Is Sean Hannity's Approach at Political Conventions Risky?

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  • Thread starter wasteofo2
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In summary: um,,,!
  • #1
Today I was listening to the Sean Hannity show (becuase the phoenomena around him intrigues me greatly), and he was talking about going to Boston to cover the DNC. He went on for about 5 minutes about how he loves clam chowder, then said he would walk around the floor of the DNC with a portable tape recorder and talk to the people there and insight them into saying ridiculous things, then use them on his show. That will obviously produce a lot of great clips he can use to show how liberals are crazy, but then he said something that made me think he was just insane. He said when teh RNC comes to NYC that he would go to where all the protesters were and do the same thing, and he said that the protesters are the real nuts, and that this would produce particularly great soundclips. I honestly can't imagine some drunken left-wing nutjob won't throw a rock at his head or something.
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  • #2
I honestly can't imagine some drunken left-wing nutjob won't throw a rock at his head or something.

Tsk, tsk. Such VIOLENCE.
  • #3
JohnDubYa said:
Tsk, tsk. Such VIOLENCE.
F'sho, drunken people tend not to do well when people they hate try to antagonize them. I'm sure Al Franken would fare no better in a situation where there are a lot of drunk right-wing nuts and he's trying to get them to say ridiculous thing by antagonizing him.
  • #4
I have an idea: Let's let Sean Hannity worry about it. He doesn't spend all night worrying about me, so I'm not going to spend all night worrying about him.
  • #5
Don't worry - Arnies going with him.
  • #6
He doesn't need Arnie. After all, what is the worst thing they can do to him? Strangle him with their Rasta beads? Throw their Birkenstocks at him? Hit him with Granola? I think Sean will be just fine.
  • #7
Ja, liberals are 'girlie men'. Bi_ ch slap Alan Colmes for me Hannity.
  • #8
Uhh. I think I despise Colmes more than Hannity. If there's anything worse than a close-minded, pathologically dishonest conservative it is liberals like Colmes who make a living by "losing" to them in debates. Fox has a whole batch of them commonly referred to as "The Washington Generals". That was the team the Globetrotters used to play everytime. They made their living as paid patsies. Colmes should be arrested and charged with prostitution.

  • #9
I honestly can't imagine some drunken left-wing nutjob won't throw a rock at his head or something.

God I hope so.
  • #10
Wow, that's pretty revolting. Maybe you want to take that one back?
  • #11
No, not at all. I'm not hoping for anything fatal or anything that would cause lasting damage, but I do think a good whack in the head is in order.
  • #12
Can't respect that.
  • #13
But you CAN respect Hannity ?
  • #14
I agree with Njorl - Colmes is a pathetic excuse for a co-host. All he's good for is announcing commercial breaks ! Still, I would not like to see him arrested just to have him replaced.
  • #15
Can't respect that.

I don't care, because:

1. I was making a joke.
2. I was showing conservatives on the board how nasty, illogical, and berift of any serious content their "political discourses" are. Consider some of the remarks made in this thread:

left-wing nutjob

Isn't this phrase redundant in Hannityland? I though all left-wingers were neccessarily nutjobs.

liberals are 'girlie men'.

Quoth the Terminator. Go Arnold! Go Rambo, too!

Strangle him with their Rasta beads? Throw their Birkenstocks at him? Hit him with Granola?

No limp-wristed sissies will be able to beat up big bad Sean.

Bi_ ch slap Alan Colmes for me Hannity.

Or better yet, get an Abu Graib rape squad - isn't that the way things are done today?

America used to be a such a great country...
  • #16
I don't think any of us have advocated violence, joke or no joke.

I was showing conservatives on the board how nasty, illogical, and berift of any serious content their "political discourses" are.

By declaring that you wanted to see Hannity get assaulted at the convention? My, you have a strange way of making your case.
  • #17
By the way, Rick, even though the conservatives disagree with you, I am sure we all like you. You do like us too, don't you Rick? I mean, just because we differ in politics doesn't mean we can't be friends, right Rick?
  • #18
Of course, but I think you guys need to cool it with the name calling. It is very childish.
  • #19
God, I love politics.
  • #20
I'd like to see "Hannity and Maher" ! :wink:
  • #21
More proponents of hate. I 'd like to see the Dalai Lama - a true leader.
  • #22
Alright guys, I wasn't supposed to be in charge of the politics forum, but I see that by some (glitch?) I am in charge until they get someone more appropriate.

I know how heated political debates can get, but can I ask all posters to stop and take a deep breath before hitting the "submit" key?

As hard as it may be, please try to refrain from personal attacts, name calling, etc...

I am going to start watching the threads here.
  • #23
I was wondering when you'd finally arrive. I can't do all the police work myself! They don't listen to me!
  • #24
Sean Hannity for President in 2008, Guaranteed he will run.
  • #25
Mattius_ said:
Sean Hannity for President in 2008, Guaranteed he will run.
If Hannity mounts a campaign, I will volunteer for it.
  • #26
Errr sorry to break it to you, but he will lose that election, because John Kerry will run for a second term :wink:

FAQ: Is Sean Hannity's Approach at Political Conventions Risky?

What is the evidence that suggests Sean Hannity may soon be dead?

At this time, there is no evidence to suggest that Sean Hannity is in any immediate danger of passing away.

What has led to speculation about Sean Hannity's potential death?

There have been rumors and conspiracy theories circulating online about Sean Hannity's health, but there is no concrete evidence to support these claims.

Is there any truth to the rumors about Sean Hannity's death?

No, there is no truth to the rumors about Sean Hannity's death. These are baseless claims with no evidence to support them.

Has Sean Hannity made any statements about his health?

Sean Hannity has not publicly addressed any rumors about his health. However, he has been actively working and appearing on his show, which indicates that he is in good health.

What can we do to stop the spread of false information about Sean Hannity's potential death?

The best way to stop the spread of false information is to fact-check and only share information from reliable sources. It's important to question and verify information before believing and sharing it with others.

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