Separation of variables and potential

In summary, separation of variables is a mathematical method used to solve partial differential equations by separating the variables in the equation into individual equations. This method is commonly used in solving potential problems by breaking down the problem into simpler, one-dimensional problems that are easier to solve. However, it may not always result in an exact solution and may not be suitable for problems with complex geometries or time-varying boundary conditions.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A potential satisfies ##\nabla^2 Φ = 0## in the 2d slab ## -\inf < x < \inf ##, ##-b < y < b ##, with boundary conditions ## Φ(x, +b) = +V_s(x)## on the top and ##Φ(x, b) = -V_s(x)## on the bottom, where[/B]

##V_s (x)= -V_0 for -a<x<0##
##V_s (x)=+V_0 for 0<x<a##
(a) what is ##\Phi(x,y)## in the interior?

Homework Equations

##\nabla^2 \phi=0##
##\nabla^2 = \frac{\partial ^2}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial ^2}{\partial y^2} ##[/B]

The Attempt at a Solution

##\Phi = X(x)Y(y)##[/B]
then using separation of variables we arrive at the following:
##\frac{1}{X}\frac{\partial^2 X}{\partial x^2 } + \frac{1}{Y}\frac{\partial^2 Y}{\partial y^2 }=0##
##\frac{1}{Y}\frac{\partial^2 Y}{\partial y^2 }=-\alpha^2## which gives us ##Y(y)= Asin \alpha y +Bcos \alpha y ##
##\frac{1}{X}\frac{\partial^2 X}{\partial x^2 }=\alpha ^2## and solution of its is ##X(x)=Ce^{\alpha x}+De^{-\alpha x}##
applying the periodic boundary conditions to the Y solution will give us :
##Y(b)=V_s =A sin \alpha b +B cos \alpha b ##
##Y(-b)=-V_s =-A sin \alpha b +B cos \alpha b ##
so summing these up will give B=0

my question is have I gotten it right till here and how I go about finding the ##\alpha## and the boundary conditions for ##X(x)##? I appreciate any ideas or hints.
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  • #2
sayebms said:

Homework Statement

A potential satisfies ##\nabla^2 Φ = 0## in the 2d slab ## -\inf < x < \inf ##, ##-b < y < b ##, with boundary conditions ## Φ(x, +b) = +V_s(x)## on the top and ##Φ(x, b) = V_s(x)## on the bottom, where[/B]

##V_s (x)= -V_0 for -a<x<0##
##V_s (x)=+V_0 for 0<x<a##
(a) what is ##\Phi(x,y)## in the interior?

Homework Equations

##\nabla^2 \phi=0##
##\nabla^2 = \frac{\partial ^2}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial ^2}{\partial y^2} ##[/B]

The Attempt at a Solution

##\Phi = X(x)Y(y)##[/B]
then using separation of variables we arrive at the following:
##\frac{1}{X}\frac{\partial^2 X}{\partial x^2 } + \frac{1}{Y}\frac{\partial^2 Y}{\partial y^2 }=0##
##\frac{1}{Y}\frac{\partial^2 Y}{\partial y^2 }=-\alpha^2## which gives us ##Y(y)= Asin \alpha y +Bcos \alpha y ##
##\frac{1}{X}\frac{\partial^2 X}{\partial x^2 }=\alpha ^2## and solution of its is ##X(x)=Ce^{\alpha x}+De^{-\alpha x}##
applying the periodic boundary conditions to the Y solution will give us :
##Y(b)=V_s =A sin \alpha b +B cos \alpha b ##
##Y(-b)=-V_s =-A sin \alpha b +B cos \alpha b ##
so summing these up will give B=0

my question is have I gotten it right till here and how I go about finding the ##\alpha## and the boundary conditions for ##X(x)##? I appreciate any ideas or hints.

Hi sayebms,

##Y(-b)=-V_s =-A sin \alpha b +B cos \alpha b ## does not match the boundary condition you gave in the problem statement.

Also, if the product of 2 numbers is zero, does that guarantee the the first number must be zero? If not, how do you justify claiming ##2B cos \alpha b = 0## means ##B=0##?

FAQ: Separation of variables and potential

What is the concept of separation of variables?

Separation of variables is a mathematical method used to solve partial differential equations by separating the variables in the equation into individual equations. This allows for the solution to be found by solving each individual equation separately and then combining them to find the overall solution.

How is separation of variables used in solving potential problems?

In potential problems, separation of variables is used to separate the potential function into individual equations for each variable, such as x, y, and z. This allows for the potential to be solved for each variable separately and then combined to find the overall potential function.

What is the significance of using separation of variables in solving potential problems?

By using separation of variables in solving potential problems, it allows for the problem to be broken down into simpler, one-dimensional problems that are easier to solve. This method is particularly useful in problems with complex geometries or boundary conditions.

Can separation of variables be used in all types of potential problems?

While separation of variables is a useful method in solving potential problems, it is not always applicable. It is most commonly used in problems with simple geometries and well-defined boundary conditions. In more complex problems, other methods may be more suitable.

Are there any limitations to using separation of variables in potential problems?

One limitation of using separation of variables in potential problems is that it may not always result in an exact solution. In some cases, an approximate solution may be necessary or other methods of solving the problem may need to be used. Additionally, this method may not be suitable for problems with boundary conditions that vary with time.
