Raindrop Velocity and Mass Dynamics: Finding Space Traversed Over Time

In summary, water vapor condenses into a raindrop at a constant rate, with initial mass $$ M_0 $$ and zero velocity. The raindrop falls vertically under the influence of gravity. The space it traverses can be found as a function of time using the equations of motion and integration.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Water vapor condense in a raindrop with rate μ units of mass per time.
The raindrop starts with 0 velocity with initial mass $$ M_0 $$ and falls horizontally. Find the space it traverses as a function of time (g is given).

Homework Equations

∂m/ ∂t= μ

The Attempt at a Solution

Assuming that the mass dm of vapor to be condesed has a total velocity v0, and using Newton's law, I have [itex]g= \frac{dv}{dt} + \frac{dm*(v-v0)}{dt*m}[/itex] . From there the only thing i could think is that I could write dv/dt as dv/dm*dm/dt but it doesn't seem to help...
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  • #2
Nice problem.
Presumably all the incremental mass gained as the original drop falls under gravity is at 0 velocity as well, so there will be a constant retarding force on the drop. However, because the drop is increasing in mass over time, the slowing effect of the additional mass declines.
  • #3
Hi GregoryGr! :smile:
GregoryGr said:
… and falls horizontally.

(That's a good trick! :biggrin:)

Consider the momentum (and force) at times t and t+dt.

(and use m(t) = Mo + µt from the start! :wink:)
  • #4
GregoryGr said:
Assuming that the mass dm of vapor to be condesed has a total velocity v0, and using Newton's law, I have [itex]g= \frac{dv}{dt} + \frac{dm*(v-v0)}{dt*m}[/itex] .
Good start. Can you write m as a function of t?
  • #5
Well, I got the answer without writing the momentum @ t and t+dt, with this:

$$\vec{F}= \frac{d\vec{p}}{dt} \Rightarrow \int_{0}^{t}\mu gdt=\int_{0}^{\mu v}d(\mu v)$$
Anybody want to show me alternative ways to solve it? It seems that the integral you have to calculate is too hard for a physics I exercise.

EDIT: where I write /mu I meant the m(t)
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  • #6
GregoryGr said:
Well, I got the answer without writing the momentum @ t and t+dt, with this:

$$\vec{F}= \frac{d\vec{p}}{dt} \Rightarrow \int_{0}^{t}\mu gdt=\int_{0}^{\mu v}d(\mu v)$$
Not sure how you get that, and it doesn't look to me like it's going to give the right answer. What answer did you get from it?
What was wrong with your initial approach? What ODE did you get after writing m = μt? It didn't look hard to solve to me. Because the terms (gt, v, v't) are dimensionally the same, a natural try is v = Atα.
  • #7
dm/dt = u --> m(t) = u * t + M0, where m(0) = M0
F = d/dt(m * v) = m * dv/dt + v * dm/dt = -m * g, assuming no air resistance.
m * dv/dm * u = -v * u - m * g --> dv/dm + (1/m) * v = -g/u --> d/dm(m * v) = -m * g/u --> m * v = -m^2 * g/(2 * u) + C -->
v(m) = -m * g/(2 * u) + C/m, v(M0) = 0 --> C = M0^2 * g/ (2 * u) -->
v(m) = -g/(2 * u) * (m - M0^2/m) -->
v(t) = -g/(2 * u) * (u * t + M0 - M0^2/(u * t + m0))
Integrating we obtain:
x(t) = -g/(2 * u^2) * ((u * t + M0)^2/2 - M0^2 * ln(u * t + m0)) + K

If x(0) = h --> K = h + g/(2 * u^2) * (M0^2/2 - M0^2 * ln(M0)) -->
x(t) = -g/(2 * u^2) * ((u * t + M0)^2/2 - M0^2/2 + M0^2 * ln(M0/(u * t + M0)) + h.

For x(m) we have:
x(m) = -g/(2 * u^2) * ((m^2 - M0^2)/2 + M0^2 * ln(M0/m)) + h.
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  • #8
I think that ##\mu_0,\,M_0## must satisfy:
$$ \frac{\partial{m}}{\partial{t}} = Cm(t) \,\text{where}\, \left[\frac{\partial{m}}{\partial{t}}\right]_{t=0} = \mu_0 $$
  • #9
theodoros.mihos said:
I think that ##\mu_0,\,M_0## must satisfy:
$$ \frac{\partial{m}}{\partial{t}} = Cm(t) \,\text{where}\, \left[\frac{\partial{m}}{\partial{t}}\right]_{t=0} = \mu_0 $$
The problem statement is clear that the rate of mass gain is constant.
  • #10
So the force is constant, ok.
  • #11
GregoryGr said:

