Questions on the symmetric group

In summary, the author thinks that if an element has order p in Sn, then it's cycle decomposition is a product of commuting p-cycles. However, the author's proof is different from the proof in the book and he doesn't know if it's right.
  • #1
Maths Lover
first ,
if p is prime , show that an element has order p in Sn iff it's cycle decomosition is a product of commuting p-cycles

my solution is very diffrent about the one in the book and I don't know if my strategy is right

my proof
let T is an element of Sn
and the cycle decomposition of T = t1 t2 t3 ... tm
t1 , t2 , ... , tm are disjoint cycle
ti tj = tj ti for all i,j
T^p = ( t1 t2 ... tm )^p = (t1)^p (t2)^p ... (tm)^p
now , ti , tj are 2 disjoint cycle so if ti or tj are not equal to identity permutation then ,
ti tj =\= e

now if T^p = 1
(t1)^p (t2)^p ... (tm)^p = 1
but (t1)^p , (t2)^p , ... , (tm)^p are disjoint
so if (ti)^p =\= 1 for all i then
(t1)^p (t2)^p ... (tm)^p =\= 1
but (t1)^p (t2)^p ... (tm)^p = 1
so it's nessary that
(ti)^p = 1 for all i
l ti l = p
and ti 's are commuting because they are disjoint

so we proved that order of T = p where p is prime then it's cycle decomposition has the same order p
every t1 is a p-cycle

is this right ?

the otherway is easy to prove

please help

in this question we can't use the rule which says @ order of an element in Sn is the LCD of the lenghts of the cycles in its cycle decomposition because this rule didn't come in the book and I search for a proof without it
Physics news on
  • #2
here is the question on more clear way

prove that :

  • #3
On the face of it, that's a rather different question (though no doubt they're equivalent in some way). So if the second post is the real question to be answered, please repost your proof in a way that relates more directly to it.
  • #4
haruspex said:
On the face of it, that's a rather different question (though no doubt they're equivalent in some way). So if the second post is the real question to be answered, please repost your proof in a way that relates more directly to it.

sorry , a mistake was made !
my question is the first one ,
the second one I work on it

so , does my attempt on the first question is right or not ?!
  • #5
Maths Lover said:
if T^p = 1
(t1)^p (t2)^p ... (tm)^p = 1
Not immediately. Tp = ((t1) (t2) ... (tm))p = 1. You need to use the fact that (t1) , (t2) , ... , (tm) are disjoint to show they commute.
  • #6
haruspex said:
Not immediately. Tp = ((t1) (t2) ... (tm))p = 1. You need to use the fact that (t1) , (t2) , ... , (tm) are disjoint to show they commute.

yes , I said that t1 , t2 , ... , tm are disjoint beacuse t's are the cycle decomposition
so they are disjoint so they are commuting with each other !
  • #7
Maths Lover said:
yes , I said that t1 , t2 , ... , tm are disjoint beacuse t's are the cycle decomposition
so they are disjoint so they are commuting with each other !
Yes, you said that later, but not at the point where you made use of it.
  • #8
haruspex said:
Yes, you said that later, but not at the point where you made use of it.

ok :) thank you

FAQ: Questions on the symmetric group

1. What is the symmetric group?

The symmetric group, denoted as Sn, is a group of all possible permutations of n objects. In other words, it is the set of all possible ways to rearrange n distinct objects.

2. How many elements are in the symmetric group?

The number of elements in the symmetric group Sn is equal to n!, which is the factorial of n. For example, if n = 3, then the symmetric group S3 has 3! = 6 elements.

3. What is the identity element in the symmetric group?

The identity element in the symmetric group Sn is the permutation that leaves all objects in their original positions. In other words, it is the permutation e = (1 2 3 ... n).

4. How do you multiply permutations in the symmetric group?

Permutations in the symmetric group Sn are multiplied by composing them from right to left. For example, if we have permutations a = (1 2 3) and b = (2 3 1), then the product ab = (1 2 3)(2 3 1) = (2 1 3).

5. What is the order of an element in the symmetric group?

The order of an element in the symmetric group Sn is the smallest positive integer k such that ak = e, where a is the element and e is the identity element. In simpler terms, it is the number of times you need to multiply the element by itself to get the identity element.

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