Significant nuclear/atomic physics papers of early 1900s

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty of finding physics papers from 1800-1950 and the development of modern atomic theory and nuclear physics during that time period. It suggests searching for specific scientists' biographies and checking references and bibliographies for relevant papers. It also mentions the possibility of finding online copies of these papers through a Google search.
  • #1
What were some physics papers during the 1800-1950s?
Physics news on
  • #2
That question is impossibly broad. That's a century and a half!
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
That question is impossibly broad. That's a century and a half!

And in nuclear/atomic physics too! How about the entire development of modern atomic theory from Mendelev inventing the periodic table, to the plum pudding model, through to the development of modern atomic theory, the development of nuclear physics and the discovery of the various subatomic particles?

It's not too far off to say that atomic/nuclear physics didn't exist before 1800.

lonely_nucleus: This is a good place to start.
  • #4
I understand that my question was broad, will anyone give me some websites where I can find original papers of nuclear science?
  • #5
lonely_nucleus said:
I understand that my question was broad, will anyone give me some websites where I can find original papers of nuclear science?
That's pretty broad, too.

If you are looking for the scientific papers of a particular scientist, look up his or her biography online and check the references and bibliography.

Depending on whom you are interested, be prepared to dig thru obscure journals published in foreign languages, like German, French, Italian, Russian, etc.

Some institutions, like the Prussian Academy of Science, which published some of Einstein's work, no longer exist.
  • #6
SteamKing said:
look up his or her biography online and check the references and bibliography

The references in some pages (try Wikipedia in particular) should contain the titles of journal articles. When you've found the title of one that looks relevant, try a Google search for the exact title by putting the whole title in quotes. This will probably turn up an online copy.

FAQ: Significant nuclear/atomic physics papers of early 1900s

1. What were some significant nuclear/atomic physics papers published in the early 1900s?

Some significant papers published in the early 1900s in the field of nuclear/atomic physics include Ernest Rutherford's gold foil experiment paper (1911), Niels Bohr's atomic theory paper (1913), and James Chadwick's paper on the discovery of the neutron (1932).

2. How did Ernest Rutherford's gold foil experiment contribute to our understanding of the atom?

Rutherford's experiment showed that atoms have a small, dense, positively charged nucleus at the center, with electrons orbiting around it. This led to the development of the nuclear model of the atom, which replaced the previous plum pudding model.

3. What was Niels Bohr's atomic theory and how did it impact the field of nuclear physics?

Bohr's atomic theory proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels, rather than continuously. This theory helped to explain the stability of atoms and led to further research on the structure of the atom.

4. What was the significance of James Chadwick's discovery of the neutron?

Chadwick's discovery of the neutron provided evidence for the existence of a neutral particle within the nucleus of an atom. This helped to explain the discrepancy between the atomic mass and atomic number of elements and led to further understanding of nuclear reactions.

5. How did these early 1900s papers lay the foundation for modern nuclear physics?

These papers introduced groundbreaking theories and discoveries about the structure and behavior of atoms, which formed the basis for further research and advancements in the field of nuclear physics. They also paved the way for the development of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, which have had a significant impact on modern society.

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