Raising and lowering operators on a simple harmonic oscillator

In summary, The first equation is the hamiltonian for the harmonic oscillator and you can use the commutator to get from the first line to the second.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi, I'm currently studying for a quantum mechanics exam but I am stuck on a line in my notes:

[tex]Ha\left|\Psi\right\rangle =\hbar\omega\left(a^{t}a a + \frac{a}{2}\right)\left|\Psi\right\rangle[/tex][tex]Ha\left|\Psi\right\rangle =\hbar\omega\left(\left(a a^{t} - 1\right)a + \frac{a}{2}\right)\left|\Psi\right\rangle[/tex]
Where H is the harmonic oscillator hamiltonian

[tex]H = \frac{P^{2}}{2m} + \frac{1}{2}m\omega^{2} x^{2}[/tex]and [tex] a, a^{t}[/tex] are the lowering and raising operators respectively.

[tex] a^{t} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\hbar m \omega}}\left(m \omega x - i p\right)[/tex]

[tex] a= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\hbar m \omega}}\left(m \omega x + i p\right)[/tex]

The part I don't understand is how they got from [tex] a^{t}a a[/tex] to [tex]\left(a a^{t} - 1\right)a [/tex]

I'm not afraid of doing a bit of calculating but I really need a hint as to what method I should use.
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  • #2
Are you sure your first equation is correct?

The Hamiltonian has one of two forms



Whichever form you use, if you tack on an extra at on the right, you don't end up with what you have. Check your notes farther up.
  • #3
Apologies I mistyped when I wrote


I meant to say [tex]Ha\left|\Psi\right\rangle[/tex]

does this make more sense now?

It now looks just like your second hamiltonian multiplied by "a" to me.
  • #4
Now that you got the first line right, you can get from the first to the second line using the commutator

[tex][a, a^t]=1[/tex]
  • #5
thanks so much! this has been bothering me all day!

I used [tex]\left[ a,a^{t}\right]= a a^{t}-a^{t} a =1[/tex]

and re-arranged to get

[tex] a a^{t}-1=a^{t} a [/tex]

which I then sub straight into the first line :-)

FAQ: Raising and lowering operators on a simple harmonic oscillator

What is a simple harmonic oscillator?

A simple harmonic oscillator is a system that exhibits periodic motion, where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium and acts in the opposite direction of that displacement. It can be represented by a mass attached to a spring or a pendulum.

What are raising and lowering operators in relation to a simple harmonic oscillator?

Raising and lowering operators are mathematical operators used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of a simple harmonic oscillator. They allow us to find the energy levels and wavefunctions of the oscillator, as well as the probabilities of different energy states.

What is the commutation relationship between the raising and lowering operators?

The commutation relationship between the raising and lowering operators is [a, a†] = 1, where a represents the lowering operator and a† represents the raising operator. This relationship is important in determining the energy spectrum and wavefunctions of the simple harmonic oscillator.

How do raising and lowering operators affect the energy states of a simple harmonic oscillator?

Raising and lowering operators affect the energy states of a simple harmonic oscillator by changing the energy level of the system. The raising operator increases the energy by one unit, while the lowering operator decreases the energy by one unit. This allows us to move up and down the energy ladder and determine the probabilities of different energy states.

What is the significance of the ground state in a simple harmonic oscillator?

The ground state in a simple harmonic oscillator represents the lowest energy state of the system, where the oscillator is at rest at the equilibrium position. It has the lowest energy and the highest probability of being observed. The other energy states are known as excited states and have higher energies and lower probabilities.
