Schrodinger equation, potential energy function

But you can always upvote the answer :)In summary, the conversation discussed finding the value of A in a given wave function and determining the potential energy function that satisfies the Schrödinger equation. The process of normalizing the wave function was also discussed, with the final result being A = \displaystyle \left(\frac{2am}{ \pi \hbar}\right)^{1/4}. It was confirmed that the final answer for A does not contain any time variables, and that there is no 'thanks' or 'like' button on the forum.
  • #1
A particle of mass m is in the state
[tex] \Psi (x,t) = A e^{-a[(mx^2 / \hbar ) + it]}[/tex]Find A
For what potential energy function V(x) does [tex]\Psi[/tex] satisfy the Schrodinger equation?

Do I just re-arrange for A? (Sorry if I seem really dumb). I'm not really getting this.
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  • #2
To find ##A## means to normalize the function. You want
\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left| \psi(x,t) \right|^2 dx = 1

For the second part, you need to plug the wave function in the Schrödinger equation to find ##V(x)##. My guess is that you will need to use both the time-dependent and the time-independent Schrödinger equations.
  • #3
Here's my attempt, which took over 2 hours >.<

I hope the final answers are right, but am I going about it the right way?
Sorry the photos are blurry.


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  • #4
For the normalization, you have to integrate ##| \psi(x,t) |^2 = \psi(x,t)^* \psi(x,t)##. Time should disappear for the final result for ##A##.
  • #5
I've check the calculation of ##V(x)## and you got it right!
  • #6
DrClaude said:
For the normalization, you have to integrate ##| \psi(x,t) |^2 = \psi(x,t)^* \psi(x,t)##. Time should disappear for the final result for ##A##.

Sorry the picture is really blurry. My final answer does have time in it:

[tex]A = (\dfrac{2ame^{4ait}}{\pi \hbar})^{1/4}[/tex]
  • #7
Cogswell said:
Sorry the picture is really blurry. My final answer does have time in it:

[tex]A = (\dfrac{2ame^{4ait}}{\pi \hbar})^{1/4}[/tex]

And that is not correct. I think you forgot to take the complex conjugate.
  • #8
If I do that wouldn't everything cancel out before I even integrate it?

[tex]\int_{- \infty}^{\infty} A A^* e^{-a[mx^2 / \hbar + it]} e^{a[mx^2 / \hbar + it]} dx = 1[/tex]

And so that would just become:

[tex]\int_{- \infty}^{\infty} A A^*dx = 1[/tex]

  • #9
No, because only the imaginary part changes sign:
\left( A e^{-a [m x^2/\hbar + i t]} \right)^* = A e^{-a [m x^2/\hbar - i t]}
  • #10
DrClaude said:
No, because only the imaginary part changes sign:
\left( A e^{-a [m x^2/\hbar + i t]} \right)^* = A e^{-a [m x^2/\hbar - i t]}
Ah yes, that makes sense.

After a bit of working out again, I still think I'm missing something...
Even if I use $$
\left( A e^{-a [m x^2/\hbar + i t]} \right)^* = A e^{-a [m x^2/\hbar - i t]}
my integral becomes:

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} A e^{-a [m x^2/\hbar + i t]} A e^{-a [m x^2/\hbar - i t]} dx = 1[/tex]

Which becomes:

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} A^2 e^{-a m x^2/\hbar} e^{ -a i t} e^{-a m x^2/\hbar} e^{a i t} dx = 1[/tex]

If I evaluate the integral, I get the final result of [tex]A = \displaystyle \left(\frac{2am}{ \pi \hbar}\right)^{1/4}[/tex]

And then the time cancels out. So how would I get time left in the final result?
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  • #11
Cogswell said:
If I evaluate the integral, I get the final result of [tex]A = \displaystyle \left(\frac{2am}{ \pi \hbar}\right)^{1/4}[/tex]

And then the time cancels out. So how would I get time left in the final result?
That is the correct answer. You might have misunderstood what I wrote earlier, but time should disappear from the final answer.
  • #12
Great, thank you!
Is there a 'thanks' or 'like' button on these forums? I can't seem to find it.
  • #13
Cogswell said:
Great, thank you!
You're welcome!

Cogswell said:
Is there a 'thanks' or 'like' button on these forums? I can't seem to find it.
Not that I know of.

FAQ: Schrodinger equation, potential energy function

1. What is the Schrodinger equation?

The Schrodinger equation is a mathematical equation in quantum mechanics that describes the time evolution of a quantum system. It is used to calculate the probability of finding a particle in a particular state at a given time.

2. Who created the Schrodinger equation?

The Schrodinger equation was developed by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger in 1926. He was trying to find an equation that could describe the behavior of electrons in atoms.

3. What is a potential energy function?

A potential energy function is a mathematical function that describes the potential energy of a particle or system in terms of its position in space. It is used in the Schrodinger equation to calculate the potential energy of a quantum system.

4. How is the Schrodinger equation used in practical applications?

The Schrodinger equation is used in many practical applications, such as predicting the behavior of electrons in atoms, designing new materials and drugs, and understanding the behavior of complex systems. It is also used in fields such as quantum chemistry, nuclear physics, and solid-state physics.

5. Can the Schrodinger equation be solved analytically?

In most cases, the Schrodinger equation cannot be solved analytically, meaning that there is no exact mathematical solution. However, there are numerical methods that can be used to approximate solutions, and these have been successful in many applications.
