Seti@Home and other screen savers

  • Thread starter Nereid
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In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of shared computing and screen savers such as SETI@Home and folding@home. Participants discuss their experiences with these programs and whether or not they are still using them. There is also mention of other shared computing projects, such as ZetaGrid, and the potential for grid computing to solve larger problems by utilizing the computing power of home PCs. One participant shares a humorous story about leaving a fake SETI screen for a housesitter. There is also a brief mention of using shared computing on a Mac.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
Who runs this on their PC/workstation?

Any others like it in use among the members of PF?

Just curious.
Physics news on
  • #2
I was really into Seti@Home a few years ago. I didn't run it as a screen saver because it ran almost twice as fast on my computer without the graphics, I didn't realize they were still doing it though. I think they changed their website or something because last time I tried downloading a new packet I couldn't get through.
  • #3
I used to run folding@home and some cancer research screensaver too. Not anymore though since I set my monitor to turn off.
  • #4
I run seti.
  • #5
Originally posted by russ_watters
I run seti.

yeah, but you are an alien so it doesn't count
  • #6
I have been running SETI since the first month of the program. I have it on three computers with a running total of about 15000 hrs.

As a sidebar. I once left a falsefied SETI screen for a housesitter. I copied the SETI screen into Paint and added the text:

  • #7
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I have been running SETI since the first month of the program. I have it on three computers with a running total of about 15000 hrs.

As a sidebar. I once left a falsefied SETI screen for a housesitter. I copied the SETI screen into Paint and added the text:


Did she (he)?

[Invited to dinner by Ivan? Check seats for woopie cushions]
  • #8
Originally posted by Nereid
Did she (he)?

[Invited to dinner by Ivan? Check seats for woopie cushions]

, I do have my moments.

He waited until I called and he said something like: Hey, I don't know what this is but I ain't callin NASA.

He knew what it was but he wanted nothing to do with it.
  • #9
Originally posted by Greg Bernhardt
I used to run folding@home and some cancer research screensaver too. Not anymore though since I set my monitor to turn off.
Was this through

I run the ZetaGrid package:
The project seeks to verify the Riemann Hypothesis, which asserts that all nontrivial zeros of the zeta function are on the critical line (1/2+it where t is a real number).
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  • #10
I ran seti for a long time, and finally opted out of it in favor of another screen saver.
  • #11
Which one Zantra?

There's quite a lot happening in grid computing, and a number of companies are looking to develop platforms to break down general problems, for farming out as work units to the tens (hundreds?) of millions of home PC users who might be interested.
  • #12
Originally posted by Nereid
Which one Zantra?

There's quite a lot happening in grid computing, and a number of companies are looking to develop platforms to break down general problems, for farming out as work units to the tens (hundreds?) of millions of home PC users who might be interested.

Oh I didn't go to another shared computing screen saver, I just wanted some of my computing power back for me ancient workhorse of a PC

Was thinking about re-downloading seti though..
  • #13
can you do these things on a mac?

update: yep, sure can

ill have to try one of these (never done 'em before)
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FAQ: Seti@Home and other screen savers

1. What is Seti@Home and how does it work?

Seti@Home is a scientific experiment that uses volunteers' computers to analyze radio signals from space in search of potential extraterrestrial intelligence. Users download a special screensaver that runs in the background while their computer is idle, using its processing power to analyze data from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

2. Can anyone participate in Seti@Home and other screensaver projects?

Yes, anyone with a computer and internet connection can participate in Seti@Home and other screensaver projects. All you need to do is download the screensaver and let it run while your computer is not in use.

3. Is there a risk to my computer's security or performance when using Seti@Home and other screensavers?

No, there is no risk to your computer's security or performance when using Seti@Home and other screensavers. The software is thoroughly tested and has been used by millions of volunteers without any issues.

4. How do Seti@Home and other screensavers benefit scientific research?

Seti@Home and other screensavers use the collective processing power of volunteers' computers to analyze massive amounts of data that would take years for traditional computers to process. This allows scientists to make progress in their research at a much faster pace.

5. Can I customize the settings of Seti@Home and other screensavers?

Yes, you can customize the settings of Seti@Home and other screensavers to suit your preferences. You can choose the amount of processing power to dedicate to the project, set the screensaver to only run during specific times, and even choose which specific projects you want to support.

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