Seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide: A good idea?

In summary, global warming is real and could create another environmental disaster by loading the biosphere with aluminum oxide.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Let's assume for the moment that beyond any doubt, global warming is real. Does this offer a viable solution to reduce global warming? Could this create another environmental disaster by loading the biosphere with aluminum oxide [apparently the preferred choice to be used in jet fuel].

A method is disclosed for reducing atmospheric warming due to the greenhouse effect resulting from a greenhouse gases layer. The method comprises the step of seeding the greenhouse gas layer with a quantity of tiny particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity or reflectivity, in that said materials have high emissivities in the visible and far infrared wavelength regions and low emissivity in the near infrared wavelength region. Such materials can include the class of materials known as Welsbach materials. The oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide, are also suitable for the purpose. The greenhouse gases layer typically extends between about seven and thirteen kilometers above the Earth's surface. The seeding of the stratosphere occurs within this layer. The particles suspended in the stratosphere as a result of the seeding provide a mechanism for converting the blackbody radiation emitted by the Earth at near infrared wavelengths into radiation in the visible and far infrared wavelength so that this heat energy may be reradiated out into space, thereby reducing the global warming due to the greenhouse effect.

The details are clearly outlined in U.S.
Patent #5,003,186 at the following link.,003,186.WKU.&OS=PN/5,003,186&RS=PN/5,003,186
Chemistry news on
  • #2
General comment: if the life expectancies of house plants, tropical fish, terrrarium biota, and the like in the care of "the experts" were a matter of public record, I might be more inclined to take the ideas they propose seriously --- they ain't, I'm not, and my experience has been that life expectancies of plants and fish are inversely proportional to the number of "expert" recommendations implemented in care and feeding of same.

That said, the "engineering" approach to remedies for environmental concerns is not something I'd encourage --- "let's try this, and if it doesn't work, or screws things up worse, we should be able to fix it by adding that stuff over there."
  • #3
Every movement has affect on something. The alteration of a nudge on a wheather pattern created by development over hundreds of years, heat realease do to fossil fuels, removal of trees and other natural growth, the wiping out of great portions of algae in the oceans have all set things in motion. Ever increasing human populations, and the insataible unconcious/conscious expression of greed that consumes the world. It cannot be fixed by a bandaid.
  • #4
Well Aluminium has been associated with . So the cure may be worse than the problem. Why not paint all the roofs white. That would help as well.
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FAQ: Seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide: A good idea?

1. What is the purpose of seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide?

The purpose of seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide is to reflect sunlight and reduce the amount of solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface. This is proposed as a method to combat global warming and reduce the effects of climate change.

2. How does aluminum oxide reflect sunlight?

Aluminum oxide particles in the atmosphere act as a reflective layer, bouncing sunlight back into space and reducing the amount of solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface. This is similar to the way that clouds reflect sunlight and contribute to the Earth's natural cooling system.

3. Is seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide safe?

There is limited research on the long-term effects of seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide, but it is generally considered safe. Some potential concerns include changes in atmospheric chemistry and impacts on human health, but these can be addressed through careful monitoring and regulation of the process.

4. How effective is seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide in combating global warming?

The effectiveness of this method is still being studied, but some research suggests that seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide could potentially reduce global temperatures by up to 1 degree Celsius. However, this would not solve the root causes of global warming and should be used in conjunction with other efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks to seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide?

One potential drawback is that it may have unintended consequences on weather patterns and precipitation, potentially leading to droughts or other extreme weather events. Additionally, it does not address the root causes of global warming and should not be seen as a standalone solution.

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