SR and GR in a medium, gravitational waves

In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of Lorentz transformations and the alteration of the speed of light in a medium with a refractive index. It is noted that this should not influence the Lorentz transformations, but the invariant speed of light, c, is affected by the medium's refractive index. The topic of Cerenkov radiation and the implications for the mass of the photon is also brought up. The conversation then shifts to the topic of gravitational waves in a medium and the difficulties in performing a linearization. The question of whether gravitational waves still exist beyond this point is raised. The possibility of writing the Einstein Equation as a nonlinear wave is mentioned, but it is uncertain if this is equivalent to gravitational waves as small perturb
  • #1
Science Advisor
Insights Author
A little question which I thought of today.

I thought about what happened in a medium with Lorentz transformation. With a refraction index n, the speed of light is altered to c/n. However, as far as I can see now this shouldn't influence the Lorentztransformations, right? It's tempting to put c --> c/n in the Lorentz transformations. If this would be the case, one would have a hard time explaining things like Cerenkov radiation. Also, photons interact with the electromagnetic properties of a material, but we could think of massless particles without charge. So it seems that the idea of putting c to c/n in a Lorentz transformation would "single out" photons, while the axiom "all inertial observers measure the same speed of light" shouldn't depend on the particular massless particle you could take. Could some one comment on that?

But what about gravitational waves in a medium? I don't see how the linearized Einstein equations with non vanishing energy momentum tensor would still give a wave equation with a speed exactly equal to c. And what would be the vacuum around which we do this linearised expansion? How would we perform such a perturbation, and are there articles or books about this?

And also something which has bothered me a long time about gravitational waves: what about the case in which we can't perform a linearisation? Is it true that for arbitrary "massive/energetic" sources we still have gravitational waves which travel at c? At some point our perturbation breaks down, I would say, and then we would have a hard time getting a wave equation.

Just some thoughts :)
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  • #2
haushofer said:
With a refraction index n, the speed of light is altered to c/n. However, as far as I can see now this shouldn't influence the Lorentztransformations, right?
You are correct. The invariant speed, c, is the speed of light in vacuum, not in the local medium.
  • #3
In a medium, the refractive index usually is a function of frequency, so the speed of light will be a function of frequency, and there should not be Lorentz invariance, except in special cases.

Yes, the gravitational wave picture breaks down if a linearization cannot be performed.
  • #5
atyy said:
Yes, the gravitational wave picture breaks down if a linearization cannot be performed.
So what are the reasons to believe we still have gravitational waves beyond that point?
  • #6
haushofer said:
So what are the reasons to believe we still have gravitational waves beyond that point?

You can write the Einstein Equation as a nonlinear wave if the spacetime can be covered by harmonic coordinates. But I don't know if the "waves" there mean the same thing as gravitational waves as small perturbations on a background spacetime.

FAQ: SR and GR in a medium, gravitational waves

1. What is the difference between SR and GR in a medium?

In special relativity (SR), the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, regardless of the medium they are in. However, in general relativity (GR), the laws of physics are modified by the presence of a gravitational field, which can be considered as a medium.

2. How do gravitational waves behave in a medium?

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time caused by the acceleration of massive objects. In a medium, the speed and amplitude of gravitational waves may be affected by the properties of the medium, such as its density and composition.

3. Can gravitational waves travel through all types of mediums?

Yes, gravitational waves can travel through any medium, including vacuum. This is because they are not made of particles like sound waves, but rather disturbances in the fabric of space-time itself.

4. How does the presence of a medium affect the detection of gravitational waves?

The presence of a medium may affect the detection of gravitational waves by changing their speed and amplitude, as well as causing scattering and absorption. This can make it more challenging to detect gravitational waves, but also provides valuable information about the medium they are traveling through.

5. Can gravitational waves be used to study the properties of a medium?

Yes, the behavior of gravitational waves in a medium can provide valuable insights into its properties, such as its density and composition. By analyzing the signals from gravitational wave detectors, scientists can learn more about the medium the waves have traveled through.

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