How Is a Point Reflected Across a Plane in Vector Form?

In summary, the conversation discusses the reflection of a point x across a plane defined by the normal vector n and point r0. The reflection x' is found by using two points on the plane, r'1 and r'2, and a triple (a,b,c) where c is the coordinate corresponding to n. The reflection x' can also be expressed as x - 2cn, assuming that n is normalized.
  • #1
Suppose you have the plane given by

[tex]\bold n \cdot (\bold r-\bold r_0)=0[/tex]


[tex]\bold n[/tex] is the normal vector to the plane which passes through the point [tex] \bold r_0[/tex].

What is the reflection [tex]x'[/tex] of a point [tex]x[/tex] across this plane?
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  • #2
Consider [itex]\mathbf{r}'_1, \mathbf{r}'_2[/itex] two points in the plane such that the vectors [itex]\mathbf{r}_1:=\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_0, \mathbf{r}_2:=\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_0[/itex] are linearly independant. (Think of it this way: the vectors r_1,r_2 based at r_0 form a basis for the plane.) Then any point [itex]\mathbf{x}[/itex] of R^3 corresponds to a triple (a,b,c), where


The reflection of x with respect to the plane is the point x' corresponding to the triple (a,b,-c). I.e.

  • #3
Thanks quasar987!
  • #4
you can take this a step further, and get rid of the coordinates.

(x-r0) . n = a (r'1 - r0) . n + b (r'2 - r0) . n + c n . n = c

x' = r0 + a r1 + b r2 - c n
=r0 + a r1 + b r2 + c n - 2 c n
= x - 2 c n
= x - 2 ((x-r0) . n) n

/assuming we normalized n . n = 1
  • #5
Thanks qbert!

FAQ: How Is a Point Reflected Across a Plane in Vector Form?

1. What is reflection across a plane?

Reflection across a plane is a phenomenon in which light or any other type of electromagnetic radiation bounces off a surface and changes direction. It is also known as specular reflection.

2. How does reflection across a plane occur?

Reflection across a plane occurs when light rays hit a surface at an angle and bounce off in a predictable manner. The angle of incidence (incoming ray) is equal to the angle of reflection (outgoing ray).

3. What is the law of reflection?

The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This means that the incoming ray and the outgoing ray are at the same angle with respect to the surface.

4. What is the difference between reflection and refraction?

Reflection is the phenomenon in which light bounces off a surface and changes direction, while refraction is the bending of light as it passes through different mediums with varying densities.

5. How is reflection across a plane used in everyday life?

Reflection across a plane is used in many everyday objects and activities such as mirrors, glasses, and even in photography and art. It is also an important concept in physics and optics, helping us understand how light behaves and how we perceive the world around us.
