Questions regarding neuralation/gastrulation

  • Thread starter sven222
  • Start date
In summary, the nerve cord in invertebrates is a rod, the blastopore in invertebrates is a lip, and the cells of the dorsal blastopore lip know in which direction to go when they invaginate.
  • #1
Hey guys,

I have a few questions, if you can help me out it would be great. First year bio by the way, so don't get too complex on me. I'm a chemistry major, so excuse my ignorance when it comes to anything biological.

During neuralation, the verterbrate nerve cord is a tube whereas in inverterbrates it is a rod. Why exactly is this?

Also, How do the cells of the dorsal blastopore lip know in which direction to go when they invaginate?

Any help would be great guys :)
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  • #2
hmmm...Way over my head. Way too macro for me

If no one gets back to you, i'll try my biology textbook andsee what I can come up with, but until then, I'll leave this to someone else.
  • #3
Originally posted by Another God
hmmm...Way over my head. Way too macro for me

If no one gets back to you, i'll try my biology textbook andsee what I can come up with, but until then, I'll leave this to someone else.

Thanks, I know exactly what you mean. I much prefer dealing with things on a smaller scale :D

Any help would be much appreciated.
  • #4
Hi Sven! I

Originally posted by sven222
During neuralation, the verterbrate nerve cord is a tube whereas in inverterbrates it is a rod. Why exactly is this?
I didn't know it was a rod in invertebrates.. it must be a different mechanism that forms then. In vertebrates the neural tube forms by the the action of nochord cells which are present along the the central body axis. These cells express Brachyury (Greek for short-tail, the mutant), the mesoderm on top will start to thicken, rolls up into a tube and pinches off from the rest of the cell sheet, thus creating the neural tube.

This notochord is not present in invertebrates.

Also, How do the cells of the dorsal blastopore lip know in which direction to go when they invaginate?
Well, each part of the blastopore is chemically defined, different genes are expressed at posterior, anterior, terminal or dorsoventral sides. This gradient of chemical signals will tell the cell how to grow.
  • #5
Originally posted by sven222
During neuralation, the verterbrate nerve cord is a tube whereas in inverterbrates it is a rod. Why exactly is this?

It due to their anatomy. Vertebrate and invertebrates are dissimilar to great extend due to their evolution parttern. In invertebrate, the major nerve are on the ventral (are ventral ectoderm) and not vertebrae are around the nerve whereas in vertebrate the major nerves on dorsal (derived from dorsal ectoderm) and surrounded by vertenbrae

Also what does to the invertebrate rod becomes versus the nervous tube of invertebrate.
  • #6
Thanks guys :)

FAQ: Questions regarding neuralation/gastrulation

1. What is neuralation and gastrulation?

Neuralation and gastrulation are two important processes in embryonic development. Neuralation is the formation of the neural tube, which will become the brain and spinal cord. Gastrulation is the formation of the three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm), which will give rise to different tissues and organs in the body.

2. What is the role of neuralation and gastrulation in embryonic development?

Neuralation and gastrulation are crucial for the proper development of the nervous system and body tissues. These processes lay the foundation for the formation of the brain, spinal cord, and other organs and tissues in the body.

3. How does neuralation and gastrulation occur?

Neuralation begins with the formation of the notochord, a structure that will induce the overlying ectoderm to form the neural plate. The neural plate then folds in on itself to form the neural tube. Gastrulation involves the invagination of cells at the blastopore, which forms the three germ layers.

4. What factors influence neuralation and gastrulation?

Various signaling molecules, such as growth factors and hormones, play important roles in regulating neuralation and gastrulation. Additionally, genetic factors and environmental factors can also affect the timing and success of these processes.

5. What are some potential defects or complications that can arise during neuralation and gastrulation?

Defects or malformations in neuralation and gastrulation can lead to serious birth defects, such as neural tube defects, heart defects, and cleft lip or palate. These defects can be caused by genetic mutations, environmental factors, or a combination of both.

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