Rod A is a positively charged insulator.

In summary, when positively charged Rod A is brought near fixed Rod B, it causes polarization in Rod B and the suspended ball attached to it due to the free movement of charges between conducting materials. The result is a negative charge in Rod B and a positive charge in the suspended ball.
  • #1
Rod A is a positively charged insulator. Bob C and a second rod B are in contact with each other and made from conducting material. Rod B is fixed, and C is suspended from a wire and free to swing. Briefly describe what happens when A is brought near B. (I would draw a diagram but i can't figure out how to get it to go with my post).

since A is positively charged I thought that when you brought it near to the fixed rod B that rod B would become polarized. This resulting polarization would then polarize the bob(ball) hanging from the string that is in contact with it. Apparently I am missing something because this is slightly incorrect
Physics news on
  • #2
C and B are conductors and are in contact with one another, so charges may move freely between the two. As A is brought near B its net positive charge will attract negative charges toward it. As negative charge accumulates in B, by conservation of charge, an equal amount of positive charge must accumulate in C.
  • #3
so then Rod B would become negatively charged and the ball would become positively charged?

FAQ: Rod A is a positively charged insulator.

1. What is an insulator?

An insulator is a material that does not allow electricity to flow through it easily. This is because the electrons in an insulator are tightly bound and do not move freely like in conductors.

2. How does a material become positively charged?

A material becomes positively charged when it gains electrons from another material, causing an imbalance of positive and negative charges. This can also occur through friction or contact with other charged objects.

3. What does it mean for a material to be positively charged?

When a material is positively charged, it means that it has an excess of positively charged particles, or protons, compared to negatively charged particles, or electrons. This creates an overall positive charge for the material.

4. Why is Rod A considered an insulator?

Rod A is considered an insulator because it does not allow electricity to flow through it easily. This is due to its tightly bound electrons which do not allow for the movement of electrical charges.

5. Can a positively charged insulator conduct electricity?

No, a positively charged insulator cannot conduct electricity. Insulators, by definition, do not allow for the flow of electricity. Additionally, the positive charge on the insulator would repel any positively charged particles that may attempt to flow through it.
