- #1
- 260
- 16
- TL;DR Summary
- Calculate the transmission and reflection coefficients in the potential ##V(x)=-\frac{1}{\cosh^2 (x)}##, given the wavefunction ##\psi(x)=(\tanh(x)-ik)e^{ikx}##
We have the potential $$V(x)=-\frac{1}{\cosh^2 (x)}$$
Show that the Schrödinger equation has the solution
and calculate the transmission and reflection coefficients for the scattering process.
It is easy to show that the given wavefunction indeed solves the Schrödinger equation and it has energy $$E=\frac{k^2}{2}$$
My problem is with the principle of calculating the transmission and reflection coefficients. So far, I have only solved problems for square potentials where the transfer matrices can be constructed by taking the ratios of the left and right moving coefficients of the wavefunction before and after the scattering, but I am confused about applying this to such a potential. I tried to calculated the probability current
$$j=\frac{1}{2}(\psi \psi'^*-\psi^*\psi')=k+k^3$$
because generally, the transmission and reflection coefficients are calculated from this, but I don't know how and also, the dimensions are a bit confusing.
Show that the Schrödinger equation has the solution
and calculate the transmission and reflection coefficients for the scattering process.
It is easy to show that the given wavefunction indeed solves the Schrödinger equation and it has energy $$E=\frac{k^2}{2}$$
My problem is with the principle of calculating the transmission and reflection coefficients. So far, I have only solved problems for square potentials where the transfer matrices can be constructed by taking the ratios of the left and right moving coefficients of the wavefunction before and after the scattering, but I am confused about applying this to such a potential. I tried to calculated the probability current
$$j=\frac{1}{2}(\psi \psi'^*-\psi^*\psi')=k+k^3$$
because generally, the transmission and reflection coefficients are calculated from this, but I don't know how and also, the dimensions are a bit confusing.