Silvaco Atlas export Energy Band Diagram programatically

In summary, the speaker is looking for a way to export values from .str files generated by silvaco to a format that can be easily read into MATLAB. They have tried using the output and save commands, but are encountering errors and difficulty specifying the desired parameters. They are seeking advice on how to extract information from the .str files using the EXTRACT function, and mention the existence of utilities for reading .str files.
  • #1

I perform my post-processing and analysis of data from silvaco in MATLAB and would like to export values from the .str file to a file that can be read easily into matlab. Does anyone know of a way to do this programmatically? I can do it in tonyplot, but I've got everything else scripted and often run several input decks simultaneously. I don't really want to have to use tonyplot to plot each .str file then drop a cutline, change the displayed parameters, and export each one individually.

For Example, I output the concentration of acceptors and donors, and the valence band and conduction band energies to the .str file. If I want to export the conduction band potential energy vs. the depth what command would I use?

I've tried:

>>output band.param e.mob h.mob
>>save outf=Cond_Band.str cutline x.cutline=0.5

But it errors (and I don't know how to specify the conduction band display).

I want something like the extract command for .log files, but in this case for .str files.
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  • #2
I'm sorry you are not generating any responses at the moment. Is there any additional information you can share with us? Any new findings?
  • #3
That's alright, I was unable to solve this problem and have placed it on the back burner for the time being. I'd still like to implement this in the future, however, if anyone knows how to export energy band diagrams from silvaco.
  • #4
$mathieu said:

I perform my post-processing and analysis of data from silvaco in MATLAB and would like to export values from the .str file to a file that can be read easily into matlab. Does anyone know of a way to do this programmatically? I can do it in tonyplot, but I've got everything else scripted and often run several input decks simultaneously. I don't really want to have to use tonyplot to plot each .str file then drop a cutline, change the displayed parameters, and export each one individually.

For Example, I output the concentration of acceptors and donors, and the valence band and conduction band energies to the .str file. If I want to export the conduction band potential energy vs. the depth what command would I use?

I've tried:

>>output band.param e.mob h.mob
>>save outf=Cond_Band.str cutline x.cutline=0.5

But it errors (and I don't know how to specify the conduction band display).

I want something like the extract command for .log files, but in this case for .str files.
I think you should use the EXTRACT function - see deckbuild manual, around page 137 for the variables you can extract.
Or look around - there are some utilities out there for reading structure files I believe though I don't use them so I can't help more.
Work out how to use extract is my advice.
  • #5


Thank you for your question. It is possible to export the energy band diagram from Silvaco Atlas programmatically using the "export" command. Here is an example of the command structure:

export band.param e.mob h.mob outf=Cond_Band.str cutline x.cutline=0.5

The "export" command allows you to specify the parameters you want to export, as well as the output file name and cutline settings. In this case, the "" parameter represents the conduction band energy. You can also add additional parameters as needed.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you.

FAQ: Silvaco Atlas export Energy Band Diagram programatically

How do I export Energy Band Diagram data from Silvaco Atlas programmatically?

To export Energy Band Diagram data from Silvaco Atlas programmatically, you can use the "export energyband" command in the command line interface. This will save the data in a text file, which can then be imported into other programs for further analysis.

What are the advantages of using the Silvaco Atlas export Energy Band Diagram program?

The Silvaco Atlas export Energy Band Diagram program allows for quick and efficient analysis of energy band diagrams, which can be used to study the behavior of semiconductor devices. It also allows for programmable automation, making it easier to analyze large datasets and perform repetitive tasks.

Can I customize the export settings for the Energy Band Diagram data in Silvaco Atlas?

Yes, the export settings for the Energy Band Diagram data can be customized in Silvaco Atlas. Users can specify the range of data to be exported, the format of the output file, and other settings according to their specific needs.

How accurate is the Energy Band Diagram data exported from Silvaco Atlas?

The accuracy of the Energy Band Diagram data exported from Silvaco Atlas depends on the accuracy of the simulation parameters and models used. Silvaco Atlas is known for its high level of accuracy in simulating semiconductor devices, so the exported data can be considered reliable for further analysis.

Can I export Energy Band Diagram data for different doping levels or material compositions in Silvaco Atlas?

Yes, Silvaco Atlas allows for the export of Energy Band Diagram data for various doping levels and material compositions. This enables users to study the effects of different parameters on the energy band diagram and analyze the behavior of devices under different conditions.
