Question about Gunter Nimtz's experiments

In summary, Steinberg's explanation of how digital data can be sent using the same principle as wave attenuation does not seem to be cheating.
  • #1
I've searched, I found something in the archives, and several other places on the net, but i wonder, how further experiments debunked this phenonemon?

I saw this explanation : "Aephraim Steinberg, a quantum optics expert at the University of Toronto, Canada, uses the analogy of a train traveling from Chicago to New York, but dropping off train cars at each station along the way, so that the center of the ever shrinking main train moves forward at each stop; in this way, the speed of the center of the train exceeds the speed of any of the individual cars.[44]"

While i see, this isn't good for sending exact analog information, i fail to see yet, why can't it be used to transfer digital data, when it is enough information, whether something has arrived or not?
Physics news on
  • #2
You seem to misunderstand Steinberg's explanation.

The wavefront is traveling at the same speed anyway. All Nimtz does is a non-linear attenuation of the tail of a wave. In other words every single car which arrives, arrives at the same time irrespective of whether the other parts of the cars were dropped off (irrespective of whether other parts of the wave were attenuated or not). It is just the mean position of the left-over cars which moves to the front. However any information is necessarily carried by each individual car (to stay inside the analogy), but obviously no information is connected with the center of all of them.

Or as another analogy: For ten days you send one letter each day from europe to the USA. Each takes one day to get there. So within eleven days all of the letters are there. Now you do the same again, but the final five letters get lost along the way. Now all the letters that arrive will already be there after 6 days, but did you send any information faster than before?
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  • #3
Yes, good explanation, however i still wonder on something.

"All Nimtz does is a non-linear attenuation of the tail of a wave."

He claimed, he could reconstruct Mozart's symphony with this method. Where is the cheating?
If partial information can be enough for reconstruction, without previous knowledge about what we should reconstruct, that can be used for more effective information sending, like zipping a document.
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  • #4
GTOM said:
He claimed, he could reconstruct Mozart's symphony with this method. Where is the cheating?
If partial information can be enough for reconstruction, without previous knowledge about what we should reconstruct, that can be used for more effective information sending, like zipping a document.

There is no cheating. Attenuating a wave does not necessarily throw away information. Just imagine the case you are just playing a Metallica record loudly. Now you reduce the volume. You just attenuated the wave, but do not lose any information about the song played. Of course you will lose some fun by listening to a metal song with tuned down volume instead...
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FAQ: Question about Gunter Nimtz's experiments

1. Who is Gunter Nimtz?

Gunter Nimtz is a German physicist known for his controversial experiments on superluminal tunneling, which challenged Einstein's theory of special relativity.

2. What were Gunter Nimtz's experiments about?

Nimtz's experiments involved sending information faster than the speed of light through a specially designed tunneling barrier. This contradicted the theory of special relativity, which states that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

3. What were the results of Gunter Nimtz's experiments?

Nimtz claimed to have successfully transmitted information faster than the speed of light in his experiments. However, his results have been heavily debated and criticized by the scientific community.

4. How did the scientific community respond to Gunter Nimtz's experiments?

Nimtz's experiments have been met with skepticism and criticism from the scientific community. Many scientists have raised concerns about the validity and accuracy of his results.

5. What is the current consensus on Gunter Nimtz's experiments?

The majority of the scientific community does not accept Nimtz's results as evidence of faster-than-light travel. Further research and experiments are needed to fully understand the implications of his experiments on the theory of relativity.

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