Question about neutrino oscillations

In summary, a college junior reading up on neutrino oscillations has some questions about the fundamental nature of mass and flavor eigenstates for neutrinos. It is stated that the mass eigenstates are more reasonable to consider as the actual physical states, while the flavor states are more suitable for a simpler or more symmetric description of the theory. In regards to a beam of neutrinos having the same momentum, it is explained that this is a valid assumption due to the small mass of neutrinos compared to their energies in oscillation situations. It is also mentioned that if the neutrino masses were comparable to other particle masses, this approximation would not work and the effects of neutrino mass would have been observed in other ways. Finally, it is stated that
  • #1
McLaren Rulez

I'm a college undergrad (junior year, so basic knowledge of QM but not much else) and I'm reading up on neutrino oscillations. I have a few questions.

For neutrinos, which is more fundamental: The mass eigenstates or the flavour eigenstates? In this paper the author says, "Suppose that there are N physical neutrinos (mass eigenstates), [itex]\nu_{m}[/itex]..." So do the mass eigenstates represent physical particles which come together in different linear combinations to produce flavour? I am a bit confused about this issue.

Also, in the same paper, the author mentions in the first page, on the right side column: In the standard treatment it is supposed that we have a beam of neutrinos all having a common fixed momentum, [itex]p_{\mu}[/itex]. So when he talks about momentum, is he saying that all the different mass eigenstates have the same momentum? If so, why is it valid to assume that they all have a fixed common momentum? Why can't different mass eigenstates have different momenta?

Thank you very much for your help.
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  • #2
I'm afraid you may not like this answer; but, which set of states are more fundamental depends on what you mean by "fundamental." If you're asking about which set of state are more reasonable to think of as the "actual physical states," the best answer is the mass eigenstates; but, if you're asking which should show up in the simplest (or, pretty much equivalently, most symmetric) description of the theory, the answer is the flavor states.
  • #3
Thank you for the reply, Parlyne.

Regarding the second part, do you know why it is ok to think of a beam of mass eigenstates all having the same momentum as the standard treatment for neutrino oscillations? I also see some other sources where they treat the energy of all the eigenstates as equal instead. Why are we allowed to do this?

Thank you.
  • #4
McLaren Rulez said:
why it is ok to think of a beam of mass eigenstates all having the same momentum as the standard treatment for neutrino oscillations?

The neutrino masses are assumed to be much smaller (on the order of 1 eV/c^2) than the neutrino energies in oscillation situations: on the order of 1 MeV for solar neutrinos, and ranging up to the GeV range for accelerator experiments. In these sitations the energy equals the momentum, for all practical purposes, and changing the mass has practically no effect on the momentum, for a given energy.

If the neutrino masses were comparable to other particle masses, then this approximation wouldn't work; but in that case we would have observed the effects of neutrino mass a long time ago in other ways than neutrino oscillations!
  • #5
jtbell said:
The neutrino masses are assumed to be much smaller (on the order of 1 eV/c^2) than the neutrino energies in oscillation situations: on the order of 1 MeV for solar neutrinos, and ranging up to the GeV range for accelerator experiments. In these sitations the energy equals the momentum, for all practical purposes, and changing the mass has practically no effect on the momentum, for a given energy.

If the neutrino masses were comparable to other particle masses, then this approximation wouldn't work; but in that case we would have observed the effects of neutrino mass a long time ago in other ways than neutrino oscillations!

So at what distance from the center of the sun can we expect the solar neutrinos to change into a different neutrino, if that makes sense? Or in other words, how many oscillations from the sun to the Earth?
  • #6
Spinnor said:
So at what distance from the center of the sun can we expect the solar neutrinos to change into a different neutrino, if that makes sense? Or in other words, how many oscillations from the sun to the Earth?


"Oscillation distances, L, in modern experiments are on the order of kilometers"

FAQ: Question about neutrino oscillations

1. What are neutrino oscillations?

Neutrino oscillations refer to the phenomenon where neutrinos, which are subatomic particles with no electric charge, can change from one type to another as they travel through space. This is possible because neutrinos exist in three different types, or flavors: electron, muon, and tau.

2. Why do neutrino oscillations occur?

Neutrino oscillations occur because neutrinos have a small amount of mass and interact with each other and other particles through a process called the weak force. This allows them to change from one flavor to another as they travel through space.

3. How do scientists study neutrino oscillations?

Scientists study neutrino oscillations by using large detectors, such as the Super-Kamiokande detector in Japan, to observe the interactions of neutrinos. They also use powerful particle accelerators, like the Large Hadron Collider, to produce and study neutrinos.

4. What is the significance of neutrino oscillations?

The study of neutrino oscillations has significant implications for our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the nature of the universe. It can also help us learn more about the properties of neutrinos, such as their mass, and potentially lead to advancements in fields such as energy production and medical imaging.

5. Can neutrino oscillations be observed in everyday life?

No, neutrino oscillations cannot be observed in everyday life because they occur at the subatomic level and require specialized equipment and techniques to detect and study. However, the knowledge gained from studying neutrino oscillations can have real-life applications, such as in the development of new technologies and medicines.

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