Proving Sequence a_n = 1 as n Goes to Infinity

In summary, using the definition of convergence, we can prove that a_n=\frac{n^2 + 3n}{n^2 +2}-> 1 as n -> \infty by showing that for any given positive h, the difference between a_n and 1 can be made less than h when n is greater than some N. By simplifying the difference and choosing N=2/h, we can show that |a_n-1|<h, proving that a_n converges to 1 as n approaches infinity.
  • #1
I can't do this one :-(

Prove from the definition that [tex]a_n=\frac{n^2 + 3n}{n^2 +2}
[/tex]-> 1 as n -> [tex]\infty[/tex]
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  • #2
Try dividing numerator and denominator by n2. Then assume [itex]\epsilon >0[/itex] and find an N so that [itex]|a_n-1|<\epsilon[/itex] whenever n>N.
  • #3
LeonhardEuler said:
Try dividing numerator and denominator by n2. Then assume [itex]\epsilon >0[/itex] and find an N so that [itex]|a_n-1|<\epsilon[/itex] whenever n>N.

My lecturer wrote on the board that we should be answering the question as follows (he never gave us an example though!):

For a given positive h you must ensure that the difference of [tex]a_n[/tex] and 1 can be made to stay less than h. When you have an expression for the difference, look for a related simpler expression that can easily be made less than h.
  • #4
Yes, that's the idea. Write out the difference:
[tex]|a_n-1|=\frac{n^2 + 3n}{n^2 +2}-1=|\frac{n^2+3n-n^2-2}{n^2+2}|=|\frac{3n-2}{n^2+2}|<h[/tex]
(your using h instead of [itex]\epsilon[/itex]) Now try to simplify this using some inequalites. I'll show you how to make the first simplification. You want this to be less than h, and you can see that it is less than:
so it will suffice to show that this is less than h when n is greater than some N. Since n is positive, you can pull it outside the absolute value to get:
You just need to make one more simplification and you should be able to get a formula for N interms of h.
  • #5
LeonhardEuler said:
Yes, that's the idea. Write out the difference:
[tex]|a_n-1|=\frac{n^2 + 3n}{n^2 +2}-1=|\frac{n^2+3n-n^2-2}{n^2+2}|=|\frac{3n-2}{n^2+2}|<h[/tex]
(your using h instead of [itex]\epsilon[/itex]) Now try to simplify this using some inequalites. I'll show you how to make the first simplification. You want this to be less than h, and you can see that it is less than:
so it will suffice to show that this is less than h when n is greater than some N. Since n is positive, you can pull it outside the absolute value to get:
You just need to make one more simplification and you should be able to get a formula for N interms of h.

I mean I can do it the way by dividing both numerator and denominator by n^2

Here is my solution:

a_n = (n^2 +3n) / (n^2 +2) --> 1, as n-->infinity.
Divide both numerator and denominator by n^2,
a_n = [(n^2)/(n^2) +(3n)/(n^2) ] / [(n^2)/(n^2) +2/(n^2)] --->1, as n-->infinity.
a_n = [1 +3/n] / [1 +2/(n^2)] --> 1, as n-->infinity.
The 3/n and 2/(n^2) approach zero as n approaches infinity, so,
a_n = [1] / [1] ---> 1
a_n --> 1

But I have never ever done it using that h and N? And I am lost. Would someone mind doing it? To get to a_n -->1 as n --> infinity
  • #6
Natasha1 said:
I mean I can do it the way by dividing both numerator and denominator by n^2

Here is my solution:

a_n = (n^2 +3n) / (n^2 +2) --> 1, as n-->infinity.
Divide both numerator and denominator by n^2,
a_n = [(n^2)/(n^2) +(3n)/(n^2) ] / [(n^2)/(n^2) +2/(n^2)] --->1, as n-->infinity.
a_n = [1 +3/n] / [1 +2/(n^2)] --> 1, as n-->infinity.
The 3/n and 2/(n^2) approach zero as n approaches infinity, so,
a_n = [1] / [1] ---> 1
a_n --> 1

