What Major Events Did I Miss While I Was Away?

  • Thread starter Chrono
  • Start date
In summary, Chrono has been gone for a while and has missed a lot. There have been a lot of new members to the Gold Club and the Tiki Bar has slowed down. We've voted to harass guys from South Carolina who have disappeared for a while.
  • #1
I've been gone for quite a while. Did I miss anything really important, guys?
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  • #2
Well, of course you did...everything!

Franzbear is all grown up now with 17 little strings (though little Kiashoe is on life support and Dansos is in prison, so it might only be 15 little strings soon, but we're really pulling for Kiashoe).

We've got quite a few new members of the Gold Club. I think we'll have to build a new wing onto the clubhouse.

The Tiki Bar is still open for business, but business has slowed recently. It's just not the right season for a floating tropical bar.

Oh, and we voted to mercilessly harrass guys from South Carolina who disappear for a while. :devil: :biggrin:
  • #3

What a good summary ~
  • #4
Moonbear said:
Oh, and we voted to mercilessly harrass guys from South Carolina who disappear for a while. :devil: :biggrin:

What have I gotten myself into? :redface:
  • #5
moonbear, dansos was sent to the gas chamber yesterday. kiashoe's hangin' in there
  • #6
Welcome back Chrono! I was wondering where you went.
  • #7
Evo said:
I was wondering where you went.

Sure you were. :rolleyes:
  • #8
You really should check in once in a while. We worry!
Nice to see you again.
  • #9
MIH posts again!
  • #10
Yes, MIH has been a bit MIA lately. Been finishing summer final exams and dealing with really bad and expensive car troubles. Not as much time for PF frolicking! :frown:
  • #11
Lots of folks have been MIA lately. It's been too quiet around here. :frown:
  • #12
Chrono said:
Sure you were. :rolleyes:
No, seriously. I was cleaning out posts in the "thread killers thread" and came upon several of yours (which I did not delete) and was wondering where you were.
  • #13
Evo said:
No, seriously. I was cleaning out posts in the "thread killers thread" and came upon several of yours (which I did not delete) and was wondering where you were.

Well, that was nice. You probably should have deleted those worthless posts, anyway. :biggrin:

MIH, how's your sister doing? :wink:
  • #14
Uhh MIH's sister, Skipper, is a bit young don't you think? Is she even 18 yet? And what about Skipper's boyfriend Scott?

Welcome back though :smile:
  • #15
mattmns said:
Uhh MIH's sister, Skipper, is a bit young don't you think? Is she even 18 yet? And what about Skipper's boyfriend Scott?

Welcome back though :smile:

Oh, man, I did miss a lot. :-p

FAQ: What Major Events Did I Miss While I Was Away?

What is "Back! Did I Miss Anything Big?"

"Back! Did I Miss Anything Big?" is a phrase commonly used to express the feeling of returning to a situation or event after being absent and wanting to know if anything significant happened during one's absence.

Why do people ask "Back! Did I Miss Anything Big?"

People often ask this question because they want to catch up on any important information or events that may have occurred while they were away. It can also be a way to gauge the significance of one's absence.

Is there a specific context in which "Back! Did I Miss Anything Big?" is used?

This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, from informal conversations among friends to more formal settings such as work meetings or academic lectures.

What is the origin of "Back! Did I Miss Anything Big?"

The exact origin of this phrase is unknown, but it is believed to have originated from a similar expression used in the military, "Did I miss anything important?", which was commonly asked by soldiers returning from leave.

Is there a proper response to "Back! Did I Miss Anything Big?"

There is no specific or expected response to this question, as it is often used as a rhetorical or humorous expression. However, a simple "No, not really" or "You didn't miss much" could be a suitable response.

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