Questions about twin prime numbers

In summary: I understand now your proof, thank youIn summary, the conversation is about a request for general information on twin primes and semiprimes. It is mentioned that the distribution of semiprimes between twin primes is slow and that 4 and 6 are the only semiprimes directly between twin primes. There is also a discussion about the density of twin primes and semiprimes, as well as a mention of a theorem by Koreevaar concerning the twin prime conjecture. The conversation also includes a request for a formal proof that 4 and 6 are the only semiprimes between twin primes. The conversation ends with a summary of the proof presented by one of the participants.
  • #1
Hi all,

Do you people know about any research concerning the number that lies around twin prime numbers?

I mean: How much numbers are semi-primes, for instance.

I made myself clear? Sorry for the bad grammar.
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  • #2
I'm not sure what you want, but it's a request for general information on both twin primes and semiprimes, I take it.

Twin primes are not known to be infinite, but it's supposed that they're infinite with density [itex]2C_2/(\log n)^2[/itex].

Semiprimes are infinite. Their density is [itex]\mathcal{O}(n\log\log n/\log n)[/itex].
  • #3
is there any pathern of the distribution of semi-primes around primes?
  • #4
What I mean is: seems to be a "slow grouth" in the amount of prime factors of the number between twin primes. This is obvious, but seems* that, for instance, 4 and 6 are the only two semi-primes between twin primes, and perhaps the amount of numbers with 3 factors between twin primes are also finite, and so on...

What do you think CRG?




* in fact I provided a proff in that other thread as follow:

x + y + 1 = xy ==> (1-y)x + y + 1 = 0 ==> (y+1)/(y-1) = x

call y - 1 = k ==> (k+2)/k = x ==> k(x-1) = 2 ==> x=3 and k=1 OR x=k=2 ==> x=3 and y=2 OR x=2 and y=3

showing (2,3) is the only pair such that x + y + 1 = xy

Ohhh, I'm sorry for this nonsense in the end... of course this is not a proof like I stated, just a proof for the conjecture of surreal ike in the other thread
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  • #5
al-mahed said:
What I mean is: seems to be a "slow grouth" in the amount of prime factors of the number between twin primes. This is obvious, but seems* that, for instance, 4 and 6 are the only two semi-primes between twin primes, and perhaps the amount of numbers with 3 factors between twin primes are also finite, and so on...

All twin primes greater than 3 are one less than a multiple of 6, so all numbers between twin prime pairs other than 4 are multiples of 6. Thus 4 and 6 are the only semiprimes directly between twin prime pairs.

There are probably infinitely many 3-almost primes between twin prime pairs. After calculatign the first few I noticed that this was just .
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  • #6
if i am not wrong in an article made by Koreevear called "distributional Wiener-Ikehara" theorem he proved that twin prime conjecture was equivalent to the fact that the sum

[tex] \sum_{n} \Lambda (n) \Lambda (n+1) [/tex] from 1<n<x was asymptotic to 'x'

the Lambda is the Von Mangoldt function.
  • #7
CRGreathouse said:
All twin primes greater than 3 are one less than a multiple of 6, so all numbers between twin prime pairs other than 4 are multiples of 6. Thus 4 and 6 are the only semiprimes directly between twin prime pairs.

There are probably infinitely many 3-almost primes between twin prime pairs. After calculatign the first few I noticed that this was just .

What I meant saying "between" is the same of "directly between", like the number +- 1 = one of the twins
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  • #8
mhill said:
if i am not wrong in an article made by Koreevear called "distributional Wiener-Ikehara" theorem he proved that twin prime conjecture was equivalent to the fact that the sum

[tex] \sum_{n} \Lambda (n) \Lambda (n+1) [/tex] from 1<n<x was asymptotic to 'x'

the Lambda is the Von Mangoldt function.

what is the mangoldt function?
  • #9
how to prove that 4 and 6 are the only semiprime numbers between twin prime numbers?

