Alternating Series Tests: Understanding Conditional & Absolute Convergence

In summary, when the ratio test is inconclusive, another test must be used to check for conditional convergence. This test must be associated with an alternating series, such as the Alternating Series Test. If the Alternating Series Test proves conditionally convergent, it does not prove absolute convergence, so other tests such as the Comparison Test can be used to check for absolute convergence. The absolute value of the series must be taken to use these tests. Thank you for taking the time to reply and clear up any misconceptions. More convergence tests can be found on Wikipedia.
  • #1
I have a question about the ratio test. Suppose it proves inconclusive, we must than use another test to check for conditional convergence - 1) this test has to be associated with an alternating series, such as the Alternating Series Test, correct? (we wouldn't be able to use something like Integral Test, right?)
2) I noticed in the examples we use Alternating Series Test, if this test proves conditionally convergent, I know it doesn't prove Absolute Convergence. So now we would have to check for Absolute Convergence, correct? *** In this case, we can use tests such as the Comparison Test, which neglects that it is an alternating series? So basically at this point we take the absolute value of the series, which neglects any negatives, leaving it open for other tests?
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  • #2

If the ratio test proves inconclusive, it tells you nothing, so you have to find another way to prove convergence or divergence.

If you have an alternating series, things are usually pretty easy (because of the Alternating series test).

If you want to prove abolute convergence or divergence, the alternating series test doesn't help you. If you want to prove absolute convergence, you must prove the convergence of the absolute series. So you can try, as you already mentioned, the comparison test or the integral test or whatever other test you have at hands.
  • #3

Thank you for taking the time out to reply, your answer helped clear my misconceptions.
  • #4

FAQ: Alternating Series Tests: Understanding Conditional & Absolute Convergence

1. What is an alternating series?

An alternating series is a type of mathematical series in which the terms alternate between positive and negative values. This means that the terms in the series increase and decrease in value as the series progresses.

2. What is conditional convergence?

Conditional convergence refers to the convergence of an alternating series when certain conditions are met. In order for a series to be conditionally convergent, the series must alternate between positive and negative values and the absolute value of the terms must decrease as the series progresses.

3. How is absolute convergence different from conditional convergence?

Absolute convergence refers to the convergence of a series without any conditions. This means that the series will converge regardless of the order of the terms. Unlike conditional convergence, the terms in an absolutely convergent series do not have to alternate between positive and negative values.

4. What is the Alternating Series Test?

The Alternating Series Test is a method used to determine the convergence of an alternating series. It states that if the terms of an alternating series decrease in absolute value and approach zero, then the series will converge.

5. How can Alternating Series Tests be applied to real-world problems?

Alternating Series Tests can be used in various real-world applications such as in engineering, economics, and physics. For example, they can be used to analyze the convergence of alternating current in electrical circuits or to determine the convergence of alternating investment returns in finance.

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