2 cosh Q)=tanh Q.
The Euclidean analogue is that the slope is the ratio of the components of a vector.
In particular, if the slope is 1 or -1, the magnitudes of the components are equal.

Practically speaking, consider experiments for various choices of m and v and plot their data on a pc vs E graph... [assuming you know how to get p and E from the experimental data]*.
You'll notice that variable-m constant-v experiments will trace out [a certain subset of] radial lines on the pE-plane.
You'll notice that constant-m variable-v experiments will trace out [a certain subset of] hyperbolas on the pE-plane (3)... including the asymptotic hyperbola (lines with slopes 1 and -1) corresponding to the zero-mass case.

*I think the tricky point for motivation is getting the expression for the relativistic momentum.
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  • #15
Also note that starting from Maxwell's equations, one can show that the energy and (magnitude of) momentum densities in an electromagnetic wave are related by E = pc.
  • #16
Thanks to everyone for the answers.

  • #17
pervect said:
As I recall, there's a technique to get the relativistic momentum relationships by considering the kinematics of the collision of billiard balls - i.e. their velocities must transform according to the usual relativistic formulae, and this constraint is sufficient to give an expression for the momentum as a function of velocity.

it's how i learned that [itex] m = \gamma m_0 [/itex] (the now frowned-upon anachronism). but it required keeping the [itex]p=mv[/itex] relation.
  • #18
lightarrow said:
For particles with non zero mass m we know that:

E = mc2γ (1)
P = mvγ (2)

with the usual meaning of the symbols.
From those two equations is easy to prove the equation:

E2 = (cp)2 + (mc2)2 (3)

which doesn't contain the factor γ any longer and so it can even be used for particles of speed = c as photons. But is this really correct? We started from equations (1) and (2) which *are not* applicable to v = c particles.

Is there a more general way to prove (3)?


The proof depends on the fact that
which in this context is true. Implicitly we are assuming all the caveats of SR and (for this proof)
[tex]m\ne 0[/tex]

It is possible to relax the requirement that
[tex]m\ne 0[/tex]
by proceeding from a topological argument using the invariance of distances in space-time. You would still have the caveats of SR and so the same [tex]\gamma[/tex].

Try to substitute the first expression for [tex]\gamma[/tex] into (1) and (2) and then formulate the right-hand side of (3). Simplify and see what you get.

For the more general way, using the topological invariance of distances in space-time we start with
[tex]p_\mu p^\mu=p_0 p^0+\vec{p}\cdot\vec{p}=-m^2 c^2[/tex]
and get
[tex]-(p^0)^2+|\vec{p}|^2=-m^2 c^2[/tex]
[tex]p^2+m^2 c^2=(p^0)^2[/tex]
This only leaves the interpretation of [tex]p^0[/tex]. Based on units and consistency with situations where
[tex]m\ne 0[/tex]
we take
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  • #19
Bill_K said:
I think both equations are true, and it's an idle exercise to worry about which one is derived from what. Similarly, in electromagnetism does ∇·B = 0 imply the existence of A, or is it the other way around??

This follows from a math theorem that says for any vector A the following is true:
[tex]\mathbf{\nabla} \cdot (\mathbf{\nabla} \times \mathbf{A})=0[/tex]
So if [tex]\mathbf{\nabla} \cdot \mathbf{B}=0[/tex] then there must exist an A such that
[tex]\mathbf{B}=\mathbf{\nabla} \times \mathbf{A}[/tex]
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FAQ: Question about a general way to prove E^2 = (cp)^2 + (mc^2)^2

1. How can you prove the equation E^2 = (cp)^2 + (mc^2)^2?

The equation E^2 = (cp)^2 + (mc^2)^2 is known as the Einstein energy-momentum relation and it can be derived from the special theory of relativity. It is based on the principles of conservation of energy and momentum, and has been extensively tested and verified through experiments.

2. What does each term in the equation represent?

The term E represents the total energy of a system, c is the speed of light, p is the momentum, and m is the rest mass of the system. The equation shows that the total energy of a system is equal to the sum of its momentum and rest mass, both multiplied by the speed of light squared.

3. Can you provide an example of how this equation is used?

One example of how this equation is used is in the study of particle collisions, such as in a particle accelerator. By measuring the energy and momentum of the particles before and after the collision, scientists can use the equation to calculate the rest mass of the particles involved.

4. How does this equation relate to the famous equation E=mc^2?

The equation E=mc^2 is a special case of the more general equation E^2 = (cp)^2 + (mc^2)^2. When the momentum of a system is zero, the equation reduces to E=mc^2, where E represents the total energy and m represents the rest mass of the system.

5. Are there any limitations to this equation?

While the equation has been extensively tested and verified, it is important to note that it is based on the principles of special relativity and may not hold true in extreme cases, such as near the speed of light or in the presence of strong gravitational fields. It also does not account for factors such as quantum effects and may need to be modified in certain situations.

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