Right handed neutrino identity

In summary, the right neutrino was not considered in the Electroweak Standard Model until chapter 7. The expression where the right neutrino was considered is \overline{N^c_{l'L}}\nu^c_{lR}=\overline{\nu_{lL}}N_{l'R}. The conjugate for the last expression is the same, but it needs to be justified. Someone could help with that.
  • #1
Gold Member
I am reading Mohapatra's book: "Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics". At the beginning of chapter 7, it is sought expressions where the right neutrino was considered in the Electroweak Standard Model.
Everything was fine until I found the expression [itex]\overline{N^c_{l'L}}\nu^c_{lR}=\overline{\nu_{lL}}N_{l'R}[/itex].
Where [itex]N_{l'R}[/itex] is the right handed field associated with right handed neutrinos and the subsctipts [itex]l,l'[/itex] indicate the lepton flavors.

Well, I'm trying to prove this, but I get stuck on the following expression:

[itex]\overline{N^c_{l'L}}\nu^c_{lR} =\overline{\left(N_{l'L}\right)^c}\left(\nu_{lR}\right)^c
= \overline{N_{l'R}}\nu_{lL}¿?\overline{\nu_{lL}}N_{l'R}[/itex]
And I'm assuming that they are Majorana neutrinos.

To complete the test I should justify why the conjugate for the last expression can be taken and remain unchanged, someone could help?
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  • #2
It seems what you have wriiten is correct.Those fermionic fields have anticommuting properties.Try to do an explicit calculation with a two component spinor.
  • #3
OK Andrien, but if i only take an anticommuting propetry, the fields change places (wih some minus sign). The question is why i can take the conjugate for the last expression and remains tha same...
  • #4
just think about if NlR is the right handed neutrino(vlR),then majorana mass term will look like vR-vl or equivalently you can write because majorana mass term will have only left handed and express the right handed part by a charge conjugation.So it will look like vl-cvl and then you can write it something like xTεx(because of realness of majorana spinor,x denotes the two component spinors),so if you take the conjugate of the expression.It is same.you can extend this argument or if you want to verify then you can take a two component spinor like (x1 x2) and notice the anticommuting property of grassmann variable along with the relation of dirac conjugate to hermitian conjugate to obtain the result.
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  • #5
I got it, Andrien. I had shown only for the full Majorana fermion, and not for any of their helicities that was what I wanted. I considered its components, as you suggested, and I did.

Thank you.

FAQ: Right handed neutrino identity

1. What is a right-handed neutrino?

A right-handed neutrino is a hypothetical particle that is predicted by some extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. It is a type of neutrino that has no electric charge and only interacts through the weak nuclear force. Unlike the left-handed neutrino, which has been observed in experiments, the existence of the right-handed neutrino has not been confirmed.

2. How is the identity of a right-handed neutrino determined?

The identity of a right-handed neutrino can be determined through experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and other high-energy particle colliders. By analyzing the data collected from these experiments, scientists can look for evidence of the existence of right-handed neutrinos and study their properties.

3. What is the significance of right-handed neutrinos?

The existence of right-handed neutrinos is significant because it could help explain the origin of matter in the universe. It is believed that during the Big Bang, equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created. However, since matter and antimatter annihilate each other, there should be no matter left in the universe. Right-handed neutrinos could provide a possible explanation for why matter dominated over antimatter in the early universe.

4. Are right-handed neutrinos related to dark matter?

Right-handed neutrinos have been proposed as a possible candidate for dark matter, a type of matter that makes up about 27% of the universe. However, there is currently no conclusive evidence to support this theory. More research and experiments are needed to determine the true nature of dark matter and its possible connection to right-handed neutrinos.

5. How do right-handed neutrinos differ from left-handed neutrinos?

Right-handed neutrinos and left-handed neutrinos differ in their properties and interactions. Left-handed neutrinos only interact through the weak nuclear force, while right-handed neutrinos are also thought to interact through gravity. Additionally, left-handed neutrinos are always left-handed, meaning their spin is always oriented in one direction, while right-handed neutrinos can change between left and right-handedness.
