Reformulation of quadratic program as SDP program

Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses the reformulation of a noisy linear regression problem as a quadratic program, second order cone program, and semidefinite program. The purpose is to use a solver to compare the runtime and other differences between the formulations. The conversation also includes a hint to prove the equivalence of the quadratic program to an SDP. After reviewing the attempted solution, a potential error in the constraint matrix is identified. The correct constraint matrix is provided, which results in the equivalent constraint in the hint.
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Homework Statement

Reformulate the noisy linear regression ## y = X \beta + \epsilon## where ## \epsilon ## is the error as a quadratic program, a second order cone program, and a semidefinite program that solves for ## \beta ##. The purpose of this is to use a solver to study the qualitative differences in runtime, etc... under the different formulations.

## \beta \in R^{p} ##
## X \in R^{n \times p} ##

All variables are sampled from appropriate Gaussian distributions to ensure the programs and needed operations are well defined.

Homework Equations

We are given the hint to prove that the quadratic problem

& \underset{\beta \in R^p}{\text{minimize}}
& & ||X\beta - y||^2

is equivalent to to the following SDP.

& \underset{\beta \in R^p, B\in S^p}{\text{minimize}}
& & \langle
y^Ty & -y^TX \\
-X^Ty & X^TX \\
1 & \beta^T \\
\beta & B \\
& \text{subject to}
& &
1 & \beta^T \\
\beta & B \\
\succeq 0

The Attempt at a Solution

I have completed the reformulation of the problem as a quadratic, and second order cone program without issue. However, when I convert the program to a SDP I do not end up with the same form as is given in the hint, nor do my computational solutions agree particularly well with my other solutions.

The process to convert the program I am using is Schur's complement. Expanding out the quadratic ##||X\beta - y||^2## yields ## \beta^TX^TX\beta - 2y^TX\beta + y^Ty ##. I then introduce a variable ## t ##, and let my new objective function be ## t - 2y^TX\beta + y^Ty ##. My constraint is then

I & X\beta \\
\beta^TX^T & tI \\
\succeq 0

so that by Schur's Complement I have that ## tI - \beta^TX^TX\beta \succeq 0 ## which implies ## tI \succeq \beta^TX^TX\beta ##, which since we are minimizing ## t ##, also minimizes our quadratic term from our original, without having a quadratic constraint.

However, my objective function looks nothing like what was given in the hint, and something seems off about my constraint matrix (specifically the dimensions of the upper right and lower left terms.

Have I missed something obvious? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. After reviewing your approach for converting the quadratic program to an SDP, I have identified a potential error in your constraint matrix. The correct constraint matrix should be:

tI & X\beta \\
\beta^TX^T & I \\
\succeq 0

This results in the following Schur's complement:

tI - X\beta(X\beta)^T \succeq 0

which is equivalent to the constraint in the hint.

I hope this helps to resolve your issue. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Reformulation of quadratic program as SDP program

1. What is the purpose of reformulating a quadratic program as an SDP program?

The purpose of reformulating a quadratic program as an SDP program is to make it easier to solve. SDP programs are a type of convex optimization problem that can be solved efficiently using various algorithms, whereas quadratic programs may be more difficult to solve directly. By reformulating the problem as an SDP, we can take advantage of these efficient algorithms to find a solution.

2. How does the reformulation process work?

The reformulation process involves transforming the quadratic program into a semidefinite program (SDP) by constructing a matrix representation of the problem. This involves converting quadratic terms into linear terms using auxiliary variables and constraints, and then formulating the problem as a set of linear matrix inequalities. The resulting SDP can then be solved using convex optimization techniques.

3. Are there any advantages to using SDP programs over quadratic programs?

Yes, there are several advantages to using SDP programs over quadratic programs. SDP programs are a more general class of optimization problems that can handle a wider range of constraints and objectives. They also have efficient algorithms for solving them, whereas quadratic programs may require more complex and time-consuming methods. Additionally, SDP programs have a strong theoretical foundation and can provide global optimum solutions, unlike quadratic programs which may only provide local optima.

4. Can any quadratic program be reformulated as an SDP program?

No, not all quadratic programs can be reformulated as SDP programs. The problem must have a specific structure that allows for the transformation into a set of linear matrix inequalities. In general, quadratic programs with convex constraints and objective functions can be reformulated as SDP programs, but those with non-convex constraints or objectives may not be able to be reformulated.

5. How do I know if reformulating my quadratic program as an SDP program will improve the solution time?

There is no guarantee that reformulating a quadratic program as an SDP program will improve the solution time. However, if the problem has a structure that allows for the transformation into an SDP, then it is likely that using an SDP solver will be more efficient than directly solving the quadratic program. It is best to test different methods on your specific problem to determine which approach yields the best solution time.