Homework Statement

Water vapor condense in a raindrop with rate μ units of mass per time.
The raindrop starts with 0 velocity with initial mass $$ M_0 $$ and falls horizontally.
Falls horizontally ? How?
Did you mean it falls vertically? Or the raindrop starts to move horizontally?
  • #12
May be "move horizontally", perhaps without friction.
  • #13
Assuming the raindrop falls vertically.
dm/dt = u --> m(t) = u * t + M0, where m(0) = M0
F = d/dt(m * v) = m * dv/dt + v * dm/dt = -m * g, assuming no air resistance.
m * dv/dm * u = -v * u - m * g --> dv/dm + (1/m) * v = -g/u --> d/dm(m * v) = -m * g/u --> m * v = -m^2 * g/(2 * u) + C -->
v(m) = -m * g/(2 * u) + C/m, v(M0) = 0 --> C = M0^2 * g/ (2 * u) -->
v(m) = -g/(2 * u) * (m - M0^2/m) -->
v(t) = -g/(2 * u) * (u * t + M0 - M0^2/(u * t + M0))
Integrating we obtain:
x(t) = -g/(2 * u^2) * ((u * t + M0)^2/2 - M0^2 * ln(u * t + M0)) + K

If x(0) = h --> K = h + g/(2 * u^2) * (M0^2/2 - M0^2 * ln(M0)) -->
x(t) = -g/(2 * u^2) * ((u * t + M0)^2/2 - M0^2/2 + M0^2 * ln(M0/(u * t + M0)) + h.

For x(m) we have:
x(m) = -g/(2 * u^2) * ((m^2 - M0^2)/2 + M0^2 * ln(M0/m)) + h.
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  • #14
theodoros.mihos said:
So the force is constant, ok.
The problem seems fairly simple.
Assume that the raindrop falls vertically.
dm/dt = u --> m(t) = u * t + M0, where m(0) = M0
F = d/dt(m * v) = m * dv/dt + v * dm/dt = -m * g, assuming no air resistance.
m * dv/dm * u = -v * u - m * g --> dv/dm + (1/m) * v = -g/u --> d/dm(m * v) = -m * g/u --> m * v = -m^2 * g/(2 * u) + C -->
v(m) = -m * g/(2 * u) + C/m, v(M0) = 0 --> C = M0^2 * g/ (2 * u) -->
v(m) = -g/(2 * u) * (m - M0^2/m) -->
v(t) = -g/(2 * u) * (u * t + M0 - M0^2/(u * t + M0))
Integrating we obtain:
x(t) = -g/(2 * u^2) * ((u * t + M0)^2/2 - M0^2 * ln(u * t + M0)) + K

If x(0) = h --> K = h + g/(2 * u^2) * (M0^2/2 - M0^2 * ln(M0)) -->
x(t) = -g/(2 * u^2) * ((u * t + M0)^2/2 - M0^2/2 + M0^2 * ln(M0/(u * t + M0)) + h.
  • #15
theodoros.mihos said:
So the force is constant, ok.
No, the 'drag' that results from mass accumulation will be proportional to the speed.
Rocco's analysis looks right, but I've not checked it in detail. Too tedious without LaTeX.

FAQ: Raindrop Velocity and Mass Dynamics: Finding Space Traversed Over Time

What is "Raindrop variable mass"?

"Raindrop variable mass" refers to the phenomenon where the mass of a raindrop changes as it falls through the atmosphere. This is due to the addition of water molecules and the evaporation of smaller water droplets as the raindrop descends.

How does the mass of a raindrop affect its size?

The mass of a raindrop is directly related to its size. The larger the raindrop, the higher its mass will be. This is because raindrops are formed when water molecules combine and form larger droplets. As a result, the mass of a raindrop can range from 0.02 grams to over 4 grams.

What factors can influence the variable mass of a raindrop?

The main factors that can influence the variable mass of a raindrop include the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air, the size and number of water droplets it encounters as it falls, and the distance it falls through the atmosphere.

Why is studying "Raindrop variable mass" important?

Studying "Raindrop variable mass" is important for understanding the dynamics of precipitation and its impact on the environment. It can also help improve weather forecasting and climate models, as well as inform agricultural practices and water resource management.

What techniques are used to measure the mass of raindrops?

Several techniques can be used to measure the mass of raindrops, including disdrometers, laser-based instruments, and image analysis methods. These techniques provide valuable data that can be used to study the behavior of raindrops and their impact on the Earth's surface.

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