Is Dating the Mother Before Marrying the Daughter a Good Idea?

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In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of marriage and alternative ways to spice up a relationship, such as robbing banks and going on the run. Some suggest getting married and then committing a crime together, while others suggest avoiding marriage altogether. The conversation also includes a mention of the movie "The Graduate" and the use of a cello versus a heavy metal guitar in a dramatic moment.
  • #1
Just to make you guys aware:

The silky-soft, curvy, hot, fun-loving, daring young lady you date transforms into a wife 27 hours and 15 minutes after the wedding.

My advice:

Date the mother for 1 month before deciding to wed the daughter. Don’t worry about the father; he’ll think it’s great.

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  • #2
Didn't you watch 'The Graduate'?

Everyone knows that such a scheme results in nothing but vague alienation, the use of public transport, and plenty of Simon and Garfunkle.
  • #3
^^^ lol, dj

Better solution: don't get married. Fear commitment. ;)
  • #4
Or...get married, then, on your honeymoon, drive around with your beloved, robbing banks, convenience stores, bars, pedestrians, etc. all to a *****in' rock and slamming techno soundtrack.

Then, go on the run for a couple of years. Eventually you should get caught, savour a brief recollection of your loved one and then, with a sardonic smile and a cello playing in the background, hang yourself in your cell.

The advantages are obvious:

a) continuous excitement
b) brief wealth
c) lots of 'quality time' together
d) enjoying the kind of spice that only crime can add to a marriage
e) a kick arse soundtrack.
f) hurting people you don't like...with sticks!

That's my plan. Any takers?
  • #5
Hey Dj Sneaky Whiskers I agree with all of that !
But what's with the chello ?!
A heavy metal guitar better suits the moment ! :wink:
  • #6
Heavy Metal for the pathos laden suicide of a social misfit? Can't say I approve of that. For a start, the wardens would frown. Although I reckon the guitar would work for racing over the border to another, sunny, non-extraditing country would work.
  • #7
Don't forget the to consume large amounts of LSD, get bitten by a rattlesnake, and get arrested after robbing a grocery store for antivenin. Then you can start a prison riot to break your loved one out: the best bonding experience ever.
  • #8
ah but within the prsion scheme lies a problem. Your loved one will have already been beeatched by Martha the Knukles McGulicutty which will result in your belvoed losing interest in you and spark a whirl wind romance with martha
  • #9
I don't care, by then my long dead carcass will be swaying from the lampshade in a vaguely symbolic, pendulum like way. As such, it would be cruel of me to expect my beloved not to pursue a new life with Martha.
  • #10
Martha's MY b**ch and don't you forget it

FAQ: Is Dating the Mother Before Marrying the Daughter a Good Idea?

1. Is it socially acceptable to date the mother before marrying the daughter?

It is generally not considered socially acceptable to date the mother before marrying the daughter. This type of relationship is often seen as taboo and can cause tension and discomfort within the family. It can also lead to complicated dynamics and potential issues in the future.

2. Are there any potential legal implications of dating the mother before marrying the daughter?

Depending on the laws and regulations of the specific location, there may be legal implications of dating the mother before marrying the daughter. For example, in some places, this type of relationship may be considered incestuous and can result in legal consequences.

3. What are the potential emotional consequences of dating the mother before marrying the daughter?

Dating the mother before marrying the daughter can have negative emotional consequences for all parties involved. The daughter may feel betrayed or resentful towards both the mother and the partner, and the mother may also experience feelings of guilt or regret. It can also cause strain in the relationship between the mother and daughter.

4. Are there any cultural or religious beliefs that may impact the decision to date the mother before marrying the daughter?

Some cultures and religions have strict beliefs and values regarding relationships and marriage, and dating the mother before marrying the daughter may go against these beliefs. It is important to consider and respect these beliefs before pursuing this type of relationship.

5. Is it possible for a relationship to be successful if the mother and daughter are both involved romantically with the same person?

While every relationship is unique, it can be challenging for a relationship to be successful if the mother and daughter are both involved romantically with the same person. The dynamics of this type of relationship can be complicated and may lead to conflicts and issues that can be difficult to navigate.