But I have never ever done it using that h and N? And I am lost. Would someone mind doing it? To get to a_n -->1 as n --> infinity
You have proven that a_n-->1, but you didn't use the definition. Since you've never seen an example of how its done I'll show ou how to do a similar one. suppose a_n=[itex]\frac{n^2+n-1}{n^2}[/tex] and we want to show this converges to 1. Then we look at the difference |a_n-1|, which simplifies to
We only need to make one simplification to find N. We need:
For any value of n>0, this is always less than
Then if
This must mean that
So we just need to choose n so big that
Choosing N=1/h will make the above inequality true whenever n>N. The above inequality implies that |an-1|<h so that's all you need. You're problem is very similar from where I left off.
  • #7
LeonhardEuler said:
You have proven that a_n-->1, but you didn't use the definition. Since you've never seen an example of how its done I'll show ou how to do a similar one. suppose a_n=[itex]\frac{n^2+n-1}{n^2}[/tex] and we want to show this converges to 1. Then we look at the difference |a_n-1|, which simplifies to
We only need to make one simplification to find N. We need:
For any value of n>0, this is always less than
Then if
This must mean that
So we just need to choose n so big that
Choosing N=1/h will make the above inequality true whenever n>N. The above inequality implies that |an-1|<h so that's all you need. You're problem is very similar from where I left off.

Thanks LeonhardEuler, you are a gentleman!
  • #8
Natasha1 said:
I can't do this one :-(

Prove from the definition that [tex]a_n=\frac{n^2 + 3n}{n^2 +2}
[/tex]-> 1 as n -> [tex]\infty[/tex]

Right here is my attempt then:

Lets look at the difference |a_n-1|, which simplifies to

[tex]|a_n-1|=\frac{n^2 + 3n}{n^2 +2}-1=|\frac{n^2+3n-n^2-2}{n^2+2}|=|\frac{3n-2}{n^2+2}|[/tex]

This can be re-written as:


Since n is positive, to find N, we need:


For any value of n>0, this is always less than




Then if


This must mean that


So we just need to choose n so big that


Choosing N=2/h will make the above inequality true whenever n>N. The above inequality implies that |an-1|<h.

And therefore

[tex]a_n=\frac{n^2 + 3n}{n^2 +2}[/tex]-> 1 as n -> [tex]\infty[/tex]
  • #9
Natasha1 said:
Right here is my attempt then:

Lets look at the difference |a_n-1|, which simplifies to

[tex]|a_n-1|=\frac{n^2 + 3n}{n^2 +2}-1=|\frac{n^2+3n-n^2-2}{n^2+2}|=|\frac{3n-2}{n^2+2}|[/tex]

This can be re-written as:

This isn't actually re-writing the original equation, its another inequality:
We actualy want
Since we have that
then if [itex]|\frac{3n-2}{n^2}|<h[/itex], [itex] |\frac{3n-2}{n^2+2}|[/itex] must also be less than h.
Since n is positive, to find N, we need:


For any value of n>0, this is always less than

You mean


Then if


This must mean that


So we just need to choose n so big that


Choosing N=2/h will make the above inequality true whenever n>N. The above inequality implies that |an-1|<h.

And therefore

[tex]a_n=\frac{n^2 + 3n}{n^2 +2}[/tex]-> 1 as n -> [tex]\infty[/tex]
The rest is right as long as you fix the problem with the 3.

FAQ: Proving Sequence a_n = 1 as n Goes to Infinity

1. What does it mean to prove a sequence as n goes to infinity?

Proving a sequence as n goes to infinity means showing that as the value of n increases without bound, the terms of the sequence approach a specific value or limit.

2. How is the limit of a sequence determined?

The limit of a sequence can be determined by evaluating the terms of the sequence as n approaches infinity. If the terms approach a specific value or oscillate between two values, the limit can be determined. If the terms do not approach a specific value or oscillate without a pattern, the limit does not exist.

3. What is the importance of proving a sequence as n goes to infinity?

Proving a sequence as n goes to infinity is important because it helps to understand the behavior of the sequence in the long term. It can also provide insights into the properties and patterns of the sequence, which can be useful in various fields of study such as mathematics, physics, and computer science.

4. What are some techniques for proving a sequence as n goes to infinity?

There are various techniques for proving a sequence as n goes to infinity, including the use of specific theorems such as the Squeeze Theorem, the Monotone Convergence Theorem, and the Cauchy Criterion. Other techniques involve using algebraic manipulation, induction, and graphing to show the behavior of the sequence as n approaches infinity.

5. Can a sequence have multiple limits as n goes to infinity?

No, a sequence can only have one limit as n goes to infinity. This limit may not exist, or it can be a specific value or infinity. If the sequence has multiple limits, it means that the sequence is not well-defined and does not have a clear pattern or behavior as n approaches infinity.

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