Race of Light Rays in Vacuum and Water: Winner or Tie?

In summary, two light rays parallel to each other are fired inside their respective media (vacuum and water) towards a detector placed at the same distance from the source. The speed of light in vacuum is faster than in water, with a speed of about 75% of the speed in vacuum. It is possible for there to be a phase shift or time delay in the light ray's travel through the media, resulting in a difference in arrival time at the detector. It is important to improve searching skills and utilize other resources, such as books, for a more comprehensive understanding of a topic.
  • #1
Imagine two light rays parallel to each other , one of them is traveling in vacuum and the other one in water. We place a detector at the same distance from the source and fire the two rays inside their respective media.who will win the race? Or is it possible to have a tie in the competition?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Can you Google "speed of light in vacuum" and "speed of light in water" ?
  • #3
phinds said:
Can you Google "speed of light in vacuum" and "speed of light in water" ?

Oh sorry I am a really dumb kid who can make a new thread but can't Google something.
I did do it but wasn't satisfied by the results, some places they said that the light ray travels with the absolute velocity but with a phase shift and so I wanted to know if that could result in actual delay in traversing a geometric path.
  • #4
Light speed in water is about 75% of vacuum light speed.
  • #5
quawa99 said:
Oh sorry I am a really dumb kid who can make a new thread but can't Google something.
I did do it but wasn't satisfied by the results, some places they said that the light ray travels with the absolute velocity but with a phase shift and so I wanted to know if that could result in actual delay in traversing a geometric path.
Since we get a lot of that here, it is helpful to provide that information upfront. We can't provide the appropriate help if we don't know where you are.
  • #6
quawa99 said:
Oh sorry I am a really dumb kid who can make a new thread but can't Google something.
I did do it but wasn't satisfied by the results, some places they said that the light ray travels with the absolute velocity but with a phase shift and so I wanted to know if that could result in actual delay in traversing a geometric path.

Phase lag, at a given frequency, and time delay are effectively the same thing. In the case of light frequencies, there could be a pretty massive phase shift over a long path. It is quite possible to detect two 'racing' pulses when they arrive at different times, even over a few metres of 'race track. 3 X10^8 m/s is a very 'finite' quantity.

Lenses all work on the principle that the phase / time shift through the thick parts of the glass is greater than the air+glass path through the thin parts.

I could suggest that you try to hone your searching skills. What you read may not immediately strike you as useful but is worth while making the effort to make sense of it - or use another link. It is all too easy to ask questions and all too easy for them to be mis-interpreted. PF is much more useful for sorting out individual points than as an education system. Books are incredibly good as a source of total learning.

FAQ: Race of Light Rays in Vacuum and Water: Winner or Tie?

1. What is the "Race of Light Rays" in vacuum and water?

The "Race of Light Rays" refers to an experiment in which light travels through both vacuum and water, and the time it takes for the light to travel through each medium is measured. This experiment is used to determine if the speed of light is affected by the medium it travels through.

2. What is the expected outcome of the race between light rays in vacuum and water?

The expected outcome is for light to travel faster in vacuum than in water. This is because light travels through vacuum without any obstacles or particles to slow it down, while water molecules can interfere with the movement of light, causing it to slow down.

3. Has the "Race of Light Rays" experiment been conducted before?

Yes, this experiment has been conducted numerous times and has consistently shown that light travels faster in vacuum than in water.

4. Why is it important to study the speed of light in different mediums?

Studying the speed of light in different mediums can help us understand the nature of light and how it behaves. It also has practical applications, such as in fiber optics technology and the development of new materials.

5. Is there a definitive winner in the "Race of Light Rays" between vacuum and water?

Yes, the definitive winner is light in vacuum. However, the difference in speed between light in vacuum and water is very small and may not be noticeable in everyday situations.
