Spin angular momentum of electron

In summary, the concept of spin for an electron is a quantum mechanical phenomenon and cannot be treated classically as rotation. The name "spin" is misleading as it is simply an intrinsic degree of freedom. According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the electron is always in motion and cannot be at rest. Applying classical electromagnetism to an electron does not work due to its quantum behavior.
  • #1
hi pf, i got following questions in my mind while reading about the spin angular momentum of an electron.
1. From rotational dynamics we know that to have angular momentum a body must necessarily rotation or motion? so does an electron rotates as it has spin angular momentum or does it vibrates?

2. And if it does, won't it radiate ?
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  • #2
dev70 said:
hi pf, i got following questions in my mind while reading about the spin angular momentum of an electron.
1. From rotational dynamics we know that to have angular momentum a body must necessarily rotation or motion? so does an electron rotates as it has spin angular momentum or does it vibrates?

2. And if it does, won't it radiate ?

Spin is a quantum mechanical phenomenon. It doesn't have a classical analogue, so you can't treat the electron as if it's rotating. In fact, if we naively treated the angular momentum classically, we'd find that the electron (if it were spherical) would have a tangential velocity many times the speed of light -- obviously absurd!

The name "spin" itself is therefore misleading. Spin is simply an intrinsic degree of freedom that we can't intuitively understand.
  • #3
ok.i got it. so does that mean an electron is a rest always with no motion. if we have a look at Hisenberg's Uncertainty Principle then i think we can say that the electron is always in a motion?? could we?
  • #4
dev70 said:
ok.i got it. so does that mean an electron is a rest always with no motion.

No, it doesn't imply that.

dev70 said:
if we have a look at Hisenberg's Uncertainty Principle then i think we can say that the electron is always in a motion?? could we?

Precisely. For the electron to be at rest, it would necessarily have a well-defined position (x=x_rest). But it must also necessarily have a well-defined momentum since it is at rest (v=0), and this violates the uncertainty relation.
  • #5
Then a electron is always in a kind of motion. If we just take up a thought experiment where an electron is moving just in an empty space i.e., vacuum should it radiate?
  • #6
dev70 said:
Then a electron is always in a kind of motion. If we just take up a thought experiment where an electron is moving just in an empty space i.e., vacuum should it radiate?

The problem is that you're applying classical electromagnetism to a particle that doesn't behave classically. Hopefully someone who knows QED will step in at this point and maybe elaborate a little, but I can't really give a deeper reason than that at the moment.
  • #7
Yaa. You are right. With Classical physics i am getting confused. I need quantum mechanism. I did a brief search and i think i have got it.

FAQ: Spin angular momentum of electron

1. What is spin angular momentum of an electron?

The spin angular momentum of an electron refers to the intrinsic rotational property of an electron. It is one of the fundamental properties of an electron, along with its charge and mass.

2. How is spin angular momentum different from orbital angular momentum?

Spin angular momentum and orbital angular momentum are two forms of angular momentum possessed by an electron. While orbital angular momentum is related to the electron's motion around the nucleus, spin angular momentum is an inherent property of the electron itself and is not related to its movement.

3. How is spin angular momentum measured?

The spin angular momentum of an electron is measured in units of Planck's constant divided by 4π, also known as h-bar. This unit is often denoted as ħ (pronounced "h-bar"). The value of spin angular momentum can be determined through various experiments such as the Stern-Gerlach experiment.

4. What is the significance of spin angular momentum in quantum mechanics?

Spin angular momentum plays a crucial role in quantum mechanics, as it is one of the quantum numbers used to describe the energy level and properties of an electron in an atom. It also helps explain the magnetic properties of atoms and particles, and is a key concept in the study of subatomic particles.

5. Can the spin angular momentum of an electron change?

No, the spin angular momentum of an electron is a constant value that cannot be changed. It is a fundamental property of the electron and is always conserved in any physical process. However, the direction of the spin can change, resulting in different spin states of the electron.

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