How Is the Resonance Peak Area Calculated in Charmonium Production?

  • Thread starter gboff21
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In summary, resonance production of charmonium is a process in particle physics where a charm quark and an anti-charm quark are bound together to form a particle. This process is studied through high-energy particle accelerators and can provide insights into fundamental laws of nature and the structure of matter. It has potential applications in fields such as nuclear physics, astrophysics, and materials science.
  • #1
The Question:

The cross section for the scattering of two particles with spins sa and sb via a resonance with
spin J is:
[itex]\sigma(E)=\frac{\pi\lambda^{2}(2J+1)}{(2S_{a}+1)(2s_{b}+1)} \frac{\Gamma_{i}\Gamma_{j}}{(E-E_{0})^{2}+\frac{\Gamma^{2}}{4}}[/itex]
with [itex]\lambda=1/p[/itex], E is the centre-of-mass energy, E0 is the rest
mass energy of the resonance, [itex]\Gamma[/itex] is the total width of the resonance and [itex]\Gamma_{i, f}[/itex] are the partial widths for the decay of the resonance into the initial and final states, respectively.

The cross section for the production of the J/ψ resonance in e+e− collisions,
followed by its decay into e+e−, integrated over the centre-of-mass energy is:
[itex]\int \sigma(E)dE=\frac{3\pi^{2}}{2}\lambda^{2}B^{2}_{J/\psi\rightarrow e^+e^-\Gamma}[/itex]
[itex]B_{J/\psi\rightarrow e^+e^-}=\frac{\Gamma_{J/\psi\rightarrow e^+e^-}}{\Gamma}[/itex]
and we took the limits on the integral to be [itex]\pm \infty [/itex] and lambda is constant

The cross section for the production of (a) hadrons, (b) μ+μ− and (c)
e+e− is shown at The measurements were made during a scan of the beam energies at the SPEAR
storage ring at SLAC using beams of e+ and e− circulating in opposite directions with the same
The observed width of the peak is due to the energy spread of the beams at each point in
the scan, the actual J/ width is much smaller than the observed width of the distributions.
However the relative centre-of-mass energies are known to about 1 part in 104.

At each scan point the beam energy spread produces a spread in the centre-of-mass energies
E′ distributed about the average centre-of-mass energy with a probability distribution
f (E − E′). Show that the measured area under the resonance peak is the same as the true
area under the peak, i.e.

[itex]\int \sigma_{int}=\int \sigma_{measured}dE[/itex]My attempt:

Measured is wider than the actual resonance peak. So for the area to be the same, the actual peak has to be taller. All I can think of is that! How can I prove that mathematically?

[For some reason, the equations haven't come out well so please use this to view them]

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  • #2
The equations will be fine if you use correct tags: "[/itex]" instead of "[\itex]".

I think this can be solved with a simple manipulation of a double-integral (with E and E' as variables).
  • #3
Thanks for pointing the [/itex] out.

But how would you involve the f(E-E')?
  • #4
Is [itex]\int\int \sigma f(E,E')dEdE' = \int\int \sigma dEdE' [/itex] correct then?
  • #5
σ depends on E, f(E,E') depends on the difference between those only, and I don't know what you mean with d.
In addition, some explanation or even steps how to get your integral would be useful.

FAQ: How Is the Resonance Peak Area Calculated in Charmonium Production?

1. What is resonance production of charmonium?

Resonance production of charmonium is a process in particle physics where a charm quark and an anti-charm quark are bound together to form a particle called charmonium. This process occurs through the strong interaction and is a result of the exchange of gluons.

2. How is charmonium produced in particle accelerators?

Charmonium can be produced in particle accelerators by colliding high-energy particles, such as protons, with a target. This collision results in the creation of charm quarks, which then combine to form charmonium.

3. What is the significance of studying resonance production of charmonium?

Studying resonance production of charmonium allows scientists to better understand the strong interaction and the behavior of particles at high energies. This can provide insights into the fundamental laws of nature and the structure of matter.

4. How are resonance production experiments conducted?

Resonance production experiments are conducted using high-energy particle accelerators and detectors, which can measure the properties of the resulting charmonium particles. These experiments involve precise measurements and analysis to understand the behavior of charmonium.

5. What are some potential applications of resonance production of charmonium?

Resonance production of charmonium has potential applications in fields such as nuclear physics, astrophysics, and materials science. It can also provide insights into the properties of quark-gluon plasma, a state of matter that existed in the early universe.
