Solving Homogenous ODEs with Variable Coefficients

  • Thread starter Baartzy89
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In summary, the conversation is discussing a problem involving a body attached to a spring and the motion described by a second Newton's law equation. The initial question is asking for the range of values of 'a' for which the body will move with or without oscillations. The conversation then moves on to discussing the method for finding the general solution for a variable coefficient 'a'. The conversation ends with the speaker sharing their solution for part C of the question and asking for feedback.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm struggling with this question - I don't really know where to start. So far I have tried putting arbitrary values for 'a' into a quadratic auxiliary equation but using wolfram to calculate the roots gives me complex conjugates that I can't remember a thing about. Question as follows:

A body of mass 'm' kg attached to a spring moves with friction. The motion is described by the second Newton's law:

m(t).y" + a(t).y' + ky = 0

Where y is the body displacement in m, t is the time in s, a > 0 is the friction coefficient in kg/s and k is the spring constant in kg/s^2. Assuming m=1kg and k=4kg/s^2 find;

A) what is the range of values of a for which the body moves (i) with oscillations, (ii) w
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  • #2
first you need to know m(t). I'm assuming its constant, some value m that doesn't change. Your a(t) what is that? I'm guessing its the "drag coefficient" this is also usually a constant. I've seen it represented as R. Then divide through by m to get y'' by itself. Then I always let 2b=R/m (you need to carry the 2 around, imo this is the cleanest way to do it). Then I let k/m=w^2 Now you have y''+2by'+w^2y=0 to find the solution you guess that y=e^rt. Then differentiate this and plug it into your ODE to find values of r that work. Then you have the general solution y=c*e^r1t+k*e^r2t. When I did this problem I found r1=-b+sqrt(b^2+w^2) and r2=b-sqrt(b^2+w^2).

You need initial conditions to continue from there
  • #3
Yes, m is a constant and is the mass of the pendulum which is 1kg. 'a' is the friction coefficient which is >0. So I take it I need to find a general solution for the equation with variable coefficient 'a' prove that this general solution slows to a rest state as t approaches infinity and then plug the initial conditions in part c of the question and solve.

Is there a decent you tube video out there or tutorial which describes your method?
  • #4
Damn, I just realized half of my original question was missing. Doing this on an iPhone is not easy
  • #5
I'm sure there is. This is the standard method for non-homogeneus second order ODEs with constant coefficients. You 'guess' what the solution is, and find out what you have to do to make it work. In this case you guess e^rt because the derivative of exponentials are exponentails and you can have them add up to zero if you choose the right values of r. Remember, when you take the derivative, an r comes down. Also, recall that e^rt is never zero. So divide by e^rt; you will be left with a quadratic equation in r. Solve this. It will give you two values of r that work. The most general is that answer that I gave above: y=c*e^r1t+k*e^r2t where r1 and r2 are the solutions to the quadratic equation you found. Now take the limit as t->infinity and show this is zero. What exactly are the other questions.
  • #6
If you take the section I originally posted as the intro, and then the questions as follows;

A) what is the range of 'a' for which the body moves (i) with oscillations, (ii) without oscillations?

B) Find the general solution for any a<4 (Your solution should be a formula depending on the parameter a.) Prove that it follows from the solution obtained that the body slows down to a virtually rest state at large time (ie as t goes to infinity)?

C) Find the particular solution for a=4 subject to the initial conditions y(0)=0, dy/dt=1 m/s at t=0. Plot this solution and determine the largest displacement of the mass using calculus.
  • #7
I've managed to work out part C, but the first two are still baffling me - mostly how to create a general solution for variable 'a'. Can anyone talk me through how to do it? The only Linear Homogenous equations I remember solving had constant coefficients.

Below is my answer for part C, please let me know if I've made a mistake somewhere.

C) when a=4
Auxiliary equation is;

Which both roots equal -2, therefore general solution y(t)=(At+B)e^kt where k=-2

Initial conditions y(0)=0, y'(0)=1

Therefore B=1, -2B+A=1 hence A=3

Therefore final solution;
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Related to Solving Homogenous ODEs with Variable Coefficients

What is a homogenous ODE problem?

A homogenous ODE problem is a type of ordinary differential equation (ODE) where all the terms in the equation are of the same degree, meaning they all have the same power. This allows the equation to be solved using a substitution method, where the solution is expressed in terms of a single variable.

How do you solve a homogenous ODE problem?

To solve a homogenous ODE problem, you can use the substitution method. This involves substituting a new variable, usually y = vx, into the original equation and solving for v and x. Once you have the solution in terms of v and x, you can then substitute back to get the final solution in terms of the original variable, y.

What is the difference between a homogenous and non-homogenous ODE problem?

The main difference between a homogenous and non-homogenous ODE problem is the form of the equations. In a homogenous ODE problem, all the terms have the same degree, while in a non-homogenous ODE problem, the terms have different degrees. This means that the methods used to solve these types of problems are different.

What are some real-life applications of homogenous ODE problems?

Homogenous ODE problems have many real-life applications, such as in physics, chemistry, and engineering. For example, they can be used to model the growth of populations, the rate of chemical reactions, and the motion of objects under the influence of forces.

What are some common techniques used to solve homogenous ODE problems?

Some common techniques used to solve homogenous ODE problems include the substitution method, separation of variables, and integrating factors. These methods can also be combined to solve more complex homogenous ODE problems.

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