Solid state and quantum mechanic independence?

In summary, the student is concerned about the level of independence between taking an introductory quantum mechanics course and an introductory solid state course. The student is also concerned about whether or not taking both courses will hinder their learning experience.
  • #1
0 here I go!

Abstract: To determine the level of independence between an introductory solid state course to an introductory quantum mechanics course.

The deal is I’m going in my third year of a Bsc with honours (yes Canada lol) and specialization in Physics-Mathematics and I’m cornered in a tight spot, next semester I need to take Intro. To QM, Thermodynamics, theoretical physics and an introduction to numerical methods, but if I also take intro to solid state I save myself from taking an additional semester to my total program. So will it hamper my learning experience if I attempt to take both intro. to QM and SS at the same time? My current knowledge is QM is purely introductory at this point, mostly gained during modern physics. I just want to be able to extrapolate the most I can from SS without the fact that I might be missing some key points from QM for the majority of the course.

Let’s discuss the similarities of introductory courses in solid state and quantum mechanics.

Help inform me on their union and interception so I can make an educated decision!

Physics news on
  • #2
A course in quantum mechanics is usually required before taking a course in solid state.
  • #3
You should really ask the instructor for a syllabus. A typical undergrad one semester intro to solid state should be completely understandable with only a rudimentary knowledge of QM. If the instructor expects you to have taken a QM course already though, chances are they're going to draw on it.
  • #4
will.c said:
You should really ask the instructor for a syllabus. A typical undergrad one semester intro to solid state should be completely understandable with only a rudimentary knowledge of QM. If the instructor expects you to have taken a QM course already though, chances are they're going to draw on it.

The instructor for the course hasnt been chosen yet but here is the course description:

Crystal structure and its experimental determination. Cohesion in different solids. Crystal vibrations and thermal properties of solids. The Drude and Sommerfeld theories of metals. Energy bands. Semi-conductor crystals. Optical processes and excitons. Magnetic properties of solids. Dielectrics and ferroelectrics. Defects and dislocations. Noncrystalline solids.

thermodynamics being a corequisite, and the prerequisite being modern physics which is where i attained my QM knowledge but the problem is i talked to friends of mine about subatomic 1 which doesn't have the QM course as a prerequisite and they felt that having taken the QM course would of truly helped them in the process of understand the material even though they had taken modern physics.
  • #5
hadrons said:
...Energy bands. Semi-conductor crystals. Optical processes and excitons. Magnetic properties of solids. Dielectrics and ferroelectrics. Defects and dislocations. Noncrystalline solids.

Those right there require a significant amount of QM to do it right...

FAQ: Solid state and quantum mechanic independence?

1. What is solid state physics?

Solid state physics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of solid materials, such as crystals and metals. It focuses on understanding the physical properties of these materials, including their electrical, magnetic, and thermal behaviors.

2. What is the difference between solid state physics and quantum mechanics?

Solid state physics and quantum mechanics are closely related, but they are different fields of study. Solid state physics focuses on the macroscopic properties of solid materials, while quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

3. How are solid state physics and quantum mechanics related?

Solid state physics and quantum mechanics are closely related, as quantum mechanics provides the theoretical foundation for understanding the behavior of particles and atoms in solid materials. Solid state physicists use quantum mechanics to explain the properties and behavior of solid materials.

4. What is the significance of solid state physics in technology?

Solid state physics has a major impact on technology, as it helps in the development of electronic devices such as transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits. It also plays a crucial role in the advancement of materials science, which is essential for developing new technologies.

5. What are some real-world applications of solid state physics?

Some real-world applications of solid state physics include the development of computer chips, solar cells, and LED lights. It is also used in the production of advanced materials for aerospace and defense industries, as well as in medical devices such as pacemakers and MRI machines.