saying "between" I mean given p and q, twin primes such that p<q, the number between then, like n, is such that n-1 = p and n+1=q
  • #10
al-mahed said:
What I meant saying "between" is the same of "directly between", like the number +- 1 = one of the twins

That's the same as what I meant: p+1, the number between p and p+2.

al-mahed said:
how to prove that 4 and 6 are the only semiprime numbers between twin prime numbers?

saying "between" I mean given p and q, twin primes such that p<q, the number between then, like n, is such that n-1 = p and n+1=q

Yes, I proved this above.
  • #11
CRGreathouse;1653125 Yes said:
All twin primes greater than 3 are one less than a multiple of 6, so all numbers between twin prime pairs other than 4 are multiples of 6. Thus 4 and 6 are the only semiprimes directly between twin prime pairs.[/i]

You are talking about this quotation?

Do you have a formal proof of this? You posted only a statement without any proof, although seems to be true (I check using" )
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  • #12
This is an strong pathern!
  • #13
al-mahed said:
Do you have a formal proof of this?

Yes, you just quoted it. It's very simple: for p > 3 a twin prime, 6|(p+1), so p+1 is semiprime iff p = 5.
  • #14
CRGreathouse said:
Yes, you just quoted it. It's very simple: for p > 3 a twin prime, 6|(p+1), so p+1 is semiprime iff p = 5.

Sorry, I don't understand how this can be a proof of 6 is the only semiprime (with 4) between twin primes... I think you "iff" means "if and only if", right? But how to know that is necessary p =5??
  • #15
and how do you know that if p is the lesser of twin primes, 6 | p+1 always? I am asking this because this "seems" to be true only when p is the lesser of twin primes.

sorry if my questions sounds elementary
  • #16
al-mahed said:
Sorry, I don't understand how this can be a proof of 6 is the only semiprime (with 4) between twin primes... I think you "iff" means "if and only if", right? But how to know that is necessary p =5??

Yes, iff is "if and only if". It's really hard to break this down because this is so basic. Let me know if this works.

1. p is a twin prime if p is prime and p+2 is prime.
2. If p is prime, then either p is 3 or p is not divisible by 3.
3. If p is prime, then p+2 is not 3.
4. Thus if p is a twin prime, then either p = 3 or neither p nor p+2 is divisible by 3.
5. If p > 3 is a twin prime, then p is not 0 or 3 mod 6 by #2
6. If p > 3 is a twin prime, then p is not 4 or 1 mod 6 by #2 and #3
7. By #5 and #6, if p > 3 is a twin prime, p is 2 or 5 mod 6.
8. But if p > 3 is prime then p is not even.
9. By #8, if p > 3 is a twin prime then p is 5 mod 6.

Or I could just skip this and say, "Everyone knows that twin primes other than 3 are of the form 6n-1.".
  • #17
Ok, thanks, very elementary indeed! This is interesting
  • #18
Glad to help.

FAQ: Questions about twin prime numbers

What are twin prime numbers?

Twin prime numbers are a pair of prime numbers that are only two numbers apart from each other. For example, 41 and 43 are twin primes because they are both prime numbers and their difference is 2.

How many twin prime numbers are there?

As of now, there is no known formula or method to predict the exact number of twin prime numbers. However, it is believed that there are infinitely many twin primes.

What is the largest known twin prime number?

The largest known twin prime number as of 2021 is (3,756,801,695 × 2^666,669) + 1 and (3,756,801,695 × 2^666,669) - 1. This number has over 200,000 digits and was discovered in 2018.

What is the significance of twin prime numbers?

Twin prime numbers have been studied for centuries and are of great interest to mathematicians. They can help us understand the distribution of prime numbers and are also used in cryptography and other fields of mathematics.

Are there any unsolved problems related to twin prime numbers?

Yes, there are several unsolved problems related to twin prime numbers, such as the Twin Prime Conjecture which states that there are infinitely many pairs of twin primes, and the Hardy-Littlewood Conjecture which predicts the frequency of twin prime numbers in the number system. These problems are still open and continue to be studied by mathematicians.

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