Real parts of two analytic functions are equal?

Thus, h = 0 and g = f + ia.In summary, we can show that if f and g are analytic on a bounded domain D and have the same real part on the boundary B, then f and g differ by a constant imaginary part. This can be proven using the Maximum Modulus Principle and the fact that the function h = g - f is also analytic.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose [tex]f[/tex] and [tex]g[/tex] are analytic on a bounded domain [tex]D[/tex] and continuous on the domain's boundary [tex]B[/tex].
Also, [tex]Re\left(f\right) = Re\left(g\right)[/tex] on [tex]B[/tex].
Show that [tex]f = g + ia[/tex], where [tex]a[/tex] is a real number.

Homework Equations

The maximum modulus principle states that [tex]Re\left(f\right)[/tex] and [tex]Re\left(g\right)[/tex] have no local minima or maxima on [tex]D[/tex], and that the absolute values of [tex]Re\left(f\right)[/tex], [tex]Re\left(g\right)[/tex], [tex]f[/tex], and [tex]g[/tex] have maximums on [tex]B[/tex].

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not sure how to show [tex]Re\left(f\right) = Re\left(g\right)[/tex] across the entire domain.
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  • #2
Actually just found the answer, so I'll post it here.

Consider the function [tex]h = g - f[/tex]. As [tex]f[/tex] and [tex]g[/tex] are analytic, [tex]h[/tex] is also analytic. But as [tex]Re\left(f\right) = \left(g\right)[/tex] on [tex]B[/tex], [tex]Re\left(h\right) = 0[/tex] on [tex]B[/tex]. The Maximum Modulus Principle states that [tex]|Re\left(h\right)|[/tex] reaches its maximum on [tex]B[/tex], so [tex]Re\left(h\right) = 0[/tex] on D as well.

FAQ: Real parts of two analytic functions are equal?

1. What does it mean for real parts of two analytic functions to be equal?

When two analytic functions are equal, it means that they have the same values for all real numbers. This means that when graphed, the two functions would overlap and be indistinguishable from each other.

2. How can I determine if the real parts of two analytic functions are equal?

To determine if two analytic functions have equal real parts, you can compare their equations or expressions. If they have the same equation, then their real parts will also be equal.

3. Can two analytic functions have equal real parts but different imaginary parts?

Yes, it is possible for two analytic functions to have equal real parts but different imaginary parts. This means that when graphed, the two functions would have the same shape but may be shifted up or down along the imaginary axis.

4. Is it necessary for both functions to be analytic for their real parts to be equal?

Yes, both functions must be analytic for their real parts to be equal. Analytic functions are differentiable and have a well-defined power series representation, which is necessary for their real parts to be equal.

5. Why is it important to compare the real parts of two analytic functions?

Comparing the real parts of two analytic functions allows us to understand the behavior and properties of these functions. It can also help us in solving complex equations and problems involving these functions.

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